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Author marijuana

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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27th Jun 12 at 14:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Prefer it to drinking, most of my mates starting smoking weed as teenagers, i joined them. Then they start going to the same pub every weekend, then quite a few week nights too, Drinking and smoking weed. I did this for a bit in my early to mid 20's

10yrs and approaching our 30's, they still going to the same pub and drinking and smoking and now sniffing £100 a gram coke, Which they also do during the week sometimes.

I hardly see any of them now, but i still smoke weed, although i can't sit around and smoke it and just mong out, i have to go out in the garage and work on car.

Corrado, built by weed.

Registered: 20th Jun 06
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27th Jun 12 at 14:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by will_ainsworth
Whilst i dont expect ill be able to smoke when im in full time employment.

Why not?

Based on that you would be surprised how many full time people use all sorts, especially "suits"

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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27th Jun 12 at 14:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ah well, I don't drink alcohol or take any illegal drugs, doesn't appeal to me and I would need to take out a loan to afford them.

Registered: 24th Jan 04
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27th Jun 12 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Back home I'd have some friends around and we'd play pool and all smoke some weed for a few hours. Did it as its cheaper than boozing, and you don't get hangovers. Did this once a week/two weeks when we could get together. Been in oz for 4 months now with no 'withdrawal'symptoms and no craving so it isn't addictive for me.

I enjoy the feeling it gives you, personally the smell depends on what weed you have, for example pineapple grapefruit, or white widow doesn't smell as overpowering as cheap home grown cheese IMO.

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27th Jun 12 at 14:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Alarms me when I think what car I could have with the amount I spend on weed a month. Easily afford a brand new BMW with the money smoked away.

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27th Jun 12 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Fro
Originally posted by will_ainsworth
Whilst i dont expect ill be able to smoke when im in full time employment.

Why not?

Based on that you would be surprised how many full time people use all sorts, especially "suits"

I plan to be running my own business within the next few years and its my money ill be wasting if i make mistakes or get too cosy. Ill no doubt just smoke at weekends or on occasion but trying to weigh up the options of giving it up. The legality of it pisses me off though, i feel in the public eye im being tarnished with the same brush as others. yet its the one way i can relax and can also allow me to not worry about things. it also allows me to sit their and spend 8 hours editing a image without getting ratty (thats what i meant about it allowing me to be creative i seem to put more effort into it.

The fashion industry is full of drugs. ive seen designers, assistants etc snorting coke on the job, for me thats wrong and unprofessional beyond belief.

Registered: 28th Mar 02
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27th Jun 12 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm the same with the class A's I've wated money on
Over the last 9 years. Best not to think about it!

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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27th Jun 12 at 15:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by will_ainsworth
i feel in the public eye im being tarnished with the same brush as others.

In the public eye nobody cares.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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27th Jun 12 at 15:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got all a's at gcse, started on weed in 6th form couldn't be arsed any more left school done shit jobs ever since only factory job that I earned near 30k which isn't a bad wage tbh round here. Stuck in a shit job no skills no training no qualifications. I stopped at Christmas and like someone else said about memory, I never knew how much of anything i had forgotten about the last 15 years. Can't remember much at all. Feel better now though probably take me a few more years to get level headed.
Nic Barnes

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27th Jun 12 at 15:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh for Internet record I used to do a nearly half ounce a week of green.

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27th Jun 12 at 15:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cow parsley doesn't count Barnestomer

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27th Jun 12 at 15:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A cunt of a drug, does far more damage than most people would have you believe.

Registered: 8th Apr 02
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27th Jun 12 at 15:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I used to smoke it all day every day for about 5 years. Then eventually I noticed it was really taking it's toll on my brain. I was incredibly forgetful and I struggled to read things because by the time I finished a sentence I forgot what the beginning said, so it made no sense. So I stopped for a few years.

Now I'll only have a couple of tokes every now and again just because I miss the taste.

