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Author Dads of the board, opinions please

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12th Aug 12 at 23:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Congrats smoggy what ever you feel now will pass trust me. It's a bit easier for me I've got a 6month old but also a 4yr a12yr and a 16yr old so they all pitch in and help which is nice. You think it's bad now with the wake feed nappy etc wait Toll he gets the pox my boy has just got over it and now today my 4yr old has got it

Registered: 24th Aug 03
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12th Aug 12 at 23:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just brought my son up to bed, his first night in his cot-bed and he was put down in a starfish pose. One to add to my note book :-)
These are the memory's you will gather on your journey mate :-)

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13th Aug 12 at 04:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
Something you have to prepare for mentally and financially etc, then I think you can enjoy it , don't understand these people like ojc that get trapped into having a baby by bunnyboiler maneaters then pretending its suddenly what they wanted when they had no interest before.

[Edited on 12-08-2012 by Steve]

Until you hold your daughter in your arms and she cuddles you back or when you've been at work all day and come home and it's been a tough day and she smiles at you, that is worth more than anything else in the world.

Nothing else matters

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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13th Aug 12 at 05:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
Originally posted by Steve
Something you have to prepare for mentally and financially etc, then I think you can enjoy it , don't understand these people like ojc that get trapped into having a baby by bunnyboiler maneaters then pretending its suddenly what they wanted when they had no interest before.

[Edited on 12-08-2012 by Steve]

Until you hold your daughter in your arms and she cuddles you back or when you've been at work all day and come home and it's been a tough day and she smiles at you, that is worth more than anything else in the world.

Nothing else matters

Is that not his daughter in some of his project thread pictures?? The young lass that helps him??

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13th Aug 12 at 07:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Originally posted by Ojc
Originally posted by Steve
Something you have to prepare for mentally and financially etc, then I think you can enjoy it , don't understand these people like ojc that get trapped into having a baby by bunnyboiler maneaters then pretending its suddenly what they wanted when they had no interest before.

[Edited on 12-08-2012 by Steve]

Until you hold your daughter in your arms and she cuddles you back or when you've been at work all day and come home and it's been a tough day and she smiles at you, that is worth more than anything else in the world.

Nothing else matters

Is that not his daughter in some of his project thread pictures?? The young lass that helps him??

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13th Aug 12 at 07:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Love the way some people get so defensive when you question there position, evidence indeed of there own insecurities of the situation.
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13th Aug 12 at 07:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also, for the record, i can come home from work and hold my daughter in my arms and she smiles at me. But in my case, it doesnt stop me building a race spec puma on the driveway.

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13th Aug 12 at 08:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I come home and kick the neighbours cat, nothing else matters

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13th Aug 12 at 08:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
Originally posted by Steve
Something you have to prepare for mentally and financially etc, then I think you can enjoy it , don't understand these people like ojc that get trapped into having a baby by bunnyboiler maneaters then pretending its suddenly what they wanted when they had no interest before.

[Edited on 12-08-2012 by Steve]

Until you hold your daughter in your arms and she cuddles you back or when you've been at work all day and come home and it's been a tough day and she smiles at you, that is worth more than anything else in the world.

Nothing else matters

Posted at 10 to 5 probably after wiping a shitty arse and washing sick off the back of your pyjama's.

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13th Aug 12 at 08:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The annoying thing is as much it annoys me when people blabber on about their kids and how wonderful it all is we will probably be turned in to the same gushing blithering idiots when we have kids Fries your brain imo

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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13th Aug 12 at 11:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My son is due in about 9 weeks, not looking forward to the first part, but absolutely prepared (as much as possible) for it. How old are you fiestakidda? I think if this was about to happen to me a few years ago I'd be depressed as hell, but I've took it upon myself to stop going out drinking with my mates as much during my other half’s pregnancy and so I'm used to that side of it. I'm prepared for zombification for a few months now, (done all the prep with nursery etc so will just be getting through each day as it comes without having to do too much around the house etc) and once that's all passed I can't wait to see him develop.

