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Author Sainsbury's ‘Think 25’ policy.
Sarah A

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2nd Dec 11 at 17:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by oceansoul
EU driving licence is exactly the same as UK one, so should be accepted anywhere. But some doormen are thick, when my Finnish friends were here we tried to get into a club and they started saying her driving licence was a blatant fake. Then tried to confiscate it, luckly the manager had some more sense, but by then we told them to fuck off and went elsewhere.

That's the main problem in shops aswell I've had ppl that I work with refuse foreign passports because they don't recognise it, I however have a bit more common sense than most of the ppl who work in m&s.

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

someone tried i'ding me and a mate at tesco, i said something like "come on...look at me" and got away with it although i was 22 at the time

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I wouldn't accept a dodgy Lithuanian ID card either

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sarah A
Passport, driving licence or one of those PASS id cards that no one seems to have.

I got one of those and went to buy booze when I was 18, the shop (Tesco) didn't accpet it I was fucking fuming, as they are £30 or something daft for those cards.
Sarah A

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by nathy_87
Originally posted by Sarah A
Passport, driving licence or one of those PASS id cards that no one seems to have.

I got one of those and went to buy booze when I was 18, the shop (Tesco) didn't accpet it I was fucking fuming, as they are £30 or something daft for those cards.

Tbh I've never seen one and I think ppl just don't bother buying them anymore as some shops don't accept them but I assure u m&s do

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
my brother and mum work in the store i worked at (now called waitrose) and someone had to go to court and got sacked because they served an underage lad who was working for the people who regulate that shit.

What does that have to do with serving any adult who has an under 18 with them

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2nd Dec 11 at 18:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by nathy_87
Originally posted by Sarah A
Passport, driving licence or one of those PASS id cards that no one seems to have.

I got one of those and went to buy booze when I was 18, the shop (Tesco) didn't accpet it I was fucking fuming, as they are £30 or something daft for those cards.

My friend has one too as he can't get a driving licence for medical reasons and a passport is £77, he's never had a problem with it though
Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 19:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Originally posted by Ben G
my brother and mum work in the store i worked at (now called waitrose) and someone had to go to court and got sacked because they served an underage lad who was working for the people who regulate that shit.

What does that have to do with serving any adult who has an under 18 with them

nutcase ginger cunt buckfast scottish side coming out again..

i was just giving an example why you wouldn't risk your job over it, as sarah a said:

Originally posted by Sarah A
A woman where I worked got fined £1000 a couple years back for serving someone who was underaged but a lot of it is common sense altho its so hard to guess how old someone is, I hate doing it but would rather ask someone for id than risk getting fined.
Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 19:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

john you seem to be getting very hot under the collar about this.

i'm not the government, please piss off and refrain from taking your undrage drinking frustrations out on me, or i will have to u2u the moderating team.
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2nd Dec 11 at 19:59   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Hammer
I wouldn't accept a dodgy Lithuanian ID card either


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2nd Dec 11 at 20:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Are you as thick as ben g?

Because I've never seen one before and would imagine that if I were 17 again that is exactly the type of thing I'd try and use to get served.
Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no need for that is there you prick.

i wouldn't accept a foreign id card either as there would be no way of proving whether it was real or fake (nothing to compare it to).

Registered: 19th Apr 07
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2nd Dec 11 at 20:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Having worked in the licence trade for many years and I've ran many pubs and clubs. It simply isn't worth the risk of fines and loss of licence etc. So if in any fucking doubt whatsoever turn them away.

But don't get to upset because one day you will grow up and be able to get served no problem at all because you'll look like a miserable middle aged twat like I do.

Trust me spotty little hard men carrying themselves on like the little hard-men they are gets real boring real quick.

Enjoy your youthful good looks while they last!

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In your instance though Ben, the person of legal age buying but accompanied by someone younger, it wouldn't be the shop staff who were breaking the law, so no risk of prosecution. Both of the cases mentioned were staff selling directly to a minor.

[Edited on 02-12-2011 by CorsaDave]
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2nd Dec 11 at 20:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jimbothebarbarian
Having worked in the licence trade for many years and I've ran many pubs and clubs. It simply isn't worth the risk of fines and loss of licence etc. So if in any fucking doubt whatsoever turn them away.

But don't get to upset because one day you will grow up and be able to get served no problem at all because you'll look like a miserable middle aged twat like I do.

Trust me spotty little hard men carrying themselves on like the little hard-men they are gets real boring real quick.

Enjoy your youthful good looks while they last!

I am not talking about getting ID'd or not. I always carry my UK driving licence so I never have such a problem, it's about stores turning down TWO legitimate ID's just because they were not issued in UK

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
Originally posted by John
Originally posted by Ben G
my brother and mum work in the store i worked at (now called waitrose) and someone had to go to court and got sacked because they served an underage lad who was working for the people who regulate that shit.

What does that have to do with serving any adult who has an under 18 with them

nutcase ginger cunt buckfast scottish side coming out again..

i was just giving an example why you wouldn't risk your job over it, as sarah a said:

Originally posted by Sarah A
A woman where I worked got fined £1000 a couple years back for serving someone who was underaged but a lot of it is common sense altho its so hard to guess how old someone is, I hate doing it but would rather ask someone for id than risk getting fined.

You aren't risking getting fined though. You are serving someone you know to be over 18. If they happened to give it to a 13 year old as soon as they were outside it isn't your problem.

It's that lack of common sense that means I can't pick up a bottle of wine after work because some idiot 8 years younger than me asks for Id when the gf has it and I don't.

Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaDave
In your instance though Ben, the person of legal age buying but accompanied by someone younger, it wouldn't be the shop staff who were breaking the law, so no risk of prosecution. Both of the cases mentioned were staff selling directly to a minor.

[Edited on 02-12-2011 by CorsaDave]

agreed, but still wasn't allowed, you would still get fined/disciplined if the police stopped the guy outside the shop door and asked him who sold him it.

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
no need for that is there you prick.

i wouldn't accept a foreign id card either as there would be no way of proving whether it was real or fake (nothing to compare it to).


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2nd Dec 11 at 20:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No you wouldn't because you've done nothing wrong.
Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if either of you 2 comedians ever worked in a supermarket/shop with an alcohol license, you'd understand.

i'm not saying i agree with it, but it's just what it is.

i personally haven't been ID'd in years so doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When I worked in a bar we only accepted UK id. Anything else, got the manager they can deal with it.

Everyone should carry is these days, its not difficult.

I do however agree its stupid about having someone younger, but it is an offence to buy alcohol for someone underage, and the bar staff can get screwed too.

The police round here sent people underage in with legal people to make sure that we Id'd all people in the group, if we didn't they reported us. Think 17/20 pubs in derby got stung, we didn't

[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Cavey]

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
if either of you 2 comedians ever worked in a supermarket/shop with an alcohol license, you'd understand.

i'm not saying i agree with it, but it's just what it is.

i personally haven't been ID'd in years so doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Myself and John had priviliged upbringings and didn't have to work when we were growing up mate.

u2u James for your working class chat.
Ben G

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

upper class belongs to the english, keep out of our traditions.

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Whatevs mate, back to Waitrose with you.

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2nd Dec 11 at 20:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Up the Irish

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