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Author the illegal immigrant who killed that lad after a hit and run...

Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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16th Feb 04 at 20:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

1 point of view
other countries in the eu
dont get involed in other ppls wars
and dont let illegal immergrants in or let them claim assylum they are turned away at the border
and no one has a go at those countries
why does our country be any different?
why do we have to be soft
if ppl from other countries come here work and pay there way, fine by me
but if they are here to scrounge and gouge our country then send them back to fix thier own country

other countries do this and its fine why are we different

and its not just immegrants pikeys who dole scrounge need a kick in the ass aswell

also-other note while im here prison seems to me like a holiday u get paid, a room, tv, bed roof over your head, and no fear of someone robbing you its the safest place to be.
only draw back is you get ass fucked but
i havent been in prison so i dont know for sure what its like this is the impression im given

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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16th Feb 04 at 20:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Adam-D
1 point of view
other countries in the eu
dont get involed in other ppls wars
and dont let illegal immergrants in or let them claim assylum they are turned away at the border
and no one has a go at those countries
why does our country be any different?
why do we have to be soft
if ppl from other countries come here work and pay there way, fine by me
but if they are here to scrounge and gouge our country then send them back to fix thier own country

other countries do this and its fine why are we different

and its not just immegrants pikeys who dole scrounge need a kick in the ass aswell

also-other note while im here prison seems to me like a holiday u get paid, a room, tv, bed roof over your head, and no fear of someone robbing you its the safest place to be.
only draw back is you get ass fucked but
i havent been in prison so i dont know for sure what its like this is the impression im given

you know jackshit don;t you about the UK and EU laws governing assylum seeking. maybe in future you should not speak unless you know slightly more than a nats piss about a subject

[Edited on 16-02-2004 by vibrio]

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