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last year, all the lads on the shop floor got a £30 bonus and allowed to go home at 12.30 lunchtime - the company then didn't pay them the £30 for the 4 hours of the afternoon that they would have earned had they been in.
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12.30 finish and we don't lose out any way.
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Registered: 30th Sep 08
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I always stick up for whats right in my place. They try to do alot of dodgey and down right illegal things. Always get into mass arguments with my boss. Theres a company called acas (i think) that you can email or ring with and problem and they will tell you if its legal or not. Then you tell your employer and if they argue take the cunts to court
My boss has recently tried removeing our right of picking our holidays. Haha he said from now on you dont pick when you take your holidays ill tell you when your takeing them just so theres no arguments ahaha
Also paid me under minimum wage for about 4 months when i turned 18.
But thats what you get when you work for taskers. Penny pinching cunts
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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I was forced to go to a works dinner recently where they made me have a 3 course meal, beer and wine
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If it was me in charge i would have emailed around or said in the main weekly meeting something like "right we are considering closing early, does anyone want to work or is everyone happy to take it off bearing in mind you will need to take flexi"
or as its xmas would have just written the time off and told everyone to go
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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I agree with you Steve, seems tight of the company to do that.
Don't they realise that those last couple of hours before everyone goes off to Christmas is going to be the most unproductive couple of hours anyway?
I bet it's all just old women nattering about knitting and people constantly offering to make everyone a tea, while everyone watches the clock tick down second by second.
- Should just send you all home at 2pm and say 'Have a good Christmas'.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
I agree with you Steve, seems tight of the company to do that.
Don't they realise that those last couple of hours before everyone goes off to Christmas is going to be the most unproductive couple of hours anyway?
steve is public sector therefore their entire time at work is unproductive #justsayin
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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In that case, they should probably just hand them all out p45's for Christmas instead.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Did he just hash tag a post on a forum? Gay.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Or should that be, #gay?
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Did he just hash tag a post on a forum? #Gay.
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Registered: 6th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Did he just hash tag a post on a forum? Gay.
lolz, sorry
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J

In that case, they should probably just hand them all out p45's for Christmas instead.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Office shuts at 12 tomorrow. Still get paid for a full day and don't have to make the time back up either.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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I'd be a bit pissed as well if i was in that situation, especially as it sounds like the company doesn't return the favour in being flexible themselves. They probably are breaking some law but is it worth the hassle?
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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we have a similar nonsense here, the last day before xmas (ie tomorrow) has to be taken as a full day holiday if you want it off but if you come in, then 9 times out of 10 the managers will dismiss everyone at lunchtime, ie unfairly penalisign those who take a full day off. we just put it with it because we arent whinging fannys
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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fcuk knows how he is going to find time to go to sarahs nativity play.....
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by mattk
get a life
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by mwg
Office shuts at 12 tomorrow. Still get paid for a full day and don't have to make the time back up either.
I've been off all this week (office closed yesterday for everyone) as cheekily booked it in July I got a text from my boss yesterday saying 'Just to clarify, we aren't back in until thursday 5th January' was expecting to be back in on the Wednesday!
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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I'd love my company to do that. Staying til 5pm tomorrow doesnt appeal to me in the slightest. I'd take it and forget about it til next year.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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while your making up the three hours flexi, you could make up the 7.5 hours you had when the strikes were on..
if you did strike and werent chatting shit then obv
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by FlaFFy_91
I always stick up for whats right in my place. They try to do alot of dodgey and down right illegal things. Always get into mass arguments with my boss. Theres a company called acas (i think) that you can email or ring with and problem and they will tell you if its legal or not. Then you tell your employer and if they argue take the cunts to court
My boss has recently tried removeing our right of picking our holidays. Haha he said from now on you dont pick when you take your holidays ill tell you when your takeing them just so theres no arguments ahaha
Also paid me under minimum wage for about 4 months when i turned 18.
But thats what you get when you work for taskers. Penny pinching cunts
if you dont like it..
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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call in ill