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Author Take 1 penis & 1 front lower strut brace....

Registered: 6th Oct 07
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5th Mar 09 at 21:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by lwigmore
Originally posted by DamoC
i would of beat him black and blue with the strut brace and teach the twat not to fuck with another mans moter ! make him pay ! (and beat him ) : )

Timmy, we all don't resort to violence

But i do agree with getting the money first then go for the beats

well i have always found that it makes people pay up ! he deservervs it ! makes it even worse that he didnt even say sorry and laughd about it !

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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5th Mar 09 at 21:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Shouldnt have left the garage until it was replaced or paid for.
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5th Mar 09 at 21:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So was this some random place you got your car MOT'd or do you work in the same place?

Registered: 25th May 06
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5th Mar 09 at 23:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would of killed them if someone had done that to my car.

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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5th Mar 09 at 23:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Seriously? if someone found a defective part of your car that was under stress and demonstrated it could be pulled off by hand, wouldnt you be happy they pointed it out to you before it caused you a problem?

Its not like he scratched an alloy or dented a body panel, he pulled a load bearing part off with his bare hands. Am i the only person who can see this strut brace was dangerously loose/weak?

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5th Mar 09 at 23:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I agree with Mr Rebel. Might just be me but seems lots of you are missing the fact that he knew it was not on properly and then put it in for an MOT

[Edited on 05-03-2009 by Adam_B]

Registered: 15th Mar 07
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6th Mar 09 at 00:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I hate little fuckers that do shit like that and don't give a damn, sounds like a prick that thinks he is the man, the ticket etc
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6th Mar 09 at 11:30   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DizzyRebel
If the bar snapped with him on it it wasnt right anyway. A strut brace should be able to withstand 80k of pressure from a bloke. You just said the brackets were bent and ill fitted, so in actual fact you had a potentially dangerous modification to your car that could have fell off during a drive and got wedged in your wheel or fetched a following motorcyclist off his bike in the process.

To me that sounds like an unroadworthy modification and he could argue it was part of the mot test and failed to meet structural demands.

The garage wont pay out for an ill fitted modification, we never would if we broke an ill fitted modification to someones bike as part of a test or service.

i dont think swinging on a strut brace can count as part of a mot test mate?

its not the most technical way of doing it
and the fact he disapeared after doing it also shows that he knows he is in the wrong aswell
so to be honest i wud go straight in there and demand money or a new brace

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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6th Mar 09 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its impossible to 'swing' from a strut brace. Sounds to me like he was holding his bodyweight up on it and it broke free in his hand. I know if i did that to someones strut brace and it came free in my hand id laugh and tell them not to bring a micky mouse car to my mot test station expecting a pass.

Either way, there is both a torsional and lateral shearing force on a strut brace, if id didnt come off in his hand IT WOULD have come off during driving at some point. Thus making the car unroadworthy and it should rightfully be refused a test certificate.

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6th Mar 09 at 12:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

dizzy has a point

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6th Mar 09 at 13:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by corsa_godfather
i would have went in and seen the boss there and then

Same here, that badger should pay for it.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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6th Mar 09 at 13:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If your car was in the middle of getting an MOT and he had nothing to do with it,why was he even near the car???

Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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6th Mar 09 at 13:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im confused do you mean the front anti roll bar?

if so hes done you a favour.. handles so much better without imo

Registered: 30th Dec 07
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6th Mar 09 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DizzyRebel
Its impossible to 'swing' from a strut brace. Sounds to me like he was holding his bodyweight up on it and it broke free in his hand. I know if i did that to someones strut brace and it came free in my hand id laugh and tell them not to bring a micky mouse car to my mot test station expecting a pass.

Either way, there is both a torsional and lateral shearing force on a strut brace, if id didnt come off in his hand IT WOULD have come off during driving at some point. Thus making the car unroadworthy and it should rightfully be refused a test certificate.

Just because his car was going to fail the MOT for the dodgy strut brace, does not give him the right to break it by swinging on it like a chimp! If someones tire was below the legal tread they wouldn't pop a hole in it and give you your car back would they? No! Pass or fail they must give you your car back the way you brought it in!!

Registered: 30th Dec 07
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6th Mar 09 at 13:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tyre, my bad :LOL:

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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6th Mar 09 at 13:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If it snapped, it was fucked and not up to the job simple as. Tubular steel used in strut braces does not snap with 80-90kg of load on it. If the mounts broke, it wasnt fitted correctly and again not up to the job. Either way, it was going to break, saying they dont have the right to break something during a test means saying the mot tester isnt allowed to poke holes in rotten parts on a car, inspect dodgy exhaust joins or give flexi hoses a tug to make sure they arent dangerously corroded etc.

