Registered: 25th Jun 05
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quote: Originally posted by Terry12
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
mate crack on with what your doing if it is you ever have an accident you wont get paid out eitherway they will ALWAYS find a reason to avoid paying up, if you can stop them having your pants down on insurance then why not they do it to peole all over the country!!
Terry, I have a nice number to phone for shopping people in who have modified cars with no insurance. I have used it a few times! I have no problem admitting it on the Internet.
Wankers that try to dodge insurance are only fooling themselves. Insurance companies are a business, they charge as much as do because they are dealing with a high risk field, even more so when performance is involved. Kids with big engines is asking for trouble.
At least we are smart enough to realise that and be legit.
I had a standard Nova GTE and a modified Renault 5 Turbo whilst I was 17, I was at college. If I could do it, I dont see why others can't?
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
unklucky you the eh n i think you'l find peoples insurance goes up due to people who steal cars, claim whiplash everytime they hit a curb and people who have no regards for roadsaftey not people who are sick of bieng ripped of by insurers and dont declare engine mods
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by LETGSI16V
quote: Originally posted by Terry12
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
mate crack on with what your doing if it is you ever have an accident you wont get paid out eitherway they will ALWAYS find a reason to avoid paying up, if you can stop them having your pants down on insurance then why not they do it to peole all over the country!!
Terry, I have a nice number to phone for shopping people in who have modified cars with no insurance. I have used it a few times! I have no problem admitting it on the Internet.
Wankers that try to dodge insurance are only fooling themselves. Insurance companies are a business, they charge as much as do because they are dealing with a high risk field, even more so when performance is involved. Kids with big engines is asking for trouble.
At least we are smart enough to realise that and be legit.
I had a standard Nova GTE and a modified Renault 5 Turbo whilst I was 17, I was at college. If I could do it, I dont see why others can't?
Glad i'm not the only sock cucker that insures his cars correctly
tbh I wouldn't waste my time grassing them up, I'd just hope for their sake they don't hit my car. I've already had an unisured driver write one of my cars off. Fools like this shouldn't be on the road, They should stick to the playground.
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
unklucky you the eh n i think you'l find peoples insurance goes up due to people who steal cars, claim whiplash everytime they hit a curb and people who have no regards for roadsaftey not people who are sick of bieng ripped of by insurers and dont declare engine mods
I change my mind, You're not an idiot....You're just a bellend. Run along now as you're boring me with your shite. Chav
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
unklucky you the eh n i think you'l find peoples insurance goes up due to people who steal cars, claim whiplash everytime they hit a curb and people who have no regards for roadsaftey not people who are sick of bieng ripped of by insurers and dont declare engine mods
Would you like me to get someone on here who works in that field to hand you your arse on a plate? 
You know, someone who can fully justify why WANKERS like you should be shot with a nail gun, so genuine people like myself and Terry don't pay so much?
Have you never wondered why IPT was 5% of your policy as it used to be 1/20 drivers was uninsured but as that figure has increased, IPT will be too? 
Fucking prick.
I hope someone in a Jet powered Fiat Punto hits your car and puts you in a wheelchair. Lets see you get paid for then you utter fucking cock. Hopefully no-one will want to support a POS like you and you will starve in your chair or drown in your dribble?
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
chav lmfao i aint no chav u muppet how can you call me a chav when ya displayin pics of a chaved up car u cock i am fully insured on both my cars non of witch are chavy and was simply givin you my point on the situation u got all bitchy about it now jog on n go wank over ya maxpower mag ya tart
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Terry12
quote: Originally posted by LETGSI16V
quote: Originally posted by Terry12
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
mate crack on with what your doing if it is you ever have an accident you wont get paid out eitherway they will ALWAYS find a reason to avoid paying up, if you can stop them having your pants down on insurance then why not they do it to peole all over the country!!
Terry, I have a nice number to phone for shopping people in who have modified cars with no insurance. I have used it a few times! I have no problem admitting it on the Internet.
Wankers that try to dodge insurance are only fooling themselves. Insurance companies are a business, they charge as much as do because they are dealing with a high risk field, even more so when performance is involved. Kids with big engines is asking for trouble.
At least we are smart enough to realise that and be legit.
I had a standard Nova GTE and a modified Renault 5 Turbo whilst I was 17, I was at college. If I could do it, I dont see why others can't?
Glad i'm not the only sock cucker that insures his cars correctly
tbh I wouldn't waste my time grassing them up, I'd just hope for their sake they don't hit my car. I've already had an unisured driver write one of my cars off. Fools like this shouldn't be on the road, They should stick to the playground.
I am happy to say I will grass them up.
No shame in being a law-abiding person.
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
Would you like me to get someone on here who works in that field to hand you your arse on a plate?
You know, someone who can fully justify why WANKERS like you should be shot with a nail gun, so genuine people like myself and Terry don't pay so much?
Have you never wondered why IPT was 5% of your policy as it used to be 1/20 drivers was uninsured but as that figure has increased, IPT will be too?
Fucking prick.
were the fuck have you got the fact that im uninsured or or not declared mods?? you muppet like i said i was givin my point you fuckin little pedo i arnt a dumb fuck displayin persnol info so id becarefull who your givin shit to next time u prick!!