MWG is right, unless you are anti-children, can’t have them etc then everyone will, to some degree end up as you say. I’m glad I waited until this age, I feel ready for it – there’s only so much partying and such like that you can do until it all just feels the same.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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13th Aug 12 at 11:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

We have a 2 year old with another bump on the way (8 weeks left )

Yes you do loose some of that freedom, just making plans on the spur of the moment becomes very difficult, particularly if you want to time things right so your at certain places for the baby to eat / sleep etc.

It will seem strange for a month or three, but eventually it becomes the norm.

Whilst the quality time is great, you should also make allowance for you both to have a bit of 'me time'. I normally go fishing on a sunday, but you gotta be careful not to take the pish.

Looking back, the next few weeks for your misses will be really hard, my misses bottled it up, but the majority of them generally struggle and it gets them down for abit.

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13th Aug 12 at 12:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i reckon some people are only having kids as they think its what they have to do
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13th Aug 12 at 12:14   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Have to have a child when you reach Facebook level 20, to progress to the next level on Facebook
Ian W

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13th Aug 12 at 12:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
Have to have a child when you reach Facebook level 20, to progress to the next level on Facebook


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13th Aug 12 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just over 6 weeks to go until D-day for me, quite looking forward to it tbh

I guess it will be weird having the mrs at home all the time, as i'm used to doing my own thing during the day but i'll just need to make time for her, the baby & myself all in adequate quantities.

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13th Aug 12 at 12:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
i reckon some people are only having kids as they think its what they have to do

Do you not worry about who's going to look after you at your mum's house in 40yrs time when your growing old?
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13th Aug 12 at 13:05   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

See comments like that are the reason i think a lot of people end up having children, because they are scared they are getting to old, or worry that by a certain age it should happen, i dont worry about any of that stuff, it will happen, but I will only let it happen when its something i want and am ready for, not because im scared about my mums house, or that fact most of my facebook friends are having kids.

I may never feel like I want to, and in that case may never have kids, who knows, but i certainly dont spend any time worrying about it

infact i think the scare tactics are employed by parents who are a bit jealous that some of there friends dont have kids and arent having the stresses they are so make up these horror scenarios just so they have kids too and are all in the same boat

[Edited on 13-08-2012 by Steve]

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13th Aug 12 at 13:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So basically, Steve, you want to make sure everything is perfectly in place before you go through with it, and if that doesn't happen you wont go through with it? that's pretty fair.

Sounds like you're talking about putting your car on a track though rather than kids

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13th Aug 12 at 13:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mine's 15 weeks now.

Yup, you lose a lot of priveleges and money and sleep.
Isn't easy at all, I'm glad the missus does more than her fair share with feeding and such because I don't have good patience, especially when tired
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13th Aug 12 at 13:16   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as best in place as i can make it yeah

i wouldnt have one with me living at home and my gf living 150miles away no

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13th Aug 12 at 13:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was always told if you wait till every things perfect before you have kids then you'll never be having kids

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13th Aug 12 at 13:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is that some kind of ploy to get me to have kids sooner Steve?
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13th Aug 12 at 13:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont think you can ever be 100% ready, but these scare tactics annoy me somewhat, ooh your 30 now, getting on a bit, shouldnt you be thinking about having kids? erm no why, just because you think so? or because other 30 year olds on facebook are

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13th Aug 12 at 13:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by fiestakidda
My wife and I had our first baby two weeks ago and at first it was amazing but over the last week I've found things really hard. Adjusting to having a baby I'm struggling with and cannot think that I've lost too much of my freedom. Now I knew I would lose freedom in terms of going out on the lash etc but I feel like we as a couple have lost our spontaneous side of being able to get up and go when it's a nice day.

My question is, did any other new dads feel like this and will it pass?

Don't get me wrong the little un is awesome and everything I could have asked for, she was planned but I'm not a baby person I do prefer them when they can walk and talk etc.

[Edited on 12-08-2012 by fiestakidda]

Also they get better after a couple weeks. Begin to sleep more at night, kind of a routine.

We found that if we do a routine of:
bath, bottle, bed before bedtime, he sleeps about 12 hours with 1 feed/change in the night.

Also try not to let them sleep during the evening because you'll want them to sleep at night instead, although they do have a few naps in the day

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