If i saw an ill fitted strut brace on a car brought in for mot, id give it a good tug too to make sure it wasnt going to come off on the road. If it snaps, tough shit - dont bring unroadworthy cars into me expecting them to pass.

[Edited on 06-03-2009 by DizzyRebel]

Registered: 30th Dec 07
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6th Mar 09 at 13:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've never heard of someone getting their car back from an MOT test centre with a part broken by the centre. Surely if the MOT centre are any good at their job they would visually inspect it. If it looks like a complete misfit then they would not even perform the test and fail it. What MOT centre do you work at? Sounds a bit harsh! Your car must pass the MOT or I'm going to damage it! Kidding!

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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6th Mar 09 at 13:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I worked at markham moore aprilia until xmas where i got made redundant. Motorcycle mechanic but i was just as harsh on bikes. Some things you can let go but structural or ill fitting mods need to be sound, otherwise its only risking my licence, and more importantly somones life if i dont carry out the test properly.

Some parts, ie strut brace can look dodgy but acually be safe and sound, not everything functional is a neat fit. But if its structural or a load bearing part you are allowed to test if using acceptable force. Without seeing a picture of the offending item i couldnt tell you if it was down to ill fitting of the part or a faulty part. But either way, a correctly fitted strut brace will be able to withstand a 90k spanner monkey hanging from it eating a banana!

Personally, if it wasnt down to ill fitting id be on the blower to omp for selling a dodgy strut brace.

[Edited on 06-03-2009 by DizzyRebel]

Registered: 30th Dec 07
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6th Mar 09 at 14:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well you would know a lot more about MOT's than me mate but I just thought it was a bit harsh that a random guy from the MOT centre broke his car then left it at that. Sorry to hear you were made redundant though mate!

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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6th Mar 09 at 14:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Without the full story and photos of the broken item its hard to say if it was an act of stupidity or not.

For example if he came running across the workshop and started tugging at various parts of the car then swung on the strut brace screaming like a monkey then snapped it, laughed in his face and ran off dribbling to hide in the toilet then you could say he was just being an arse and id complain to the mot station about it.

But if he was just passing and spotted the ill fitted item and decided to give it a quick almighty tug to see if it was sound incase the tester missed it then he walked off in a smug manner, he was being cocky but ultimately only doing his job (if a little arrogantly.)

But either way, the fact still remains that a structural, load bearing modification broke from minor forces exerted on it by a hanging bloke that are well below the shearing forces the part was designed to withstand and stop in the first place!

Dont worry about the redundancy, its shit but im not alone so i dont feel sorry for myself! It was a shit place to work at anyway lol.

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6th Mar 09 at 17:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

From what I understand he snapped this

Its never going be exposed to a downwards force like some fucker swinging on it, I have one of these and they are pretty fucking sturdy, be it was at the adjuster in the middle that it broke.

Registered: 11th Nov 07
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6th Mar 09 at 19:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yea thats the brace he broke chris.

Dizzy: The strut bar wasnt faulty and in a danger in any way, it just had the tinest bit of play in it, But becuase it had a bit of play init it wasnt 100% sturdy and ir broke... if you get what im saying. The bar was secure tho and had no way of flying off unless something hit it pretty hard or some cock decides to swing from it.

anyway...I showed him the recipt today and said this is what you owe me, he looked at it and put it down on the table. Ill give him till next monday, if not im going to the manager too make him pay.

The bloke is about 65 i think and he is the weirdest person you will ever meet! He stalks our 23 yr old receptionist and waits outside her house, hes obbssesd with her. He's stingy, he looses hes temper and throws tools if he dont get hes own way, spits on cars, winges & moans constantly...nobody likes him atall.


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6th Mar 09 at 19:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dizzy: i was up in the car doing the usual for the MOT (footbrake, lock-to-lock etc) while my mentor who was carrying out the MOT on my car said you have abit of play in your strut brace, i then shouted down yeah i no im going to sort it saturday (needed 2 washer's and tightening) then the penis came over for no reason and swung on my strut bar when he heard there was play in it.

[Edited on 06-03-2009 by CorsaSport14]

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6th Mar 09 at 19:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Where did it break then? At the adjuster screw?

Registered: 26th May 06
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6th Mar 09 at 19:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

them strut braces arnt all that strong anyway it aint like there 8 ml thick there thin as fook d128mat had 1 on his car for about a month n that snapped

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