Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
the fun to be had spending and modifiying the astra is far greater than a corsa b. if you buy one the corsa will gather dust then get sold. it will be too much to leave it a std car.
Fuck me Nic Barnes and myself agree.
When you get this Astra you won't have time for the Corsa, it becomes addictive and it's much easier to make a vroommmm tissshhhh go vroooommm vroooommmm.
I had the Nova when we got the first VXR so the situation is comparable and on those sunny days as lovely as the Nova was, the VXR was always going to draw the looks and you didn't have to worry about it breaking down or passing out from petrol fumes.
But then again it was really nice to have the choice.
I think your sensible enough to finish the Corsa B IMO. Just giving you points of view x
I want to finish the B, have a car i can take on track, and not be to worried if it breaks etc
same when i had the bike, - i got a car and it got less and less use, but i had the option of taking it out and having 'fun'
quote: Originally posted by gavin18787
It will be savagly fast yer but not "fun"
Saxo is more "fun" then the civic
I think I get the angle he is coming from
Ideally I would have an astra cdti888 and the saxo stripped and caged but I dont have a garage
exactly, i want a car i can drive to europe, cruise, have a nice amount of torque to have a blat every now and again. but be comfacable, aircon, cruise control etc
then if i want a 'roar' drive id take the corsa. why do people have catherams? why dont they just have a normal car????......same reason
quote: Originally posted by scottyp1989
why have a GSi if you are going to spend 500+ on it and sell in less than a years time if thats your plan? mayaswell buy a comfy barge like an omega or sometin for a daily hacker and concentrate on the corsa, i did the same sort of thing and believe me it dosent work out
£500 is nothing,
and the bits i put on it, i can take off and sell for the same money.
i dont want a omega, i want something half decent, missing the point totaly
i dont need to 'concentrate' on the corsa, i just need to get a few things done, but these sort of cars always require attention, changing something, its part of the fun.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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unleded will be £1.25 in april, that change your mind
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
i bought a vectra b gsi simply due to the fact that there arent many tuning options for it so it would actually remain my daily driver without being modified. this then meant that none of the excitment has been taken away from my project car and i dont feel the urge to do anything to my daily driver other than maintain it to a useable standard.
i spent a lot of time looking at and test driving astra gsi mk4 and tbh, it had everything, and affordable ha id want, if i dint already have a project car. thus meaning when i drove a vectra gsi, it was comfy, not exactly quick and had virtually no tuning potential i thought right, thats what id call a run around. keeps the focus on the real project car.
exactly, you dont want a daily hacker that has the same, if not more tuning potential than a project car
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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Get a cheaper alternative "run around" is basically what everyones getting at. Your choice in a run about isn't impressing us.
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by jr
sorry warren
i only thought about this as i saw an astra gsi today and wondered why you wanted one
corsa > astra
its a step up the market, abit more refined, and doesnt have a corsa image
i wanted a turbo
and i wanted something to go across europe in
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
I don't think many if any people would agree with spending that amount of money + any kind of modifications for 6months.
was a rough figure, but you can also look at it, i will also get alot of free/cheap parts
so will prob sell for more than i paid at the end of it.
how much did you spend on your engine......
quote: Originally posted by TurboChris
The yellow DZ sticker is what they put on VXR turbos, normal zlet turbo dont have it
Thank you 
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
i bought a vectra b gsi simply due to the fact that there arent many tuning options for it so it would actually remain my daily driver without being modified. this then meant that none of the excitment has been taken away from my project car and i dont feel the urge to do anything to my daily driver other than maintain it to a useable standard.
i spent a lot of time looking at and test driving astra gsi mk4 and tbh, it had everything, and affordable ha id want, if i dint already have a project car. thus meaning when i drove a vectra gsi, it was comfy, not exactly quick and had virtually no tuning potential i thought right, thats what id call a run around. keeps the focus on the real project car.
same with the astra, like people were saying, why dont you get a teg or rs
an astra isnt the most exciting car in the world, is it now
theres tuning option avaible, and i know what id want, and
im want lowered, just eibach springs, get one with a vxr turbo (common) maybe a few exhasut mods, and a remap. thats it, as i want to make it still sellerable (standard cars are easist to sell)
maybe im using the wrong thrase, not a run around,
i just faniced a new car, so il go get one
i fancy a new bike, so when the right one comes up, il go buy on..
