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Author Am I being selfish?

Registered: 14th Sep 04
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29th May 12 at 08:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I wouldn't say money is tight. We're selling up and moving back to her parents after we get married next month to save for a bigger house and her arguement is that £1000 could be an extra month we have to stay there. We're already going to have to stay there for 12-18 months (during which time I can't see me being able to justify any luxurys) so whats another month
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29th May 12 at 09:42   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well if your plan is to sell and buy a bigger house and you werent generally speaking then i wouldnt splash out either.

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29th May 12 at 09:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If I was in your other halfs position, I'd be pretty pissed off. She's saving everything and then your willing to splash out on something you dont need it kind of defeats the object.

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29th May 12 at 09:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Go on, do it, it's only £1300

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29th May 12 at 10:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tell her its 1 less luxury to buy when you get your house.

She can buy her make up and fake tan, you get this. Fair deal imo.

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by sc0ott]
Tommy L

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29th May 12 at 10:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd just buy it, she'll get over it when she uses it daily.

Don't know if it has been asked but how old are you both?

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by Tommy L]

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29th May 12 at 10:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you are saving up for a house I can see her point. Do you actually need a new machine or is it purely going to e a toy?
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29th May 12 at 10:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Theham85
Originally posted by Colin
Simple really, just dont tell her what you earn & the mac book was a gift

Haha, this statement is very much correct!

actually yes that is correct, if my mrs knew what i have just forked out for on the porsche she would have a heart attack for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
Located in Chalfont st Peter

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29th May 12 at 10:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dump the girl and buy Apple products.
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29th May 12 at 10:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I certainly wouldn't be buying a macbook as a toy if I was looking to move out in the near future...

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29th May 12 at 10:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like he is happy where he is but she wants bigger and is expected to cater to it.

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29th May 12 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I might read into things to much, but it 'rings alarm bells' to me. If you cant buy YOURSELF something with YOUR self-earned money (after you have paid all the bills) - there is something not right!

Are you sure you want to move into a bigger house, where all your outgoings will be even more, to which she may want to be even more controlling?

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29th May 12 at 10:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by gazza808
i'd be asking here why her personal savings isn't already in the house pot.
my mrs was on 30% more than me, and we both just put money away, didn't keep track it's not a competition, and split the bills 50/50, so of course she was saving more than me but it didn't bother her cause she understood i couldn't match her.

And she understood I had to have my toys (motorbike,crosser,mtb etc) or I would just get bored and be unbearable to live with aha!

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by gazza808]

I'd imagine because they're not yet married, it's a case of if they split up she hasn't lost out on a big chunk of money. I'd do the same.

Still, £1000 for a laptop when you're saving for a house is a bit daft.
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29th May 12 at 10:43   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by A2H GO
I think shes annoyed because she's knows I don't need one

That for me is the clincher. If I was doing it again, I'd be sensible.

The house proud thing will come later - when you want more room because your life has grown. Project it forward 10 years, you can either be in a good financial position or a not quite so good one, and you'll have an old computer that was good years ago but didn't do any more than your other computers.

No possible way I'd have bought half the pointless shit that I bought if I gave myself that advice 15 years ago.
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29th May 12 at 10:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also for those people saying its only a grand - get two mortgage quotes a grand apart over the same time period at the same interest rate, you'll see that grand can easily become two grand if not more.

Its very expensive for what is essentially a toy.

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29th May 12 at 10:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My comment on the price was entirely sarcastic. They're bloody expensive!

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29th May 12 at 10:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Very mixed views in this thread shows there really is no one size fits all answer.

If I don't buy it I'll feel annoyed like I'm being told what I can and can't spend my money on, money I've worked extra hours for over her contribution. If I do buy it she'll kick off and it'll re-enforce the fact that I'm selfish and only looking after number one.

It's essentially a lose lose situation, other than the fact the money will just carry on sitting in my business and not shared between us. I can see that becoming another issue if in a few years were talking £5-10k.

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by A2H GO]
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29th May 12 at 11:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not lose lose is it, the win is that you have more money later in your life.

You need to think of it more as a sound decision in its own right rather than just her decision.

Mathematically, what she is proposing is a far superior approach to home ownership.

The principle is the same whether its £10k or a fiver, don't spend money on bollocks you don't need.

Do you know how many married working men whose wives piss money up the wall would kill for a situation like yours.

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by Ian]

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29th May 12 at 11:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This whole idea of gettign married and then moving back home to your parents is a nonsense IMO, I'd look at that before you worry about buying laptops and that :/

great inputs from steve, as per usual...

Registered: 14th Sep 04
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29th May 12 at 11:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I guess I get what you're saying. Fundementally by not buying shit you don't need you have more money for stuff you do. It just so happens the stuff you do need is usually boring and doesn't fit well with my 'you only live once approach to life'.

Same could be said for a lot of things, why spend money on a BMW when you could have a Kia, why have a 4 bed house when you only need a 2 bedroom, why have an iPhone when you only need a Nokia 3210.

You might have more money but what good is that when you're 60 and its too late to enjoy all those things you missed out on.

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29th May 12 at 11:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Easier to get forgiveness than permission, should have just bought it and dealt with the consequences later.

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29th May 12 at 11:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robbo
This whole idea of gettign married and then moving back home to your parents is a nonsense IMO, I'd look at that before you worry about buying laptops and that :/

great inputs from steve, as per usual...

Thats a concious decision we've made in order to move forward in the long term. It won't be back home it will be a separate out house at her parents where we were before we moved out, where we can put away £25-30k over 12 months for a bigger place, hence her concern over me spending money on anything other than our goal.

[Edited on 29-05-2012 by A2H GO]
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29th May 12 at 11:30   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ultimately its a balance and I wouldn't endorse staying in every day like a hermit and eating Value bread.

Yes, some nice things are nice. Just don't see the case for that particular one.

The too late to enjoy things is bollocks though, its about the position you put yourself in. I've wasted about £30k on depreciation on cars so as a result my mortgage is £30k larger than it otherwise would be. Over the lifespan of the mortgage that is going to cost probably £60k.

If that £30k now was invested in my business interests it would realise £60k or more.

Its the knock-on effects of the short term thinking. I'm not proposing that you live like an Armish, I'm just looking to the future, and it'll come sooner than you think.

I'm 34 and my financial position would be significantly different if I'd made different choices earlier in my life. That isn't a grand here or there, the difference in outlook can cost you loads very easily.

But yeah. Find your level.

Registered: 19th Jun 06
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29th May 12 at 11:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joe
Easier to get forgiveness than permission, should have just bought it and dealt with the consequences later.

^ LIKE! ^

Registered: 14th Sep 04
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29th May 12 at 11:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hmmm. looks like I'll have to put a bit more thought into this one. So much for a simple yes/no

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