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Author The Punto saga - Update: Reply from Fiat

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7th Jan 11 at 19:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

With a fiat examiner? That's the only way you can clear one

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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7th Jan 11 at 19:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well they reset in terms of fault codes etc. I do not know to what extent. But it's a Fiat Service Centre...

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7th Jan 11 at 20:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If they're a fiat representative theyll have the smart examiner
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7th Jan 11 at 20:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The MiTo loves the occoational blast to 5k RPM

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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7th Jan 11 at 21:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm going to give Fiat UK what for. A letter with an Appendix of scanned evidence and everything.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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26th Jan 11 at 21:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Final bill: £1,179 inc VAT.

Fiat in Italy declined a gesture of good will.

I have just written a letter to Fiat UK to see what they can do. Not only an unfair repair bill, but also appalling customer service from a Fiat service centre. Including service indicator not being reset and bonnet weather seal missing. They have claimed they are common to fall off. It's a piece of rubber about 1 meter long

Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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26th Jan 11 at 21:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Whatever you do don't give up.

One of the partners at work had a £9000 bill for a full rebuild on his 4.2 Audi just out of warranty. He argued and argued until Audi settled 2/3rd of the cost after originally not taking any interest whatsoever.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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26th Jan 11 at 21:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AndyKent
Whatever you do don't give up.

One of the partners at work had a £9000 bill for a full rebuild on his 4.2 Audi just out of warranty. He argued and argued until Audi settled 2/3rd of the cost after originally not taking any interest whatsoever.

How did he go about it? Send us a u2u if you don't mind.

I presume I won't get much of a response from Mr. Andrew Humberstone, UK Managing Director.

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26th Jan 11 at 21:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by deano87
Originally posted by AndyKent
Whatever you do don't give up.

One of the partners at work had a £9000 bill for a full rebuild on his 4.2 Audi just out of warranty. He argued and argued until Audi settled 2/3rd of the cost after originally not taking any interest whatsoever.

How did he go about it? Send us a u2u if you don't mind.

I presume I won't get much of a response from Mr. Andrew Humberstone, UK Managing Director.

watchdog tbh
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26th Jan 11 at 21:43   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know Vauxhall generally contribute if you're only just out of warranty and the car is in dealer history.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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26th Jan 11 at 21:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not a dealer history, but as UK legislation states a warranty can be maintained if serviced outside of the dealer network, I don't see how it should make a difference. That is my argument anyway.

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26th Jan 11 at 21:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dealer history because you've been paying the dealer money throughout it's life and not paying Stan at the garage down the road then bringing it back expecting it to be fixed out of warranty.

Never sure why people complain so much, unless it was a major common design fault I'd not expect anything towards it, that's the risk you take when you buy a car out of warranty surely, that's why it's cheaper than a new one.

Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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26th Jan 11 at 21:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm not sure how he argued it exactly tbh. I know he said he was speaking to Audi UK, whether that was just a call centre or higher management I don't know.

If I can get more info I'll let you know.

Registered: 20th Jun 04
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26th Jan 11 at 22:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Deano as much as a fanny you are, I feel sorry for you about this. Thats a right cunt of a bill.

Also, on a similar line we sold a Zafira 1.9 cdti to a chap a good few years ago. Car was out of warranty, he never brought it to use for servicing etc. One of the injectors stuck (as diagnosed by another garage) causing the engine to blow itself up. The guy was left with a £6000 bill.

He spoke to trading standards (or some other cunts) who said if a part (injector) isn't prone to failing that you have a case and can get the person who sold the car to basically pay for it all. So the guy was expecting my dad to foot the bill even though we sold him a 6 month old car which was perfect and it blew up 3 years later out of warranty.

Anyway, that may be the road you need to go down. Seeing as its uncommon for what happened to yours to happen you may be able to get in on the same principal. Although the cunt with the Zafira got told to fuck off by the powers that be so he ain't got a penny from us.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
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26th Jan 11 at 22:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Dealer history because you've been paying the dealer money throughout it's life and not paying Stan at the garage down the road then bringing it back expecting it to be fixed out of warranty.

Never sure why people complain so much, unless it was a major common design fault I'd not expect anything towards it, that's the risk you take when you buy a car out of warranty surely, that's why it's cheaper than a new one.

I can appreciate this entirely, and I don't expect any kind of support or good will gesture.

But the problem, coupled with poor service and a Fiat service centre which did not use the recommended oil (when the repair was put down to poor servicing, supposedly), a Fiat courtesy car that developed a fault meaning I should get the AA out on my own membership and general inconvenience, it's worth a letter and a moan.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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26th Jan 11 at 22:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joe
Deano as much as a fanny you are, I feel sorry for you about this. Thats a right cunt of a bill.

Also, on a similar line we sold a Zafira 1.9 cdti to a chap a good few years ago. Car was out of warranty, he never brought it to use for servicing etc. One of the injectors stuck (as diagnosed by another garage) causing the engine to blow itself up. The guy was left with a £6000 bill.

He spoke to trading standards (or some other cunts) who said if a part (injector) isn't prone to failing that you have a case and can get the person who sold the car to basically pay for it all. So the guy was expecting my dad to foot the bill even though we sold him a 6 month old car which was perfect and it blew up 3 years later out of warranty.

Anyway, that may be the road you need to go down. Seeing as its uncommon for what happened to yours to happen you may be able to get in on the same principal. Although the cunt with the Zafira got told to fuck off by the powers that be so he ain't got a penny from us.

I was considering approaching the Mazda garage I bought it from - especially as I got a letter saying a service was due, and all their servicing has a 12 month warranty. Theoretically I should go back to them.

If I get no joy from Fiat UK, I probably will approach them.

Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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26th Jan 11 at 22:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To be honest, the supplying garage will just tell you to do one. But yeah you may aswell try every angle. Have you spoke to trading standards and such?

Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
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26th Jan 11 at 22:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not yet no. tbh it will be worth me pursuing Fiat UK, as I wad advised to do so by Fiat in Milan. Then it will be worth a punt at the supplying Mazda garage.

Then I guess I have to decide if it's worth a go with Trading Standards but tbh, because the issue could be down to so many issues, no-one could be blamed to then pay out.

Registered: 20th Jun 04
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26th Jan 11 at 22:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd ring trading standards anyway just to see where they think you stand.

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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26th Jan 11 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joe
I'd ring trading standards anyway just to see where they think you stand.


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27th Jan 11 at 05:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Good luck with Mazdas, they wouldn't even do me a good will out of warranty claim when I have FMSH

Registered: 21st Oct 06
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27th Jan 11 at 06:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's more the garage than Mazda themselves.

Registered: 20th Jun 06
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27th Jan 11 at 08:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like you've had a right mare Deano

hope you manage to get at least something for your troubles.

Nissan were very good with the 350 when the gear box started crunching after 42k. the dealer i bought it from kept on at Nissan UK for a week or two and they agreed to front the cost to completely recon the gearbox after they refused at first.

Keep at it and hopefully you should get something at least

Registered: 27th Jun 10
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27th Jan 11 at 09:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my sister bought a 500 when they first came out. had nothing but trouble with it. cut out on the mway in the fastlane etc. wouldnt get anywhere near the claimed mpg.
so rang the director and they took the car back off us and gave a full refund and they sold the car. needless to say its had countless new owners since as its SHITTT ......fiats!

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27th Jan 11 at 09:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They don't build em like they used to

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » The Punto saga - Update: Reply from Fiat 22 database queries in 0.0222440 seconds