random dav
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quote: Originally posted by Kano
Some complete twats on here judging by a few of the comments posted.
Totally agree, too many people trying to impress people, this board is a joke sometimes.
Very sad story.
[Edited on 24-02-2010 by random dav]
Project cars
Registered: 5th May 04
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Really sad story RIP mate!!
Registered: 5th Nov 03
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really sad
Registered: 25th Jan 10
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saw it in the local news paper the day after seein the car!!!
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Look where the car was when it crashed - in a residential area. I'm not saying the 2 guys involved deserved to die - but doing 100mph in a residential area is plain stupid.
People put their foot down every now and then - if you're going to do 100mph+, at least do it on a safer road!
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Very grim I've been out on test drives and let the owner smash it round, don't really consider crashing at the time. Will think twice next time for sure. RIP.
Registered: 23rd Jul 09
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yea to be honest the last thing you think about when being test driven/driving in general is crashing, i am sure EVERYONE on here has driven like a complete twat on here more than a few times
What ian said about it happeneing on here was very creepy tbh (not like he is a creep, but very strange to imagine it), it would be awful
Really makes me so bloody angry watching people (especially my mates), more the ones who arent into there cars just hack it around, then when told to slow down laugh it off and speed up,off topic i know, but still makes me think about it
Registered: 5th Mar 04
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100mph?? if he didnt kill himself, someone else would have died like a inncocent member of the public..
its very sad to hear, but you should have the sense to know the limits
as for people on here, many of you slate/joke about people who are either dead/missing etc so get off ur high horses!
Registered: 30th May 08
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quote: Originally posted by corsa_paz
its very sad to hear, but you should have the sense to know the limits
Fair do's the driver should.
But the driver also knew the vehicle was faulty.
Whereas the passenger didnt.
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by corsa_paz
As for people on here, many of you slate/joke about people who are either dead/missing etc so get off ur high horses!
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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like others have said. the guy could've told the seller to slow down.
instead, i bet he was loving the speed.
the driver is a twat yes, but the buyer must have known that the seller was driving like a tosser.
Registered: 3rd Nov 08
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quote: Originally posted by X16joeXE
It is just a sad story, regardless of who's fault it is, and what might of happened. The fact two people died is a tragedy. It just makes me value my life, and drive slower too.
i second this. well said mate
Registered: 30th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
Very grim I've been out on test drives and let the owner smash it round, don't really consider crashing at the time. Will think twice next time for sure. RIP.
Me too tbh.. it's strange when you think how much trust you put in strangers at times.
Stories like this should make everyone stop and think about how important life is and just how easily it can be lost.
The owner was probably trying to show the car off... that's not to say I agree with how he was driving. The passenger may have told him to slow down. Who said they hadn't already shed 10mph off the speed?
When I was that age I would never question anyone's driving, it was up to them if they got a speeding ticket. However these days I find myself asking people to slow down or let me out. Call it getting old if you like, but I think it's down to becoming a little wiser to the world. That said, there's been many a times where I've jumped into a taxi after a night out and they've been belting down a residential area at 60mph and I've been too pissed to bother - scary stuff when you step back for a second
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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I think that some peoples comments on here are completely out of order, I didnt know Gav personally but two of the forums im on he is known very well on.
Gav wasnt the type to be a pric* on the road and his mate was still stood at the sellers house waiting for him to come back when the air ambulance flew over. His funeral is today and he will be asdly missed by alot of people on mutiple forums.
From what i know this lad would go out of his way for anyone.
Even if the driver was driving like a complete Tw*t theres nothing a passenger could really do is there?
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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quote: Originally posted by corsa_paz
100mph?? if he didnt kill himself, someone else would have died like a inncocent member of the public..
This kind of comment annoys me a bit. In this instance the crash didn't involve any other members of the public so I don't know why or how you can say that...?
I've driven like an idiot, as I'm sure a good few others on here have too. There's a time and a place for it though, which I got reminded of when I nearly rolled a mk3 astra at 60mph - now I stick to around 30 in built up areas but only let go a bit when I know almost for a fact that it's going to be safe. Driving too fast everywhere's just too much of a risk to take. It's just a shame that the driver's not able to learn from this mistake and absolutely shocking that he took someone else with him.
edit: macaveli, if I'm in someone's car and I feel like they're driving outwith their abilities I tell them. It usually makes them go a bit sheepish and turn it down a bit.
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by alan-g-w]
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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Don't know them, don't care.
No jokes about french cars and being built like tin cans then???
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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I fail to see how it was HIS fault? The driver has a licence for a reason, not to be told how to drive?
I hope the father takes him for everything he's worth!
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by pow]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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edit: Daimo - Not from me anyway mate. Two young people have died regardless of whether you know them or not. I'd hate to think what his close mates and the like might think if they happened to stumble across this thread.
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by alan-g-w]
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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quote: Originally posted by alan-g-w
edit: Daimo - Not from me anyway mate. Two young people have died regardless of whether you know them or not. I'd hate to think what his close mates and the like might think if they happened to stumble across this thread.
If they want to come allll the way down south to "shut up" someone saying something they don't like, then you can let them know to go for it 
Two people have died.... And???? Are they major contributors to human life and advancements? Im guessing not. Thousands of people die every single day, should we morn them? Should we morn all people who die every day. They aint even off this forum, so its just a news item. No more tragic than the baby who died after doctors were arguing? Which is worse? Which should be morned for more?
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by VXR]
Registered: 6th Dec 06
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
Don't know them, don't care.
No jokes about french cars and being built like tin cans then???
I dont think theres many cars that would withstand hitting a stationary frontera at 100+mph.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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quote: Originally posted by P1CK4D
Take it he didn't buy the car then?
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
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Making jokes about Jackos death, Haiti earthquake is one thing.... we dont know the people involved, and we dont know anyone that does.
But people on this thread knew this guy.... Its bang out of order to joke about his death....especially when people are telling you not to as their is a chance of his family or friends reading this.
Would you make a joke about his death if you were face to face with his mates....or are you just doing because you can hide behind a pc.
I have got noproblem at all with sick jokes.... but these are not funny, and make you and this site look like wankers
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by Dr Pepper]
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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this site is rediculous rules for some and rules for others lately........ get off your high horse i bet he got in to see what the car could do thus encourageing fast driving
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
this site is rediculous rules for some and rules for others lately........ get off your high horse i bet he got in to see what the car could do thus encourageing fast driving
How the fuck do you know what happened.... a young man died that people on here know and say he was a good guy.
Its not about rules....its about not behaving like a rude insensitive prick.
The joke you laughed at isnt even funny - its not even a joke - its just something a complete cock would say.
[Edited on 26-02-2010 by Dr Pepper]
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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One's preception of a "good guy" and anothers preception can be somewhat different.
My joke about tin can's is relevent.
Otherwise, its you lot throwing your knickers about.
tbh, i was far more effected by Jacko's death than this chap. Jacko effected the entire world.
Can't say i've heard of this chap?
When it comes to high horses, check out ze mirror reflection.
People die, every day, all day, and all night.
And im sure his "mates" really arn't reading corsasport