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
I don't think many if any people would agree with spending that amount of money + any kind of modifications for 6months.
was a rough figure, but you can also look at it, i will also get alot of free/cheap parts
so will prob sell for more than i paid at the end of it.
how much did you spend on your engine......
Far too much. In excess of £6k easily. Why?
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by Ojc
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
the fun to be had spending and modifiying the astra is far greater than a corsa b. if you buy one the corsa will gather dust then get sold. it will be too much to leave it a std car.
Fuck me Nic Barnes and myself agree.
When you get this Astra you won't have time for the Corsa, it becomes addictive and it's much easier to make a vroommmm tissshhhh go vroooommm vroooommmm.
I had the Nova when we got the first VXR so the situation is comparable and on those sunny days as lovely as the Nova was, the VXR was always going to draw the looks and you didn't have to worry about it breaking down or passing out from petrol fumes.
But then again it was really nice to have the choice.
I think your sensible enough to finish the Corsa B IMO. Just giving you points of view x
I want to finish the B, have a car i can take on track, and not be to worried if it breaks etc
same when i had the bike, - i got a car and it got less and less use, but i had the option of taking it out and having 'fun'
quote: Originally posted by gavin18787
It will be savagly fast yer but not "fun"
Saxo is more "fun" then the civic
I think I get the angle he is coming from
Ideally I would have an astra cdti888 and the saxo stripped and caged but I dont have a garage
exactly, i want a car i can drive to europe, cruise, have a nice amount of torque to have a blat every now and again. but be comfacable, aircon, cruise control etc
then if i want a 'roar' drive id take the corsa. why do people have catherams? why dont they just have a normal car????......same reason
quote: Originally posted by scottyp1989
why have a GSi if you are going to spend 500+ on it and sell in less than a years time if thats your plan? mayaswell buy a comfy barge like an omega or sometin for a daily hacker and concentrate on the corsa, i did the same sort of thing and believe me it dosent work out
£500 is nothing,
and the bits i put on it, i can take off and sell for the same money.
i dont want a omega, i want something half decent, missing the point totaly
i dont need to 'concentrate' on the corsa, i just need to get a few things done, but these sort of cars always require attention, changing something, its part of the fun.
im not missing the point at all mate just dont see the point in doing what you want to do, if you want a turbo then why not just turbo the corsa? there are plenty of cars that are comfy with cruse controll, aircon and everything you want for a lot less than 5k, and if your only planning on keeping for less than a year why bother modding it.
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by jr
unleded will be £1.25 in april, that change your mind
i dont do many miles, i wont get much better (worth while) out of a derv. as i dont normaly do on motorways
if i had to do a long distance trip, id just borrow my dads vectra desiel
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
Get a cheaper alternative "run around" is basically what everyones getting at. Your choice in a run about isn't impressing us.
okay, im wording it wrong, not a run around.
just another car, that i will keep for 6 months, then sell, reason being i want to go traveling.
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
I don't think many if any people would agree with spending that amount of money + any kind of modifications for 6months.
was a rough figure, but you can also look at it, i will also get alot of free/cheap parts
so will prob sell for more than i paid at the end of it.
how much did you spend on your engine......
Far too much. In excess of £6k easily. Why?
on a engine, and im talking about just spending than on a car
everyone has different views on hows money is spent,
my 1.8 engine, after iv sold bits off i didnt need, work done, ecu, throttle bodies, complete exhasut system, injectors the lot, will of cost me 2k, which some people just spend than on the throttle bodies and ecu.
its just how you intend to spend it, id like to think, like the corsa, i got cheap, spent abit of money on it, but hopefully il still sell it for more, including insurance
if i can get an astra at the right price, these no reason why i wont sell it at no loss or very small
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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well i wish you well with the astra and i hope the motivation for the corsa continues. i just cant see there being any need to take the corsa out over the astra.