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
chav lmfao i aint no chav u muppet how can you call me a chav when ya displayin pics of a chaved up car u cock i am fully insured on both my cars non of witch are chavy and was simply givin you my point on the situation u got all bitchy about it now jog on n go wank over ya maxpower mag ya tart
You type like a chav, You have the morals of a chav therefore you are a chav
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
were the fuck have you got the fact that im uninsured or or not declared mods?? you muppet like i said i was givin my point you fuckin little pedo i arnt a dumb fuck displayin persnol info so id becarefull who your givin shit to next time u prick!!
In future don't advise other people to break the law then.
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
no m8 its called slang were im from trust me a aint no fuckin chav i got ma business ffs i used drive round in novas n corsas years ago not this day n age ya muppet
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
chav lmfao i aint no chav u muppet how can you call me a chav when ya displayin pics of a chaved up car u cock i am fully insured on both my cars non of witch are chavy and was simply givin you my point on the situation u got all bitchy about it now jog on n go wank over ya maxpower mag ya tart
Let me think?
You type like a chav. You post like a chav. You drive uninsured like a chav. Yes, you ARE a chav.
Do you mean my avatar picture of my standard looking car with some photoshopped front tyres? Proper chav, init bruv, sik dat init blud...
Witch? Do you mean those things on a broomstick with a pointy hat you THICK TWAT? 
@ Max Power magazine. You do realise I was featured in 'Revs' (well before your time nipper), on a track day event before you could even type like you are posting from a Nokia? 
This is comedy.
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
no m8 its called slang were im from trust me a aint no fuckin chav i got ma business ffs i used drive round in novas n corsas years ago not this day n age ya muppet
Why you called Tigra then?
If you are a business owner surely you should be advising people to purchase and pay for the correct product they require. Not committig insurance fraud.
What exactly is your business?
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
were the fuck have you got the fact that im uninsured or or not declared mods?? you muppet like i said i was givin my point you fuckin little pedo i arnt a dumb fuck displayin persnol info so id becarefull who your givin shit to next time u prick!!
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
no m8 its called slang were im from trust me a aint no fuckin chav i got ma business ffs i used drive round in novas n corsas years ago not this day n age ya muppet
Be careful. 
Are you Daimo b v2? You will get your bird on us?
I am a paedo, have you got a young son? Come on, all chavs with a Corsa have a baby son? I will buy you some Lexus lights if you send some pictures of his penis to
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
ya know what i aint been on corsasport for months becouse of this reason you give your point on a matter and a load of little muppets jump in bitchin its like a fucking agony page dear fuckin diadry, im suprised jermy kyle aint been on joinin in with u get a fuckin life n man the fuck up ya litlle girls
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
id fuckin lovemeet you ya little twat id chew ya fuckin eyeballs out ya face ya prick i got insurance on both my cars and a trade policy for my garage so go fuck ya nan ya pair of muppets
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
ya know what i aint been on corsasport for months becouse of this reason you give your point on a matter and a load of little muppets jump in bitchin its like a fucking agony page dear fuckin diadry, im suprised jermy kyle aint been on joinin in with u get a fuckin life n man the fuck up ya litlle girls
Seriously learn how to speak/type/read/write or something, Reading what you type gives me a headache.
What is your line of work again?
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
id fuckin lovemeet you ya little twat id chew ya fuckin eyeballs out ya face ya prick i got insurance on both my cars and a trade policy for my garage so go fuck ya nan ya pair of muppets
And you claim not to be a chav
Why the threats? Can't put your point accross so get angry.
I think you need to get on Jeremy Kyle with your anger issues buddy.
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
well i arnt a muppet who sits back when people start callin me a prick a dick a chav when i put my point across what dya want me do thank ya give ya a medal shake ya fucking hand what?
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
ya know what i aint been on corsasport for months becouse of this reason you give your point on a matter and a load of little muppets jump in bitchin its like a fucking agony page dear fuckin diadry, im suprised jermy kyle aint been on joinin in with u get a fuckin life n man the fuck up ya litlle girls
Put in for Jeremy Kyle then? You are probably too chav to pass the test TBH. Health and safety for the back stage crew, they wouldn't want them catching stupidity, illiteracy, bullshitting etc....
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
id fuckin lovemeet you ya little twat id chew ya fuckin eyeballs out ya face ya prick i got insurance on both my cars and a trade policy for my garage so go fuck ya nan ya pair of muppets
I'm in 'Kings' in Poynton (Cheshire) tomorrow, just ask anyone in there for Wayne. Many people will be able to point me out. I look forward to seeing you, I should be in from about 8:30/9PM?
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
I called you an idiot for telling somebody to commit insurance fraud. If he can't afford to insure a fast car then maybe he's not ready to run one, Why should we accept people driving around uninsured as that is what he would be doing.
If he was to hit me without adequate insurance I wouldn't be best pleased as i'm sure neither would YOU.
Surely you would of expected this kind of response before you replied. Insurance fraud costs the companies millions, Who ends up paying for that????? The genuine motorist. That's why it makes my piss boil.
[Edited on 06-08-2010 by Terry12]
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
lmao ya might be you'll be in plenty other places over the next few weeks also if i wanted ya bad enough kidda id fuckin get ya ya little twirp you sound like a fucking 10 year old next you'l be telin me you dads car's faster than my dads
Registered: 26th May 06
Location: stoke on trent
User status: Offline
well ya know what they say youth if ya cant beat em
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb next you'l be telin me you dads car's faster than my dads
Probably is from what I remember his dad having last time I spoke to him
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by tigra-tb
well ya know what they say youth if ya cant beat em
Sorry I don't understand that?
Out of interest, How old are you? I keep thinking you're my dad the way you're talking