Registered: 25th Oct 08
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Because its gone between cylinders, Not between a water or oil way.
Do you understand?
Its quite common as they have a metal head gasket.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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quote: Originally posted by AlexW
Because its gone between cylinders, Not between a water or oil way.
Do you understand?
Its quite common as they have a metal head gasket.
Ahh I see!
Yeh I understand, wouldnt have a fucking how to do a HG though. Thats where my limits start 
Another thing, when doing the compression test, there was smoke-blowing noise coming out of cylinder number 3 when testing 2 visa-versa where as 1 and 4 made no noise at all.
Is that another sign of HG?
[Edited on 10-11-2011 by Chris x]
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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If you have basic mechanical skills, a torque wrench and can buy or borrow the tools needed for timing chain, Its not bad to do.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Yeh I know my way around a car, done and engine change and built my Land Rover e.t.c. but have never felt confident taking an engine apart 
I have all the tools, not sure about the tools for the timing chain?
What parts do I need? I assume I wouldnt need to get the head skimmed?
How much do you think a garage would charge?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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As for parts....
Full head gasket set
Timing chain kit (Very good idea to do it while its off)
Oil filters etc obviously.
It would be a good idea to get it skimmed to clean it up, I pay £30/40.
The special tools to do the chain are about £40 IIRC.
Good idea to get a haynes, I done my 12v (Very similar engine) and there was nothing hard about that.
As for garage charge, £400+ I'd assume.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Ok Alex, cheers for that!
Can you recommend where to get the kit? Vaux (Genuine), ebay, decent OEM makes?
Registered: 22nd Feb 08
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Use vauxhall parts for timing chain bits other stuff is poor quality imo
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Have bought this so far:
Just looking at that again, thought I had bought Gen chain kit. Guess not
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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Ah too late. I have a decent chain kit here 
Should be alright though, Just have a look at it all when you get it and be sure its good quality.
Just take your time with it all, If you need help you know where to ask.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Ahh fuck! 
Nice one, will wait for all the bits to turn up and make a start! Thanks!
Registered: 25th Jun 11
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Have you done the pedal fault code test by any chance to determine the problem(s)
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Yes mate, came up with cam pos sensor and missfire.
Registered: 25th Jun 11
Location: Swansea
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replace the coilpack and camshaft then lol
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Read the thread 
The HG is fucked!
Registered: 25th Jun 11
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Too much effort to read 
What you doing, replacing the HG?
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
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Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Right, Torqueing the heads bolts up...Apparently I need a angled torque wrench.
I dont have one of them, only a normal torque wrench.
Can I torque them up and then estimate the angle after torqueing them, or use a protractor e.t.c?!?!
Any ideas?
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Registered: 10th Nov 02
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You could just fluke it yeah.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Got all technical and made a 60 degree angled piece of paper 
Got the head back on, and new timing chain kit fitted, will time it up tomorrow and give it another compression test. Fingers crossed!
Old HG was fucked between 2 & 3!
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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Glad I was right 
Yeah If I'm working on my own car and rushed for time I fluke it or make up a bit of card.
Turn it over a few times before cranking it
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
Yeh will do!
You sure were! Thanks alot! 
Will get it timed up tomorrow, turn it over by hand and do another compression test.
Before taking the old head off, the timing on the engine wasnt matching with the haines manual, so we adjusted it so it matched the manual, did another compression test and got 210psi on 1 & 4 cylinders. Do you think the timing was out slightly aswell which may be why it was throwing up the cam sensor?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
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Jeez, Could well be. I assume the valves all looked fine?
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Well they were in the head, we didnt get it skimmed as it cleaned up well . Nothing was tapping before taking it apart and the timing chain wasnt loose and the cams wernt loose on the sprokets :S
[Edited on 18-11-2011 by Chris x]
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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They were flush in the head is what I meant, what PSI should I be getting on a healthy engine?
Pistons also looked clean, no knocking or damage witness marks on them.
[Edited on 18-11-2011 by Chris x]
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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Probs fine then, Was just slightly out.
As for compression, 200+ But it depends on the engine.