Registered: 19th Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
quote: Originally posted by Iain M
Fuck me sideways, bad times mate feel your pain. Someone must of been watching you or followed you to be that successfull to get 2 cars.
Reason why all keys watches phones and everything get taken upstairs when we go to bed.
i do this but it's better off leaving them downstairs, never know what these pricks carry these days.
and anyone who says all this shit about i'll shank them with a knife or use a baseball bat on them are talking shit.
Got to agree with that. Did nobody see Crimewatch not long ago where they broken in to take the Audi TT and ended up raping that pregnant woman.
Just let them take the car, fuck taking the keys upstairs you'll just get tortured until you give them up.
Registered: 1st Jun 04
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It does worry me that we cant enjoy or show any wealth (or A-B possesions for that matter), cos someone is always wanting something for nothing.
No end of times I have actually considered not taking flash cars home, purely because I feel targeted and vunerable in some cars I have had.
I even took to not parking in my allocated space to potentially throw anyone sniffing around off the scent so to speak.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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If they can't steal it they will key it in jealousy.
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Registered: 8th May 05
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Must be an awful feeling. Some scum in the world.
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 19th Feb 06
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Feel for you mate and I get what you mean about not wanting them back, i'd be the same. I'm still boiling over my GSI front bumper being stolen but this takes the biscuit to be fair.
A friend of mine owns a model car shop which got broke into the weekend. They took £2000 worth of petrol RC cars and left everything else including brand new 110cc pit bikes, petrol scooter and pro-karts. The theives obviously knew exactly what they wanted and what would be easiest to sell just before christmas.
Like someone said, it's all the scruffy fuckers earning money for the christmas smack binge.
As said cctv and signs are the only thing you can do really but like I always say if someone wants something they'll take it, no matter what.
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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As said by ben best off leaving the keys downstairs, fuck waking up to find a group of guys who would do anything to not get put in jail, in your house
Feel for you mate, really nice cars, anything specific about them? like a one off mod? that people could look out for, some scum out there
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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How did they get in?
Registered: 15th Nov 02
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quote: Originally posted by Twiggy
How did they get in?
screwdriver on the front door
I didnt set the alarm on the house last night and sods law it happens
Registered: 29th Mar 00
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maybe they knew u didnt set the alarm that night
Registered: 5th Nov 03
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Registered: 21st Oct 06
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M Sport was lovely too.
Registered: 4th May 02
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yes as ojc said the astra mk4 gsi car alarm went off about 2 years ago and got up and never saw anything but next day i came home from work and it was keyed front to back
Registered: 14th Jun 06
Location: Stevenage, Hertfordshire
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sorry to hear about this mate 
its a crime on the up, and i hope you saw a good response from your police force.
Registered: 28th Nov 03
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Gutted indeed made 
You got uPVC doors ? Piece of piss to get into
Registered: 9th May 08
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I hope the culprits get found and stabbed with plastic knives until deep wounds are created.
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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shit news mate
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
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Fuck that must be horrible! Hope it works out all ok!
Post up any news or if they have been found e.t.c!
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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Deffo stolen to order imo by theives who knew what they were doing.
A guy at work has a 1 series and the clutch pedal needs to be pressed to the floor before it can be started.Im guessing yours would be the same.
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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again u cant have anything nice in life
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Registered: 19th Mar 08
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were did u leave the keys?
steering locks are needed just because your car has an alarm and immobliser doesnt mean its secure !!
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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kitchen,bakc of the house he said
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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quote: Originally posted by Anty
were did u leave the keys?
steering locks are needed just because your car has an alarm and immobliser doesnt mean its secure !!
What use is the steering lock if they've broken into the house and taken the keys for it?
Registered: 24th Nov 06
Location: Lochgelly, Fife
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I cant believe what ive read. I cant even imagine the anger you must be feeling.
Registered: 11th Apr 01
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I take the keys upstairs...but always set the house alarm when ever I'm in bed or out... the whole house has movement sensors and I can trip the alarm from upstairs if I hear anything downmstairs.
Registered: 28th Dec 08
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feel so sorry for you