Registered: 8th Jun 07
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100% agree with this tbh, yeh it might feel good at the beginning, but it seems your always trying to chase the feeling you got when you first started smoking it. It also costs a bomb and stinks, oh and i herd 1 joint is like 20 x worse than a cig
have you ever smoked it? and how is a j 20x worse than a cig. in what respect?
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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Never smoked, never wanted to either, smell of weed is vile tbh proper sickly smell to it.
Registered: 11th Mar 03
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Used to smoke loads of the stuff, still partial to a joint. It is the same for me too, imagination runs wild and can get really creative
Used to be a weirdo at school who started smoking when he left, he turned into a recluse though and still barely leaves the house. Think it depends on how 'stable' you are to begin with on how it affects you.
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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I used to smoke loads, but gave up a good few years ago, because it was messing up my head, it's expensive and I don't like dealing with dealers.
My mate a work smokes it all the time, and is always moaning because he hasn't got any money, and his chav of a girlfriend is too lazy to work.
Then he gets jealous because I can spend money on my car, and have days out.
But if your spending about a tenner a day + fags it works out a lot of money.
Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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Ive never had a spliff :/ Had some spaces cakes which i thought were shit they just made me miserable.
Much prefer a buzz.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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Tried it once. It was shit and made me stink.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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I smoke almost daily as im a trader and hold a very stressful job, i find it very relaxing after a hard day. I wouldnt reccomend it to anyone and wouldnt ever encourage anyone to smoke it but in moderation and if your someone who keeps there brains active it will not have any major effect - well it hasnt on me anyway but i truely believe im a responsible adult and know my body - i dont smoke to impress my mates or fit in, i dont drink so i guess i can say its my 'beer' if u like
[Edited on 27-06-2012 by MatthewR]
Registered: 27th Feb 06
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Had it twice, once in january and again in about march. I really liked it, me and the lads get stupidly pissed every weekend so we thought we would try it for a change
bout £20s worth, and did it in the house in a nice safe environment 
I liked it, propper chilled me out. made jackass 3 10x more funny than it already is and made me eat a full 12 pack of crisps.
hardly any hangover and a good nights kip.
bit harsh on the throat though although I believe we mixed it quite strong. either way Ive never been cut out as a smoker
in summary, might get some at the weekend
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by MatthewR
I smoke almost daily as im a trader and hold a very stressful job
If every person with a stressful job smoked weed we would all live in mud huts, have long hair and wear fluorescent t shirts. Worst excuse ever.
Go to the gym, have a wank, look at stars through a telescope don't smoke drugs that fuck with your head.
Registered: 27th Jun 10
Location: lancashire, nelson
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Its never interested me, pretty much all my mates from school now do it. seriously clever lads some of them, like getting 100% on maths exams etc. they now struggle to string a sentence together!
most have moved on to harder stuff now, personally think they are pathetic trying to be cool around mates etc. wankers
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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quote: Originally posted by Hammer
quote: Originally posted by MatthewR
I smoke almost daily as im a trader and hold a very stressful job
If every person with a stressful job smoked weed we would all live in mud huts, have long hair and wear fluorescent t shirts. Worst excuse ever.
Go to the gym, have a wank, look at stars through a telescope don't smoke drugs that fuck with your head.
Or if your gonna do it don't blame it on your job. You just like to get baked.
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Ever considered you might not get as stressed with your job if it wasn't for weed?
Registered: 31st May 06
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I smoke regularly. Iv found a good balance of smoking to relax me but not so it affects my job/mind to much.
It would be nice to smoke it all day like some people do but it would probely drive me insane and make my job impossible (I run a number of databases / systems for a bank and spend all day doing calculations / maths etc)
[Edited on 27-06-2012 by Baskey]
Registered: 31st May 06
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You need to respect it though as it's such a strong drug now. All my circle of friends spoke it and we all have decent jobs, own our own houses, decent cars etc however I no of so many people with no motivation in life and weed has just ruined their life
Registered: 5th May 09
Location: Crewe , Cheshire
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regular smoker now have been for a while and my memory is really shit recently
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
I've been smoking it for years. Feel like it's ruined me and taken away my motivation more than anything. Also makes you associate with people that are generally losers. Not exactly proud of it and I've tried to stop and I don't care what anyone says, you get withdrawals, mega rage amongst other things, and life just seems overly boring in general without it. I've always said, if I'm blazed I could sit in a cardboard box and be happy. I don't even get stoned as such anymore, I feel like I do it just to bring me back to my normal level, if that makes sense. As for the more creative BS and stuff like that, try doing it for years and see how motivated you are to do art or whatever then. Summary, it's not cool and it's not clever, and from someone who smokes it, don't imo.
Agree with this, I started when I was about 16 and was on it all the time to the age of about 25 (nearly 30 now).
Used to spend my nights sat in car parks getting wasted, then go home and get some more wasted then get up and go to work, never socialised with anyone who didn't smoke it and thought I was the enlightened one 
If I had my time again I wouldn't bother with it, have a few beers at the weekend and leave it at that, getting pie eyed 7 days a week for years has done me no favours what so ever.
That said there are some funny tales in this thread, anyone who has been massively effected by it must of had an underlying condition to start with.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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Got a mate who smokes loads of it. He never looks with it and is a total recluse these days. Not my idea of fun.
