Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
quote: Originally posted by BeArDy
People are over reacting about this, it's not as bad as people are making out.
Affected prob 100 people just stopping them getting to there houses for 3'ish days until they have checked everything so not as if everyone has lost there homes.
All people involved are white an hearing it's domestic related.
what about the people who have no house left? bet it's lovely sleeping on some wood and tiles in oldham at night.
And the family who lost a child Im sure they'll have forgotten all about it in 3 days time when they're allowed back on the road living in rubble
Registered: 12th Sep 02
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by BeArDy
People are over reacting about this, it's not as bad as people are making out.
Affected prob 100 people just stopping them getting to there houses for 3'ish days until they have checked everything so not as if everyone has lost there homes.
All people involved are white an hearing it's domestic related.
What an utterly stupid thing to say.
A family has lost a child, 3 families have lost there home and everything they own, but yeah sure they will get over it. 
Shit like this needs to happen to you, then you might actually partially understand what its like.
[Edited on 28-06-2012 by Nismo]