Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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quote: Originally posted by All Torque
You just said we should be watching you, checking our blindspots etc. 
Yes, thats paying ATTENTION to what your doing, thats not adjusting your actual DRIVING.
Do you not pay any attention to whats around you when your driving? See this is what I mean about general observations. As a biker, driving a car, I know when ANY bike comes up behined me. I don't change my driving, but i just pay that bit more attention to what they are doing. Whether a biker is at fault for a possible accident or not, I don't want it on my conciounce (?sp) that I contributed to a possible death.......
But then as a biker, you become a more observant car driver. Thats a fact!!!!!
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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quote: Originally posted by dannymccann
I genuinely take VXR's points, they are good ones. However, on many occasions I havent come across any biker with the same good attitude as VXR, and honestly, the majority will do what All_Torque is on about. They dont initmidate me tbh, if I do have to brake hard all I will have is a dented bumper, the biker will have some broken bones, soon teach him (I know 'him' is a generalisation, but there ya go)
Exactly. And your right, theres some RIGHT muppets out there that frankly I wish I could slap. As i say, like car chavs, no-one really likes them bar their little crowed, they arn't they for the passion, they are there for the speed/attention whoarenss. Do people like chavs at car shows? Its the same thing really.
And as you say, you will get a dented bumper, we'll get broken bones. Another reason to be at the side, and not behined. Its not just the bikers responsibilty to pay attention, its the car drivers too. Just if we screw up, it hurts You can ride very fast quite safley, but if the car driver isn't paying attention, it can be very bad... As a biker, you have to take this into account and be able to get out the way, its our life.
But if people drove with more care, it would be safer still.
Adam C
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I have a few:
.Moped's/Bikes - even when im sticking to the speed limit a couple of bikers feel the need to ride right behind me with no gap and then floor it close to the side of my car, moped's are worse, they sound so annoying and there always some chav on it yelling abuse at you, I must admit though I do get some bikers who are good and don't ride behind people and leave a safe distance, those are the sort of bikers I will pull to the left for to let them through.
.Citreon Picasso's - The worst of the people carriers IMO, there always some women driving who believes she is god on the road and has right of way no matter what and then stares evil at you and shouts something even though you do nothing wrong.
Does apply with other people carriers but generally the Picasso is the weapon of choice for mothers around here.
.The Boy Racer - Alot of people would think everyone on here is a boy racer for doing up there car, I class it as someone who does crap and few mod's and then goes 'racing', have known a few lad's I used to go with passed there test's to quickly and just went out and thrashed the crap out of there car's with loads of mates inside, even though they have had bad accidents they still don't learn.
Old Driver's - got loads of them where I live, they never reach the speed limit, never indicate, cut people up and stare daggers at you when they make a mistake
Mobile Phone User's - Hate people who do this, there putting others safety at risk and generally being stupid, and the fact you can get 3 points and a fine for it now still passes people by.
A mate of mine was driving me somewhere and he started texting when driving, I couldn't stand for it as he was putting both of our lives at risk, safe to say he hasn't done it again with me in the car lol.
I don't always suffer from road rage, but if I see someone using a phone or making a mistake then staring daggers at me for there mistake I normally make some sort of gesture
[Edited on 16-01-2008 by Green Thing]
My Arden Blue Astra GSi MK4 on BBS LM's Project Thread
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
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That bit of the M42 with constant speed cameras and variable speed limits
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Registered: 12th May 06
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- lack of indication common sense - roundabouts mainly, but also those who i follow who brake and indicate last minute, or are pulling over so indicate but travel along the road for 1/2 before they stop!
- lane discipline! motorways will only work when people move to the left as soon as is safe to do so, what ever your speed aim to get left!!
also the lane choice at roundabouts. if you enter a roundabout in a certain lane i expect you to follow that lane dont throw your fist up at me when i mistake your intentions as you veer out of it (it would have helped if you used your indicators )
- speed obsessed drivers. those who disrespect others on the road who maintain speed limits. i drive a 12v but can and do sit at 80mph on a motorway, but often get some pricks flying up doing 90-ton+ flashing me to get out the way i'm overtaking traffic and maintaining a high speed feck off!!
these drivers are a menence, they clearly cant look past their own bonnets often braking hard when they realise the car in front is 20mph slower than them
this also refers to those who are too slow. if your getting over taken by a lorry (in car) your going too slow - classic cars etc the exception. travelling at 45mph on national speed limit roads is a great danger for any cars travelling up behind and can cause further risk and these car overtake to get past
(-forth one sorry - uninsured drivers)
Registered: 31st May 06
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Dont really sufer from road rage, used to abit but you grow up and learn to control your feelings.
However I also ride my bike 40 miles a day to work through city centre traffic. Some drivers need to be shot however you almost develop a sence about these things. Il be riding along next to a lane of stationary traffic and il think, 'that car in the distance is going to pull out on me' il slow down abit and get ready on my breaks and 9 times out of 10 that car will pull out withoutn indication. Very werid, dont really get it driving my car.
Registered: 30th Nov 07
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my dad rides a bike, im not going to tell you what it is but its 1000cc lol, as far i know he rides in the middle of the road and overtakes when hes clear too.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Bikers do piss me off, and what Fonz is saying about speed obsessed drivers
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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quote: Originally posted by Green Thing
I have a few:
.Moped's/Bikes - even when im sticking to the speed limit a couple of bikers feel the need to ride right behind me with no gap and then floor it close to the side of my car, moped's are worse, they sound so annoying and there always some chav on it yelling abuse at you, I must admit though I do get some bikers who are good and don't ride behind people and leave a safe distance, those are the sort of bikers I will pull to the left for to let them through.
If it makes you feel any better, I hate f-ing moped too, and had quite a few run ins with chavs in tracksuits and no gloves acting like twats.
Skin burns an inch per second. Watch their faces go white....... Scooters are the f-ing worst theough, i just want to kick the little fuckers off 
Baskey, your on the same wavelength You can actaully see when a car driver is goign to change lanes before they realise they are going to do it themselves. Almost a sense you get. I understand what your saying completly as it kinda defines how you get through the traffic at that point (speed, positioning etc...).
[Edited on 16-01-2008 by VXR]
Registered: 2nd Jan 07
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1.old people
2.people who do 15 in a 30 
3.fog lights when its not foggy
Registered: 9th Apr 04
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- People who do 45 in a 60, but continue doing 45 when it becomes a 30
- Women who instead of stepping out into the road push their push-chair out instead. If you want to die, fine, but the kid probably doesn't want to.
- 16 year olds on mopeds. They just don't have the maturity IMO.
Registered: 10th Jun 07
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quote: Originally posted by Jakey
- Buses. Around here they decide to pull up and start agaim without the need to indicate
- Driving down a bypass/national speed limit road and people who think they can pull out infront of you and get to 60 before your up there arse end.
- People who generally go to slow. e.g 40/50 down a bypass
As above, theyll do 40/50 on a bypass but then get to end where its 30 limit and do 35-40.
Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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tbf, I ride a bike (only 125 but still 2 wheels) and when i drive my car, i generally dont like them. Obviously there are normal ones, but 90% of them get on two wheels and think they are free, think they can get out of any siutatoin because they are on two wheels, and they think they can outbreak cars....but the fact of the matter is, they cant outbreak alot of modern day cars to they can follow at what ever they want.
Also people say about the blind spot things....you are taught to take the dominant posistion in the road. Ie towards the middle
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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not two feet away though