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quote: Originally posted by Marc
I take it he told you all this?
No, his clothes used to get hung over the sides of the cubicle.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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suprised no one nicks them.
Registered: 12th Jun 01
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True, but it would take a cruel man to do such a deed.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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someone like me.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
quote: Originally posted by Marc
I take it he told you all this?
No, his clothes used to get hung over the sides of the cubicle.
PMSL that is brilliant.
I would do that just to create intrigue.
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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where I used to work was flathead. he was a south African guy and the back of his head was completely flat as if he had been hit with a spade.
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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I also knew of a bloke at work with the same thing, flat head, red face. For some reason we called him Lapdog though.
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One of the places I worked at had a lad called chicken boy because for the 3+ years he was there all he ever ate was chicken sandwiches
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Tea Victim because I used to steal his tea bags.
Canary because whether she was in trouble/under investigation would indicate whether the rest of the department needed to worry.
Eagle because she was in charge of Canary.
Golden Boy, obvious.
Hi-fi because he looked like Hi-fi out of the Raggy Dolls.
Guru for ironic purposes.
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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not really people at work but a couple of customers, sprouty eddy is an old lazy fat fuck that seems to just guess when he has a shave. Also tick-teen valve, deaf guy but he is a massive bell end so its ok to take the piss.
Registered: 15th Mar 07
Location: carluke/braidwood--IRNBRULAND
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There are 2 strange ones called weirdo and weisel, which are brothers 
Weirdo just makes up fake stories constantly and his younger brother weisel talks about total pish you don't want to hear about.
Registered: 4th Mar 08
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We had a guy at my last job who had the most severe OCD I've ever heard of. He would take off his coat and literally spend 10 minutes (no exaggeration) making sure it hung perfectly off the back of his chair. If he walked away from his desk for a second and you knocked his coat he'd have to re-do it all over again. We did so many tests on this, we'd pretend to touch his coat but not actually touch it and he didn't readjust it but if you literally nudge it so it looks identically to how it did before, he'd have to readjust it...
I felt sorry for the guy as people would do tests on him all day, slightly moving stuff and watching him flip out...
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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we had quite a few at school aswell thinking back on it 
nick the prick - obvious reasons
Dappy Donna - she had a baby at age 14 or so and everyone started a rumour saying it was her dads so she got that name, bit harsh really as it wasnt her dads
the penny finder - a man with rickets we saw on the way to school disabled and constantly bent over looking down when walking
aky the paki - obvious reasons
jonny fungus - his head looked like a mushroom
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Registered: 30th Sep 08
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99.9% of the people i work with are tools
old ali - hes only like 28 or something but if you call him old he will literaly loose his mind with rage (once sneezed and threw his back out..... we laughed)
gay will - his name is will, he got bummed he is gay will, hes also a fucking strange strange kid just sits there stareing at people, and when he is priceing up stock he quite literaly just pulls numbers out of the sky, things that retail for 9.99 and trade for 2.50 he will price them at like 14.56 FREAK
Tandy pants, his name is andy he wares the brightest coloured boxies anyones ever seen, but he wares them up to his fecking nipples, hes also 17 and has a kid
big dave - his names dave and hes fucking huge, got no front teeth, hair in a pony tail, innertube valves or nuts and bolts through his ears
the kinder egg - phill our boss, looks like a kinder egg, once shit himself in work
everyones just moody fucks where i work
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Hi-fi because he looked like Hi-fi out of the Raggy Dolls.
I used to love that theme tune

Shoe People and Poddington Peas.
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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They bring back some memories. Used to have them on video and watched them all the time.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Yes, I have some
Registered: 25th Feb 06
Location: Fucking annoying, unfunny, twatbag cavmad *racist
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We had a secretary who was small and dumpy and her nickname was Square Spice.
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Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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No nicknames in my current work but there is a guy who reguarly sleeps at the office
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Registered: 10th Nov 02
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Lauren The Lesbian, for obvious reasons
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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Lol theres bern loads...
In the first place i work a body shop there was a fitter called john who was a bit girl so every one used to say he used to be a woman called shirley. Was also a lad that used to get called smackhead because he was a goon and the shop grass who got supergrass or gayboy
In the second place a metalwork shop we had a small chibby secretary also who we used to call spongebob, a fat butch woman who used to be called big dave, a fat specky chubby kid called fatty potter, a scruffy smelly kid called farmboy
In the 3rd plac, a powdercoaters we had a slovakian called lubo because we couldnt say his name, a pole called marious who was a dead quick worker so got super mario, a fat bloke who was always eating used to get called salad. A tiny bloke used to be called junior.
In thee 4th place a call centre we had a muscle man called roids, a fatty called kung fu panda and a black kid called brotha who used to recite lines from remember the titans
In my now job we have a creepy apprentice called peter we all call peter file, a adiot who we all call helmet, and a female called saucy arse as another apprentice fucked her up the bum using red sauce as lube
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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Apologies im using my phone
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Registered: 12th Jan 05
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
a female called saucy arse as another apprentice fucked her up the bum using red sauce as lube