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Author would what you do?
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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28th May 12 at 08:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chrisritch

Wtf, so breaking your own stuff is criminal damage? Based on that theory I'm a serial criminal for the ammount of my own Xbox controllers i have smashed in a rage fit

i know mate. couldn't believe it myself i had been in a police cell from 4pm to 11:30pm. i just wanted to get home so accepted it as i didn't want to spend the night in a cell or go to court.

because it's a joint mortgage they said the plates were half her's even though i bought them on my own credit card. couldn't believe it.
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28th May 12 at 08:48   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i bet the police were lolling to themselves about you smashing plates
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28th May 12 at 08:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
Originally posted by chrisritch

Wtf, so breaking your own stuff is criminal damage? Based on that theory I'm a serial criminal for the ammount of my own Xbox controllers i have smashed in a rage fit

i know mate. couldn't believe it myself i had been in a police cell from 4pm to 11:30pm. i just wanted to get home so accepted it as i didn't want to spend the night in a cell or go to court.

because it's a joint mortgage they said the plates were half her's even though i bought them on my own credit card. couldn't believe it.

I thought that only applies to marriage?

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28th May 12 at 08:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Should have taken it to court if you were a man. Tell them you were having a Greek night

[Edited on 28-05-2012 by adiohead]

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28th May 12 at 09:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So in theory they could arrest jews for breaking glasses at every marriage?
Ben G

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28th May 12 at 09:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in theory, yes. but i'd imagine police don't fuck with shit loads of jews. only normal hard working blokes who get nagged at far to often by cuntish scotch women.

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28th May 12 at 09:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
in theory, yes. but i'd imagine police don't fuck with shit loads of jews. only normal hard working blokes who get nagged at far to often by cuntish scotch women.

Done mean to be nosey, but what started the plate throwing scene?
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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28th May 12 at 09:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it was saturday afternoon. i had woken up from a tough night shift at work. had about 4 hours sleep.

my dad asked me over his to watch the england vs switzerland game and yvonne didn't want to go but she ended up coming anyway.

at half time i decided to come home to drop yvonne off and drive back to my dads to catch the 2nd half.

when we got home she wouldn't get out the car. this caused a big argument because i was missing the game and she was being a cunt (my dad lives 7 miles away) and i had just driven home to drop her off, like she wanted to.

cue us both shouting and arguing and me losing my rag.

bit sad really, but that's scotch women for you. stuck up cunts.
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28th May 12 at 09:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what about the incident when she tried to jump out the car when it was moving? then you kicked her out and made her walk a few miles home

tell us about those please

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28th May 12 at 09:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If I wasn't at home - So nobody knew where I lived / something came of it afterwards, i'd call the police / confront the guys chasing him.

If I was at home, i'd have sat watching a film. Anything could come of it, car scratched, windows put through etc.

Obviously a whole different story if I knew the guy being chased.

[Edited on 28-05-2012 by Whittie]
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28th May 12 at 09:25   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
it was saturday afternoon. i had woken up from a tough night shift at work. had about 4 hours sleep.

my dad asked me over his to watch the england vs switzerland game and yvonne didn't want to go but she ended up coming anyway.

at half time i decided to come home to drop yvonne off and drive back to my dads to catch the 2nd half.

when we got home she wouldn't get out the car. this caused a big argument because i was missing the game and she was being a cunt (my dad lives 7 miles away) and i had just driven home to drop her off, like she wanted to.

cue us both shouting and arguing and me losing my rag.

bit sad really, but that's scotch women for you. stuck up cunts.

can I ask why you're in a relationship with her when all you seem to do is bitch and moan about one another?