Registered: 8th Apr 02
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27th Jun 12 at 15:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh and in no way did it make me more creative. Just hungry, sleepy, confused and boring

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27th Jun 12 at 15:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Hammer
A cunt of a drug, does far more damage than most people would have you believe.

I used to work with a guy who was a big drug user. he was not cocky or big headed about it, just said he got caught up in it.

Said out of everything he used, weed screwed him up the most!!
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27th Jun 12 at 15:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think in moderation (if you can manage that) then it's ok. When it becomes a daily you're deffo on a downward spiral.
Welsh Dan

Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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27th Jun 12 at 15:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As Hammer said. Loads of people preach about how it does less harm than alcohol and the like, but the long term effects from regular users are dreadful.

Registered: 26th May 03
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27th Jun 12 at 16:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I smoke it for medicinal purposes when my back is playing up.

Works really well as a pain reliever for sciatica and bad backs.
Nic Barnes

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27th Jun 12 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Welsh Dan
As Hammer said. Loads of people preach about how it does less harm than alcohol and the like, but the long term effects from regular users are dreadful.
Not forgetting that's exactly the same for alcohol, which gets over looked as its legal.

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27th Jun 12 at 16:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I heard once that the reason cannabis is illegal is because the government are unable to tax it. Don't know how true this is though.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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27th Jun 12 at 16:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

too many rumours about weed from people floating around really.

Registered: 15th Aug 10
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27th Jun 12 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont smoke weed or sess because it known to give a brother brain damage and brina damage on the mic dont manage...

I used to in school once a week or so wasnt really into wasting my money like my friends were on it, a couple years back my friend was smoking way too much along with huge amount of NO-Xplode and literally went potty for about 7 months and was hosptilised, major turn off for me imo have probably only smoked 8 or so times since i have left school 4 odd years ago.

Dont have any problems with people that do smoke though its the people that slam smokers because its illegal etc then go out and get smashed and every weekend and start fights that piss me off.

Registered: 24th Jan 04
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27th Jun 12 at 17:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Eddx14xe
I heard once that the reason cannabis is illegal is because the government are unable to tax it. Don't know how true this is though.

I think eventually it will be legalised. Tx the seed and control the growth.

Registered: 6th Aug 03
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27th Jun 12 at 17:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Never done it and cannot stand the smell of it. Moreso after moving into my house and finding out my neighbours do it 24/7.

Not a day goes past when one of them (married couple) aren't outside lighting up (when it rains they smoke inside their sons playhouse). Its more annoying during the summer months when you want to sit outside/have all the windows open and enjoy what summer we have, and if we hang washing out it stinks. Not good when your company does drug testing and your clothes reek of it.

They did try to stop it when the woman fell pregnant. She went from being quite nice to on edge constantly and argumentative and the bloke was the same. They were always fighting over little things (who moved something, if a drink was spilt whose fault it was etc.). After their son was born they were straight back on it...within hours of giving birth.

They are nice people, but stink to fuck of weed. We have spoken to them about it, they try not to smoke it in the back garden when our windows are open (they smoke in the car instead), but don't think they will ever stop. My revenge is the BBQ. They hate the smell and i make sure its extra smoky so they retreat inside until i am done cooking.

Registered: 30th Nov 10
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27th Jun 12 at 17:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Brett
I've been smoking it for years. Feel like it's ruined me and taken away my motivation more than anything. Also makes you associate with people that are generally losers. Not exactly proud of it and I've tried to stop and I don't care what anyone says, you get withdrawals, mega rage amongst other things, and life just seems overly boring in general without it. I've always said, if I'm blazed I could sit in a cardboard box and be happy. I don't even get stoned as such anymore, I feel like I do it just to bring me back to my normal level, if that makes sense. As for the more creative BS and stuff like that, try doing it for years and see how motivated you are to do art or whatever then. Summary, it's not cool and it's not clever, and from someone who smokes it, don't imo.

100% agree with this tbh, yeh it might feel good at the beginning, but it seems your always trying to chase the feeling you got when you first started smoking it. It also costs a bomb and stinks, oh and i herd 1 joint is like 20 x worse than a cig

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