Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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"only reason you feel the sax is better is that its newer and has airbags and more up to date stuff"
My saxo has the same mileage as my corsa and is the same year.
"sax has more than 100k its had its day where as corsas go for far far longer"
Mates VTS is on 135k and only been regularly services and had one headgasket done as early ones were prone to going.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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what? my corsas engine blew up at 100k 
a friends VTS was on 140k+ and he had no probs whatsoever still felt really tight
the only reason a saxo would have had its day at 100k is the gearbox everything else should last equally as long
[Edited on 01-01-2007 by Steve]
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
User status: Offline
I even disagree with that, My corsa engine had stem seal trouble at 85k , and Kano reckons the stem seals are gone on the red gsi i had i think and taht had done 69k.
Registered: 13th Nov 06
Location: East Sussex
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Guess I was just unlucky with all 3 of my saxos and lucky with my corsas!
Anyway its ridiculous that you can compare the corsa b with a saxo which is a much newer car atleast compare it to the corsa c, no?!
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
User status: Offline
What are you on about, the saxo came out about a year after a corsa..
Registered: 13th Nov 06
Location: East Sussex
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actually, the corsa was out at 1993 and the saxo 1996, thats 3 years, you know for a fact the saxo is alot newer not only in styling but everything else!
Jonny P
Registered: 11th Dec 04
Location: Merseyside Drives: Civic Type R EP3
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then the corsa had a facelift in 1997 so yes you can compare?
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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the corsa C came out in 2001 the 106 in 1997 so yet another unfair comparison, but still comparing the 1.8 sri against the vts in terms of driving experience the vts is miles ahead again