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28th May 12 at 09:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I never get involved in anything as my assets mean to much to me, once you own houses and cars then it all becomes to easy for people to get you where it hurts (your pocket)

And especially in incidents like that, you could intervien and end up with a blade in your chest, for what trying to help someone you don't know.
Ben G

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28th May 12 at 09:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Originally posted by Ben G
it was saturday afternoon. i had woken up from a tough night shift at work. had about 4 hours sleep.

my dad asked me over his to watch the england vs switzerland game and yvonne didn't want to go but she ended up coming anyway.

at half time i decided to come home to drop yvonne off and drive back to my dads to catch the 2nd half.

when we got home she wouldn't get out the car. this caused a big argument because i was missing the game and she was being a cunt (my dad lives 7 miles away) and i had just driven home to drop her off, like she wanted to.

cue us both shouting and arguing and me losing my rag.

bit sad really, but that's scotch women for you. stuck up cunts.

can I ask why you're in a relationship with her when all you seem to do is bitch and moan about one another?

a lot of couples have problems. trying to work them out rather than just throw in the towel and walk away. got too much to lose now.
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28th May 12 at 09:29   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I once would have agreed with you, but seriously there's more to life. Maybe this is where your rage problems come from - deep seated unhappiness in life?
Ben G

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28th May 12 at 09:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

might be. i don't want to chuck it all away just yet as i'd like to look back in the future and know i tried to save the relationship.

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28th May 12 at 11:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I wouldn't get involved, have intervened in the past and you only end up in the dock as a witness pointing out some maniac or end up getting done in yourself.

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28th May 12 at 11:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would've turned up the film so I can't hear anything else.

However If I knew the chap who was getting chased then it'd be a different matter.

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28th May 12 at 13:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I like how this thread has now become an insight into Ben's life and why he is such a randomly angry person

Fucking LOL at smashing plates because your bird didn't want you to watch the football, brilliant stuff

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28th May 12 at 13:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
my problem is, someone called the police on me when i had a row with the other half and had a rage fit. chucked a few plates around as i was pissed off and got arrested.

they cautioned me for criminal damage even though it was my own property and said if i didn't accept the caution then i would end up going to court.

i wasn't being a cunt, accepted it and just got on with my life.

since then, i have no respect for police and think they're all power mad cunts intent on fucking people over.

WTF WTF WTF Your own plates in your own property yet you still get in trouble. Couldn't you of said you was Greek or something

Police have rules for literally bloody anything.
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28th May 12 at 14:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i doubt the police had any case whatsoever, they probably just kept him in as long as poss to teach him a lesson and to calm down
Ben G

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28th May 12 at 14:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Hammer
I like how this thread has now become an insight into Ben's life and why he is such a randomly angry person

Fucking LOL at smashing plates because your bird didn't want you to watch the football, brilliant stuff

i don't really like sharing private stuff like that on a forum but i felt it was the only way for people to see how pathetic police can be.

it was a woman who arrested me whilst i was trying to watch the football. she went fucking crazy when i ignored what she was saying and watched the footy instead.

power mad.

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28th May 12 at 15:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

99.9% of police officers are cunts who were probably bullied as a child and are now taking out the deep seated anger they possess on the world.

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28th May 12 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think you've got to do SOMETHING even if its just to call the police to report it.. Actively getting involved would just be a bit stupid unless you are really handy.

Yeah he might have deserved what ever was going to/did happen to him BUT he could also be an innocent party and I'd like to think there are still some decent people left in society instead of everything just shrugging their shoulders and saying "Its not my problem"

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28th May 12 at 15:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
I think you've got to do SOMETHING even if its just to call the police to report it.. Actively getting involved would just be a bit stupid unless you are really handy.

Yeah he might have deserved what ever was going to/did happen to him BUT he could also be an innocent party and I'd like to think there are still some decent people left in society instead of everything just shrugging their shoulders and saying "Its not my problem"

All the decent people were murdered by some 14 year old pussy in Sarf Landun with a knife trying to be a hero

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28th May 12 at 15:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People need to stand up to the scum, even if it means getting stabbed/killed/beaten, otherwise we'll just have more riots on our hands with people who believe they are untouchable.

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