Registered: 12th Jan 10
Location: Hertfordshire
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Only ever remember having 1 day off in the last 3/4 years of working.
Registered: 27th Jun 10
Location: lancashire, nelson
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1 day off in 4years and i got a bollocking for it! wankers!
Registered: 6th Aug 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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I work in the public sector, and finally last week some guy got the sack for being off ill so much.
He would generally try and work 1 at most 2 days a week then take the rest off. He was caught shopping on days he was supposedly ill, and made a point of not controling his diabetes so days he did actually work, he would have to leave early as he wasnt feeling well. He was a waste of space, cash and a twat anyway so glad he is gone!
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
1 lot in october of 2 days due to man flu.
you took 2 days off for a cold
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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31 days off this year, 22 fully paid didnt get paid for the others as i couldnt be arsed to ring in sick so just stayed in bed
we have that shitty bradford score at our place and are supposed to go in the office with the boss when you hit 50 points, my total for 6 months was 980 points
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by fazza
quote: Originally posted by Ben G
1 lot in october of 2 days due to man flu.
you took 2 days off for a cold
if you think a cold includes having your head down a toilet throwing up your dinner, then yes 
obviously couldn't go into work because of that.
Registered: 2nd Mar 00
Location: Derby, Drives: EVO VIII MR & pug 308
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3 days in 6 years for me.
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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I've not been off this sick this year. But tbh if I was ill I'd just work from home!
[Edited on 21-12-2011 by Ben J]
Chris C
Registered: 2nd Jan 05
Location: Hemel Hempstead
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Had two weeks off at the beginning of the year for an operation that I had to have due to an injury at work that was fully paid for, then office duties for 5 months. Apart from that I've maybe had 2 days off in the last 2years.
Registered: 1st Jun 02
Location: Surrey
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I can easily work from home if I'm ill. But I think there was one occasion where I literally could barely get out of bed so I took a sick day. So one day. My boss is so laid back I can easily take the odd day where I work from home if I feel rough.
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Registered: 21st Jan 06
Location: Gerrards Cross Drives: Porsche 911
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I had 1 day off in 7 years at my last place. Had 1 afternoon off sick at Lemass
http://www.lemass.co.uk/ for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
Located in Chalfont st Peter
Jules S
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Registered: 24th Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by James
I can easily work from home if I'm ill. But I think there was one occasion where I literally could barely get out of bed so I took a sick day. So one day. My boss is so laid back I can easily take the odd day where I work from home if I feel rough.
40+ days off sick here....plus hospital visits.
I'm now banned from working at home, if I wasn't it would be nearly zero sick leave.
Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
Location: Bridgend
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i know someone who in his job had a thing going with his workmates they had a sick rota going, and they would plan who would be of sick where 
i have had two occasions in about ten years. few days each so about 7 days total
Registered: 20th Jun 06
Location: Rainham, Essex Drives: A3 2.0TDi Sport
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It's frowned upon if we go to work with something contagious as it spreads like mad within the office/building.
1 person came in with some sickness shit and wiped out half the dept for the week.
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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Play it sensible at our place. If you're ill they don't want you there, if you're not everyone is a close enough group not to pull a sickie.
Think I've had 7 days in 7 years (4 days in a row after an operation, 3 for cold/flu)
[Edited on 22-12-2011 by AndyKent]
Premium Member
Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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I'm the only person in work who hasn't had a day's sick leave this year but then I've not had one since I started here. I just bring in my germs and infect everyone else
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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Had 1 day off in April for a migraine. Can't see properly when I get them so didn't fancy driving and got told I couldn't work from home that day for some reason
1 day at the start of this month for food poisoning which for some reason has been recorded as a problem with my heart/circulation 
[Edited on 22-12-2011 by Conway563]
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
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Past 8 years I've had literally 1 day off. Well, partial. Went into work with no sleep and literally worried myself sick because I though I had developed tinnitus lol. Scared the hell out of me.
Then there was when I caught chicken pox from some twat at work when I was 23. First time too. Week off, compulsary for obvious reasons.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by JaffaTB
31 days off this year, 22 fully paid didnt get paid for the others as i couldnt be arsed to ring in sick so just stayed in bed
we have that shitty bradford score at our place and are supposed to go in the office with the boss when you hit 50 points, my total for 6 months was 980 points
thats really not something to proud of you tool
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by Ben J
I've not been off this sick this year. But tbh if I was ill I'd just work from home!
Unless I was literally stuck in bed, I would just do the same
I took a fair few sickies during my first 5 years of working, although had a few days with flu or 24hr bug thing but honestly cant ever remember a time since i joined vodafone 5 years ago :/ possibly because of having a laptop and thus doign the above even if i were ill
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by Fro
It's frowned upon if we go to work with something contagious as it spreads like mad within the office/building.
1 person came in with some sickness shit and wiped out half the dept for the week.
used to have that when i worked in a small firm, was lush lol
if we have somehting contagious here, we are suppsoed to wfh but when youre in london on the tube or bsues etc, its impossible not to be exposed so msot people dont bother lol
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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none in 2.5 years here
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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might be some upcoming jimbo when i come and break your legs for dissin the van man
Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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Only had one day off in 1.5 years at current place, and even then i tried to come in, threw up getting in the car, drove to work, got there kept having to run to throw up, eventually the boss sent me home, even now i'm ill, can barely stand up and i'm still here, i hate having time off for being ill
Registered: 17th Oct 05
Location: Essex Drives: GLC63S
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ive had a few, one after a car accident and one after an operation on my eye so i couldnt drive.
Both days i jsut worked at home as i have a company laptop so i technically havent had any.
where i used to work there used to be a points system
(number of occurances x number of occurances) x total number of days
it was a business model that assumed it was more damaging for a company for people to take frequent sick days rather than one long period. used to be able to play with it knowing what you could get away with before even be asked.