Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Im on just under 400 a day currently, but only work around 140 days per year. Not consulting though I do manual graft
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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quote: Originally posted by Colin
Im on just under 400 a day currently, but only work around 140 days per year. Not consulting though I do manual graft
is that 400 a day for those 140 days of 400 a day a year? either way im rather jealous
Registered: 14th Sep 04
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quote: Originally posted by Matt L
quote: Originally posted by Colin
Im on just under 400 a day currently, but only work around 140 days per year. Not consulting though I do manual graft
is that 400 a day for those 140 days of 400 a day a year? either way im rather jealous
Gota be just over £40k pa after stoppages.
[Edited on 12-05-2011 by A2H GO]
Registered: 26th Sep 06
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quote: Originally posted by James
quote: Originally posted by NovaGTE2
quote: Originally posted by Colin
quote: Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.
Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk
So is it ad-hawk sort of thing? List of clients & only work when theres work?
To be fair even if your just working half the year on 400 a day you'd be doing well??
It is a bit; but it looks like there is enough work around at the moment to be working most of the year. I also have the fall back of a useful set of software development skills which could be used in other sectors to if necessary.
Was offered 9months at £350 a day based in Bristol oposite where i work now a few months back with the possibility of longer which was tempting i must say; but i think i would get use to earning that much and it i then couldnt find anything for 6 months would find it hard.
I think they key is to get established before going contracting so people know you and ask for you specific which is the position i am trying to get myself into better before i take the jump.
Get to London and learn banking
Thats pretty much my skill set apart from the banking! I work for a London law firm so use to a regular commute up there!
Registered: 26th Jul 10
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That's why I took a pay cut and went subby in aviation to permie in oil + gas.
Some experience, hello £500+ a day x 18-24 month contracts
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Got an interview for a consultancy role next week. I'm quite excited about the role, just a bit apprehensive about the consultancy aspect of it.
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I travel all over the world, for varying lengths of time (over the years I have done single day visits, but on the flipside, I have just come back from a 9wk stint) - what i do is not consulting alone admittedly, but engineering work - some hands on, some project supervision/management, some basic consultancy, some business development.
Money is good for me, but thats down to my company's Overseas payment terms. Obviously for you it would be different due to that.
It's a pain in the arse. My social life is fucked as i never know when i am going away or for how long so can never make plans. My luck with women is fucked as none are interested due to the above.
I hate the constant travelling, it was ok when it was a bit of a novelty a few years back, now it is just utterly shit. I'm looking to change job and take a pay cut as a result to avoid having to do it much longer.
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Interesting opinion. With regards to social life, I don't do much during the week anyway and I would always be home at weekends so hopefully it won't be affected too badly.
A lot of the clients are based in London anyway, so I might be worrying about nothing.
I don't see it as a long term thing, just a good way of getting a good variety of experience very quickly.
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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ive been doing it for 6months now in IT, got an extension for another 6 months earn around £400 a day inclusive of VAT.
Have travelled to Saudi, Cyprus, France, Norway all in all best move i have ever done!
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Well the guy I used to work with who was an independent consultant doing what I'll be doing if I get this job was on £850 per day. Obviously I won't be independent so won't be getting anything like that as I'll be on a salary, but it's quite an exciting prospect for a year or 2 down the line!
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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ive done consultncy work before salary based. Does get you a bit down knowing you could do all the work and sve the client x amount....
But its great for exposure of new things and tech.
Registered: 11th Apr 04
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loads of people do consultancy, if you do it on your own back also you can claim loads of tax benefits like car parking, lunch etc.
tbh - if your not worried about the possibilty of not getting work then its great, there is alot of people where i work in London who are consultants and they are easily on twice if not three times i'm on.
vrsturbo - 30k, just curious but how old are you? is it IT related? As i just find that 30k is fairly low for what you have described if its in London.
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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quote: Originally posted by Reedy
loads of people do consultancy, if you do it on your own back also you can claim loads of tax benefits like car parking, lunch etc.
tbh - if your not worried about the possibilty of not getting work then its great, there is alot of people where i work in London who are consultants and they are easily on twice if not three times i'm on.
vrsturbo - 30k, just curious but how old are you? is it IT related? As i just find that 30k is fairly low for what you have described if its in London.
Was doing it of part of a bigger company. But now i run my own company and charge £400 a day so turnover around 100k
but yea im an IT contractor been doing it for 6months now and have a 6month extension.
[Edited on 03-04-2012 by VrsTurbo]
Registered: 11th Apr 04
Location: Hammersmith
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100k Decent, i wouldnt mind doing contracting one day but i do like the comfort that I have a constant income with a salary. Some guys at my work are on over 100k salary - which is just crazy to think.
I assume your work is mainly in london?
Just curiously, how do you find people looking for consultants? pm if too in detail.
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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quote: Originally posted by Reedy
100k Decent, i wouldnt mind doing contracting one day but i do like the comfort that I have a constant income with a salary. Some guys at my work are on over 100k salary - which is just crazy to think.
I assume your work is mainly in london?
Just curiously, how do you find people looking for consultants? pm if too in detail.
Contracting jobs - Look on jobserve theres around 25-50 within a 50mile radius of mine i could apply for. I work about 30mins away from my house. If i went down to london i would be on 500-600+ a day.
In answer to another person im 23
[Edited on 03-04-2012 by VrsTurbo]
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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Is it .Net that you do? Do you specialise in a certain industry?
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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Nope I'm a bit of everything but official title is technical architect. From design to configuration of wintel systems. Current place I'm at is a global company that has an in house software team.
Registered: 9th Aug 04
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How has Paul_J not posted in this thread yet?
Simon L
Registered: 24th Mar 02
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I worked for one of the BIG4 accountancy firms, travelled around the UK, europe and US. I did get annoying after about 2 years, so i left.
Brilliant experience though. I was being charged out at £300p/h. Never actually saw that in my pocket though.
The structure of the firms is good, always progressing, but the further you get up the less you actually 'do' and its just about selling services and winning new clients. It's brutal, the hours are long, and the demands they make on you are bordering on slavery at times.
When you work out the amount of time you actually spend working/travelling, your hourly rate is sometimes not far off minimum wage (when you are lower down).
Oh and you will be expected to travel on your own time, meaning 4am/5am/6am starts, every week.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Serious question vrs, if you are on 100k a year why did you not save up for an extra 2 days and get a non crashed megane?
Registered: 1st Jun 02
Location: Surrey
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quote: Originally posted by John
Serious question vrs, if you are on 100k a year why did you not save up for an extra 2 days and get a non crashed megane?

Or just not get a Megane.
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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quote: Originally posted by John
Serious question vrs, if you are on 100k a year why did you not save up for an extra 2 days and get a non crashed megane?
Because I'm not on 100k that's the Bussiness turnover. I pay my self very little so the Bussiness does well in the next couple of years trading. Plus I'd rather spend the money on paying off my mortgage than a car any day of the week.
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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So it's been over a year since I posted this and last week I started a consulting job. I have a few months of training before I get sent to a client site, but work on a client site will only ever be 4 days a week max, so I think it's going to be good as I'll be back home on Friday.
[Edited on 16-07-2012 by James]
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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whats happening on friday?
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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I mean that when I visit client sites, the most it will be is Monday - Thursday, which is good because I don't do much on those days anyway, then I'm in the UK on Friday.