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quote: Originally posted by Ben J
If I was in that situation I'd be so fucking embarrassed that I was claiming benefits i'd do any job tbh.
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
quote: Originally posted by Ben J
If I was in that situation I'd be so fucking embarrassed that I was claiming benefits i'd do any job tbh.
That's just a personal problem you guys have tho isn't it? An image in your head that you'd clearly struggle to get over. In reality, "claiming" is 5mins every 2 weeks at the job centre, hardly a great deal. Nobody else would know your personal circustance.
I've been there myself, was shit having no money, but I fucking loved getting up when I wanted, chilling all day long, going out in the sun for a drive, the works. I didn't want to go back, but since I didn't have a disability to milk I had to
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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Lazy fooker. I see dozens of these people every week. We are desperate to employ English people but nobody wants the work or think they are destined for something better to be handed to them rather than working their way up from the shop floor. We have taken on 200 plus people in the last 3 years and no more than 20 were English.
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I wouldn't be desperate to pack chicken for minimum wage either mate. Gimme the dole over that, of course.
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
I wouldn't be desperate to pack chicken for minimum wage either mate. Gimme the dole over that, of course.
Do you have your own home Brett?
Kyle T
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It's not so much a pride thing for me, I just enjoy a good standard of living!
My Salary was half what it is now when I started home owning and it was horrible not having any money to spend for funtimes. I know I can survive on very little if needed - so I could probably sustain my house/life on benefits but I'd hate every minute of it.
I don't enjoy getting up every morning for work, but I do enjoy spunking money about on pretty much whatever I want 
Lotus Elise 111R
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the first guy is a fucking waster, i wouldnt give him a job looking like that. going by the condition of his flat i bet he stinks
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Makes me laugh when he says;
"I get £135 a fortnight in Jobseeker's Allowance and out of that I have to pay for my food, my electricity, my water, any luxuries, anything else that might crop up"
Him and people in the same situation are on a very cheap electricity rate, same with water.
State of his kitchen, if he hasn't got fuck all to do all day, wash the kitchen! Lazy bastard.
He also mentioned he went to his mum and dads for dinner the other day; why isn't he living at home still?
Anyone who has the opportunity to move back home whilst they're unemployed should be living with their parents, they're the ones that needed to ensure they got somewhere after school. Rather than wasting money putting an unneeded roof over this hobo's head
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Just gets me how they start the report based upon the condition of his flat. If you can't be arsed to keep the place you live relatively clean, how do you expect to do a decent job at work. Doing anything.
In a weird way though you can see how after 4 years of doing nothing laziness has totally set in, he's realised he can 'survive' (albeit shit existance) as he is, why should he change his ways.
The job centre/government should be pushing these people into jobs, even if it means sweeping the streets just so theres a motivation to better yourself.
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
quote: Originally posted by Brett
I wouldn't be desperate to pack chicken for minimum wage either mate. Gimme the dole over that, of course.
Do you have your own home Brett?
No, he rents a flat in Wootton Bassett.
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
quote: Originally posted by Brett
I wouldn't be desperate to pack chicken for minimum wage either mate. Gimme the dole over that, of course.
Do you have your own home Brett?
Yeah, although it's not really relevant, just painting the picture from both sides. Although, I'd love to see people like Ben G for example cover their wopping mortgage payment on minimum wage tbh. In a scenario like that I'd just rent out the property I owned and get the council to pay for one for me, job done, I've got an answer for everything.
quote: Originally posted by Kyle T
It's not so much a pride thing for me, I just enjoy a good standard of living!
Yeah, I agree, if you want nice things generally you have to work for them. Look at that scruffy cunt in his shit flat, hardly living it up Just depends what you want from life really.
I've got mates who've been on the dole since leaving school and get everything paid for, etc. their standard of living is absolute dog shite 
OK, my argument is flawed anyway since when I wasn't working I already had car, house, money, etc. from when I worked previously. Like I said, it's not about me, I'm just sharing, adding to the debate 'n all that jazz lol. I can understand why people get down about spongers and I can also understand why spongers don't want to work for shite money doing shite mundane jobs.
[Edited on 15-02-2012 by Brett]
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I've met a few in my time, blame the world when in fact they stink and moan when you ask them to do a bit of work.
Unemployment is great, make no mistake. Come and go as you please, do what you want when you want, what's not to like.
However if my kitchen is untidy is pisses me off and I have to clean it. Ditto the other rooms and myself. I wouldn't just get back on the console or watch the same TV series again. That would be a slippery slope which that guy has obviously gone down.
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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I don't see him blaming anyone though, just says he applied for loads since 2008, did get anything and that now his given up after going through the same the same thing over and over.
I'm sure you would all be full of enthusiasm in the same situation, with £300+ a month to pay for car finance, mortgages and children, you will all head off to mc' donalds to look for work rather then claiming on the dole so you could survive.
