Registered: 16th Feb 08
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well basically i didnt fully inspect the bottom end as i was told and had a recipt proving it had only done 37,000 miles so i jsut checked there was no excessive play in the pistons and no scoring e.t.c and it all looked spot on,i didnt turn the engine over no just checked the 2 bores i could see 2 and 3,but according to the spark plugs 3 and 4 are the problem ,thanks alot guys for all teh help,with xmas coming up im just going to move it into storage as iv just bought a cheap winter run around and in the new year il whip the head off and strip it down,like you say worst case scenario is either build it again or get anouther engine,i will finish this lol even if it is one big nightmare ,some people really are just arseholes thanks again guys il update when i find out whats happened
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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If thats the rings then they're gonna be the worst worn rings I've ever seen.
Oil is pouring through that engine, hence the gunge in the exhaust, thats the oil mixted with condensation from running it.
Registered: 1st Oct 06
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headgasket get caught when fitting at all?
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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no it seemed to fit ok i had a prblem with getting a headgasket though autovaux sent me the wrong one the first time for an x14xe but the 2nd one seem to fit ok,could this be caused down to the head gasket at all? if say the water and oil seals had been damaged or bent or whatever could happen? thanks lee
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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quote: Originally posted by ShEp
If thats the rings then they're gonna be the worst worn rings I've ever seen.
Oil is pouring through that engine, hence the gunge in the exhaust, thats the oil mixted with condensation from running it.
so do you think possible major headgasket fault or damaged oil/water gallories?
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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No as you said the water level is fine,
If the water level is fine and the colour of the coolant is okay, it suggests oil is getting through somewhere.
It's not a little oil though it's fair bit,
Have you checked the oil lever since running it?
I have seen one do that before but it was massively overfilled with oil.
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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well the cars jacked up so oil level could be quite high i suppose,it was dead on max which i did by accident,so would have been overfilled slightly but now is just under,any ideas?
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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basically just spent all this time in the pissing rain put the wheels back on the car lowerd it down,checked oil level its spot on hasnt gone down so while it was running it smells heavily of fuel,so undid injector number 1 didnt reduce smoke just ran rough obviously,then rememberd its 3 and 4 that get all wet,anyway undid injector number 3 the smoke cleared got my brother to watch the exhaust as i pluggd it back in then all the smoke started again so going to replace 4 injectors and she shopuld be all good! thingers crossed
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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well done mate.
Fingers crossed
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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How you get on with it mate?
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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thanks mate was going to take the injectors out tonight but fitting the gear linkage took abit longer than expected,im going to get some injectors from scrappy at the weekend try them if it fixes it then either leave them in or get some brand new ones,will update at the weekend thanks for help buddy 
[Edited on 16-11-2010 by SRI-LEE]
Paulo 16v
Registered: 20th Oct 10
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Update ??
Registered: 10th Sep 09
Location: Chester
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Yes mate update would be great as having similar problem with mine just nowere near as bad!! As for injectors get them reconned will be your best bet mate (ultrasonic cleaning and new seals all round) probs be much cheaper too!!
Registered: 10th Sep 09
Location: Chester
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See eBay item number: 380072659398
Not saying go with this company as there will probs be someone who does it local but it has a nice detailed listing on what's involved
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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hey guys sorry havnt bin updated bought a run a round car and havnt had chan ce to do out till this weekend,managed to get a set of injectors from the local scrappy off a running x16xe tigra,anyway got home fitted them and started it up and its just the same runs perfect just smokes,anyway i thought could be crap in the exhaust system so i removed that,started it with just the manifold on and again the same maybe a little bit beta,so i then did the unpluging number 3 injector and voila it stops smoking even when you rev it up,so im still as i was now im wanting to know if the wiring for the injectors is just a power and an earth so they just need them 2 to work or weather there is more than that so if there is a dodgy wire it could cause this? as i dont think its the rings at all as it doesnt smell like oil,hasnt used oil and the coolant level is also fine so,surely it must be a fueling issue? as number 3 obviously isnt firing when i stop it getting fuel am really confused and need help off you guys many thanks lee
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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Are you sure you've got the plugs on the correct injectors?
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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yes i think so none of them are crossed over or look routed wrong they pretty much sit next to them all could that cause this? thanks lee
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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just checked and each wire says what cylinder it should be on and there all correct if i was right in thinking nearest the cambelt is number 1 cylinder?
Registered: 4th Jan 10
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Your right in thinking that mate
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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cheers so does anyone know the answer to my question about the wiring? just looked into my manifold and there the same gunky stuff in number 3 pipe than my exhaust might be tempted to take that off and clean it maybe? but exhaust gasses be still coming out of cyl 3 with the injector unplugd so dont think itl make a difference thanks lee
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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The big main plug is all clicked in as it should be, other than a shit earth I can't think of much else.
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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yeah it whent together ok i could try unplugn and connecting it again,i know its not a good thing to but i took number 3 and 4 sparkplugs out and turned it over somehow it started ,and number 3 spark plug hole was just caking out fuel number 4 was nothing i got some paper and held it over to confirm and it stinks of petrol so theres my problem now what to check,im thinking of maybe swapping an injector agian just incase i was just unlucky or maybe the whole fuel rail as i got that with the injectors sound good?
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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Is the pressure regulator standard?
Registered: 10th Sep 09
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quote: Originally posted by SRI-LEE
cheers so does anyone know the answer to my question about the wiring? just looked into my manifold and there the same gunky stuff in number 3 pipe than my exhaust might be tempted to take that off and clean it maybe? but exhaust gasses be still coming out of cyl 3 with the injector unplugd so dont think itl make a difference thanks lee
If I where you I'd swap the injector from number 3 to a difference cylinder and see if the smoking moves over with the injector and if number 3 stops smoking! You done a compression test followed by a wet test?
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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quote: Originally posted by corsadonk
Is the pressure regulator standard?
yeah it is mate,ok il do the injector swap tomorrow also going to swap the fuel rail with anoutehr i got,yep done all that nothing obvious though