Registered: 11th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Nath
Hopefully going round a mates. If not then I'll stay in. Over rated night.
This is what I am doing. People going their seperate ways this year in more ways than one. One of my mates is having a house party and fireworks on a neighbouring field. So will probably tag along.
Registered: 21st Oct 06
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Best New Years I've had have been at a friends house who had a summerhouse/bar/pool in their garden or when we did bit of a pub crawl round the local town but the pub we ended up in and my 'local' now does tickets.
If I had my own place I'd love to have friends round for dinner, drinks etc.
New Year always used to be in September for me starting back at school, and not is is more April 1st when the marketing plan kicks in at work inline with financial year.
New Year never has seemed special and still doesn't. Might as I get older I guess.
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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Working it! Nice 19+ hour shift
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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im at work 5am on nye morning
last year, the lass went to bed at about 10.45pm, i decided to take the dog for a quiet walk after having a few tinnys, didnt come home till 4.30am 
ended up at a mates up the road who said "jed, have you ever heard of jug hand" i replied "jug hand? nah" he said "wich hand do you use when you piss" i said "my right" he said "giz ya left hand here then" gaffer taped a big jug to my left hand and started poring....
red wine
tin of larger
tin of cider
bit of cough syrup
and some other spirit shit....
he said "your not allowed to undo it until its all gone" i said "fuck, iv already had 5 tins of carlsberg and im up first with the little one in the morning!!"
didnt gan down well with the lass when she found me on the living room floor and started shouting at me and party poppers fell out my pocket when i attempted to get up at 6am
good times
hence why i have no plans again this year
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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Edward cider hands is better, bottle of cider on BOTH hands
Registered: 22nd Aug 11
Location: Upton, Cheshire
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Im going to sankeys in manchester for nye should be good. Closes at 6 and im in work at 10 that morning.
Will be better than the party at my brothers last year when my two brothers started fighting about five minutes to midnight.
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
i am sort of with ben on this one, dont appeal to me one bit, yes its a date however its nothing special to me, another year survived? i dont agree with the extortionate prices it goes with thats for sure!
Exactly. What's so special about it? Bag of shit.
Registered: 10th Oct 05
Location: sheffield
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im going to my local working mans club with the mrs and mine and her family, last year it was £2.20 for a pint of lager so hopefully it wont have gone up much,added bonus is no taxis there or home charging stupid money
Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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group of us going to some rave thingy in a haunted tunnel until 5am, then some after party at a place down the road til 11am - never been to the first place before but heard good things, proper druggie place, should be epic. never had a big nye night out before so really looking forward to it, always usually just stayed with family and drove home at 1am.