[Edited on 27-06-2012 by Nath]
Registered: 24th Nov 08
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
I've been smoking it for years. Feel like it's ruined me and taken away my motivation more than anything. Also makes you associate with people that are generally losers. Not exactly proud of it and I've tried to stop and I don't care what anyone says, you get withdrawals, mega rage amongst other things, and life just seems overly boring in general without it. I've always said, if I'm blazed I could sit in a cardboard box and be happy. I don't even get stoned as such anymore, I feel like I do it just to bring me back to my normal level, if that makes sense. As for the more creative BS and stuff like that, try doing it for years and see how motivated you are to do art or whatever then. Summary, it's not cool and it's not clever, and from someone who smokes it, don't imo.
Im a daily smoker and this is spot on. It just becomes normality, i never smoke in the day only at night but i feel the same it has ruined me in many ways. No one apart from a couple of close friends know i even smoke it and no one knows how much i actually do. When you become dependant on somthing you become naturally very good at hiding it from people. I have a good job and great prospects but without weed who knows maybe id be ahead of where i am now. It nearly cost me my job too, i was put up in a very posh hotel for work during some training. Decided it would be a good idea to take some weed, cut a long story short ended up leaving a spliff in the room pre rolled, remembered it just after checking out and managed to grab it as the hotel staff were going in. So weed nearly cost me my job! Ironic too that my memory is now shit because of smoking too much weed, people dont call it dope for nothing.
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
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Never smoked it, but ate it in a cake when went to Amsterdam.
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Registered: 22nd Aug 11
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i used to smoke regularly but grew out of it. one of my mates was particularly bad and spent about 3 years sat in his room constantly smoking and dealing it, long story short he got his act together got into his politics and is now a councillor at 24. i don't have any problem with it although i don't smoke it myself anymore. it should be legalised.
alcohol is far more dangerous. i've never heard of a bunch of stoned people kick someone to death or smash things and get into fights. i stick to my e's now, done completely in moderation, bought from someone who i trust and always have a good time, no trouble.
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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quote: Originally posted by GTM
quote: Originally posted by Brett
I've been smoking it for years. Feel like it's ruined me and taken away my motivation more than anything. Also makes you associate with people that are generally losers. Not exactly proud of it and I've tried to stop and I don't care what anyone says, you get withdrawals, mega rage amongst other things, and life just seems overly boring in general without it. I've always said, if I'm blazed I could sit in a cardboard box and be happy. I don't even get stoned as such anymore, I feel like I do it just to bring me back to my normal level, if that makes sense. As for the more creative BS and stuff like that, try doing it for years and see how motivated you are to do art or whatever then. Summary, it's not cool and it's not clever, and from someone who smokes it, don't imo.
Im a daily smoker and this is spot on. It just becomes normality, i never smoke in the day only at night but i feel the same it has ruined me in many ways. No one apart from a couple of close friends know i even smoke it and no one knows how much i actually do. When you become dependant on somthing you become naturally very good at hiding it from people. I have a good job and great prospects but without weed who knows maybe id be ahead of where i am now. It nearly cost me my job too, i was put up in a very posh hotel for work during some training. Decided it would be a good idea to take some weed, cut a long story short ended up leaving a spliff in the room pre rolled, remembered it just after checking out and managed to grab it as the hotel staff were going in. So weed nearly cost me my job! Ironic too that my memory is now shit because of smoking too much weed, people dont call it dope for nothing.
This reminds me, on the subject of jobs...
Went for a job back in my smoking days, got offered the position, great salary, prospects etc.
Failed the mandatory medical at the drug test stage
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Registered: 13th Sep 08
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never have bought any but if its about then im all for having some,
but hey only young once im never going to be majorly affected by it and after uni its likely ill never touch it again
Registered: 15th Dec 07
Location: Derbyshire
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Have smoke quite a bit in the past but never been addicted if you can be addicted.
My theory is in moderation it won't cause problems but if you sit round all day every day or even every night it wont be good for you, In the same way drinking every day or night isnt good for you.
Registered: 14th Mar 10
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I smoke everyday msot of the time 20-40 pounds a dau collectively between me and my friend weve been doing it everyday for about 3 years now its a bit boring but i cant help it its just good banter!
Registered: 9th Sep 04
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quote: Originally posted by JordyCarter
I smoke everyday msot of the time 20-40 pounds a dau collectively between me and my friend weve been doing it everyday for about 3 years now its a bit boring but i cant help it its just good banter!
Sounds like me and my mates when I was in uni, used to smoke an eighth a day, we used to climb the walls without it. Used to make for great banter, expensive trips to the shop for pure crap and many a closely contested game of mario kart 64.
Used to go camping and take beers and plenty of green, amongst trips to Amsterdam and Rotterdam when back in the summer from uni. Come to think of it my life and my mates used to revolve around smoking.
Havent touched it for over 6 months now, dont even smoke cigarettes anymore, I do miss it but can see the dangers of smoking a lot of it.
I had periods when smoking it where I couldnt get my words out even though I knew what I wanted to say, terrible memory and that horrible tight feeling in your chest when you have smoked around 10-15 Joints in a session.