Is really easy to judge someone for something if you haven't been in the same situation.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
quote: Originally posted by Gary
quote: Originally posted by Ben J
If I was in that situation I'd be so fucking embarrassed that I was claiming benefits i'd do any job tbh.
That's just a personal problem you guys have tho isn't it? An image in your head that you'd clearly struggle to get over. In reality, "claiming" is 5mins every 2 weeks at the job centre, hardly a great deal. Nobody else would know your personal circustance.
I've been there myself, was shit having no money, but I fucking loved getting up when I wanted, chilling all day long, going out in the sun for a drive, the works. I didn't want to go back, but since I didn't have a disability to milk I had to
Its not the TIME its the fact that you are EXPECTING other people to pay for your life... That just is a little bit shameful.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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How do you know the people posting in this thread havent been through the same situation?
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@ Sunz btw
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Sunz
I don't see him blaming anyone though, just says he applied for loads since 2008, did get anything and that now his given up after going through the same the same thing over and over.
I'm sure you would all be full of enthusiasm in the same situation, with £300+ a month to pay for car finance, mortgages and children, you will all head off to mc' donalds to look for work rather then claiming on the dole so you could survive.
Is really easy to judge someone for something if you haven't been in the same situation.
He isnt blaming individuals but at the same time he isnt taking responsibility for his own problems.. To be able to complain about the state of his OWN kitchen or moan about it being cold because he leaves the windows open so he can smoke indoors is just laughable to be brutally honest... He needs to grow the fuck up.
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
How do you know the people posting in this thread havent been through the same situation?
Well they're all pro job hunters who can get 10000000 different jobs within a day of applications, so they wouldn't be on the dole for 4+ years, so based on that I guess none of them are or have been on the dole for 4+ years and in the same situation as this guy !
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Sunz
quote: Originally posted by Gary
How do you know the people posting in this thread havent been through the same situation?
Well they're all pro job hunters who can get 10000000 different jobs within a day of applications, so they wouldn't be on the dole for 4+ years, so based on that I guess none of them are or have been on the dole for 4+ years and in the same situation as this guy !
Think about it this way Sunz.. If I had no money and I walked into YOUR kitchen and helped myself to YORU food and then moaned about it not being very nice do you think that would be acceptable?
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: SE England
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quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
quote: Originally posted by Sunz
I don't see him blaming anyone though, just says he applied for loads since 2008, did get anything and that now his given up after going through the same the same thing over and over.
I'm sure you would all be full of enthusiasm in the same situation, with £300+ a month to pay for car finance, mortgages and children, you will all head off to mc' donalds to look for work rather then claiming on the dole so you could survive.
Is really easy to judge someone for something if you haven't been in the same situation.
He isnt blaming individuals but at the same time he isnt taking responsibility for his own problems.. To be able to complain about the state of his OWN kitchen or moan about it being cold because he leaves the windows open so he can smoke indoors is just laughable to be brutally honest... He needs to grow the fuck up.
Looks quite obvious to me his depressed.
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quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
Its not the TIME its the fact that you are EXPECTING other people to pay for your life... That just is a little bit shameful.
Again, the shame begins and end in your head. No shame in getting help anyway, what's the alternative, living in a box and not eating? This is assuming some poor fellow has lost his job and genuinely can't get another job btw.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Sunz
Looks quite obvious to me his depressed.
<BAM> there goes that excuse.. He's not depressed! If you are depressed you find it very difficult to fin the reason WHY you are depressed. He's just damn right LAZY!
The problem we have these days is people honestly believe the government just prints money for people on benefit as and when they need it!
I have no problem with the taxes I pay going into hospitals and other public services but when I see people who are just a waste of DNA spending what is in essence MY HARD EARNED money It makes me SICK!
The welfare state is NOT an alternative lifestyle it is a LAST RESORT!
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
Its not the TIME its the fact that you are EXPECTING other people to pay for your life... That just is a little bit shameful.
Again, the shame begins and end in your head. No shame in getting help anyway, what's the alternative, living in a box and not eating? This is assuming some poor fellow has lost his job and genuinely can't get another job btw.
It is when you're wanking it up a fag habit or spunking it on other non-essentials... That money that he's pissing up the wall was EARNED by people who actually get off their arses and work!
Kyle T
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quote: Originally posted by Sunz
I guess none of them are or have been on the dole for 4+ years and in the same situation as this guy !
You guess right, but then I would NEVER sit on the dole for four years. He's talking about being rejected for jobs all the time, that means he isn't good enough for the jobs he's applying for - so he needs to aim lower and try something else. ANYBODY can get a job, I'm not saying they're all going to be glorious careers but it's content for your CV and an opportunity to progress. Four years of blank space on a CV looks shit - and every month he adds to that kills his career prospects even further. Employees will respect four years stacking shelves infinately more than four years of white space.
He's lazy and deserves no sympathy.
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi