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Author work related question - promotion but for less money.

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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12th Jan 12 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jimbothebarbarian
Just to put out there the opposite to what others have said. I have gone the other way from being a manager and also having my own business in the past when I became a Father I actively sought out shift work as factory fodder. I've worked in two totally different factories now but both using the four on four off system.

This mean I get good money with no pressure. I clock out and forget the place and as for not seeing my kids (two of them now) I see more of them than I ever would working normal 9 to 5 hours as I only work nights twice out of every eight days.

I'm not the only one there is at least five lads I know who have done the same and love the relatively stress free life and within the company there are two high up managers who have "downgraded" for more time with the wife and kids and less hassle.

Just a thought for you.

completely agree - like I said it depend son what you want/what sort of stress you want to handle etc


Registered: 14th Nov 04
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12th Jan 12 at 14:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have just done something similar. I have found another job doing what I have wanted to do for a while, Ended up taking a massive pay cut (Now earning less than half what I was) as I am now back to an apprentice.

The money will be low for the first 12 months (Got a pay structure of how everything is set out) then after the first 12 months I should be on double what I take home at the minute!

If its something you want to do and you think you can cope with taking home a little less evry month then I say go for it

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