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
well i wish you well with the astra and i hope the motivation for the corsa continues. i just cant see there being any need to take the corsa out over the astra.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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nic has made the best point, but im sure your enjoy what ever you buy
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by scottyp1989
im not missing the point at all mate just dont see the point in doing what you want to do, if you want a turbo then why not just turbo the corsa? there are plenty of cars that are comfy with cruse controll, aircon and everything you want for a lot less than 5k, and if your only planning on keeping for less than a year why bother modding it.
now, i have a very good point for that.
first, the corsa does have aircon/cruise control
and i WAS going to turbo it, now that would put me in the having two projects, as thats not a five minute job - like im talking about on the astra, mods im talking of will take what 3hours to do everything, and thats it done.
a turbo conversion would of cost me, say £1500, now thats £1500 i wouldnt of seen back, as it doesnt increase the value of the car. same with modding anything
and its a corsa, when you say to someone what car do you drive, and you say corsa....
its a step up in the market and will cost me roughly £1000, to go from a corsa c sri 1.8 to an astra gsi
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
well i wish you well with the astra and i hope the motivation for the corsa continues. i just cant see there being any need to take the corsa out over the astra.
thank you, nic,
they are very wise words 
i understand completey what you are saying, but at the minute the corsa doesnt move, and when i does, it wont get used that often. its a toy,
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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the 2nd from last point is irelevant
the word astra isnt known to remove g strings
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
again, i will thank turbo chris for the single reply i acutaly wanted 
oh a James - is that why you drive a no thrills combo van, thats been lowered?
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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the current and ex wouldnt be able to tell the diffrence between a corsa and astra, let alone be impressed by either
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
oh a James - is that why you drive a no thrills combo van, thats been lowered?
I don't think it was a £5k van and I dont think he planned on spending money another £1k or so on top
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
well i wish you well with the astra and i hope the motivation for the corsa continues. i just cant see there being any need to take the corsa out over the astra.
thank you, nic,
they are very wise words 
i understand completey what you are saying, but at the minute the corsa doesnt move, and when i does, it wont get used that often. its a toy,
see i cant stop driving mine. its too much fun. and when it doesnt move my vectra that isnt fun reminds me of how quickly i need to make the corsa work again.
if i had another car instead of the vectra, when the corsa didnt work id not be as arsed as i am.
thats me though. im not from 1990's rap records.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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tbh all i want for the van is a orange light for the roof
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by jr
the current and ex wouldnt be able to tell the diffrence between a corsa and astra, let alone be impressed by either
you need to teach her then! jeeze
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
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quote: Originally posted by jr
the current and ex
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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no because then she'll demand i buy an astra gsi to be cool
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
quote: Originally posted by jr
the current and ex
not as pretty as you
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Around Essex Somewhere
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by jr
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
quote: Originally posted by jr
the current and ex
not as pretty as you
Aww. Your so sweet. I don't care what you drive. You'll always be all I want. x
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
quote: Originally posted by Warren G
oh a James - is that why you drive a no thrills combo van, thats been lowered?
I don't think it was a £5k van and I dont think he planned on spending money another £1k or so on top
no, but whats the money got to do about it? i could go buy a brand new astra 1.4 no thrills........
its not the money, its the car......thats the impression im getting anyway
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
well i wish you well with the astra and i hope the motivation for the corsa continues. i just cant see there being any need to take the corsa out over the astra.
thank you, nic,
they are very wise words 
i understand completey what you are saying, but at the minute the corsa doesnt move, and when i does, it wont get used that often. its a toy,
see i cant stop driving mine. its too much fun. and when it doesnt move my vectra that isnt fun reminds me of how quickly i need to make the corsa work again.
if i had another car instead of the vectra, when the corsa didnt work id not be as arsed as i am.
thats me though. im not from 1990's rap records.
thats to funny   
as i said, its not long term,
when i come back from where ever i end up, id prob just want an astra sport hatch derv,
quick, good mpg, and 200bhp
but would never be as fun to drive as the corsa