Jamie H
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
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Hi, I had a simular incedent but the police officer was in a vectra and I got away with it
Registered: 26th Jan 03
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Read the thread - the fact they took your license sounds a bit dodgy to me...
Also, as far as them provoking you is concerned, it won't matter. It's a tactic they do use and get away with. I was driving in the GSi a few months ago and came to a set of lights where a vectra pulled up next to me, edging forward and revving the engine like crazy, I had already clocked there uniform in the corner of my eye, so thought have some fun, responded with a few rev's then when the lights went green they went screeching off and i just tootled along normally and pulled into the petrol station as needed fuel 
They came back like 2 mins later to the petrol station and got all narky trying to accuse me of dangerous driving and said he would caution me, blah blah blah... Fucking bell end... I just turned round and said your car records video evidence does it not? Do you see my car pulling off at excessive speed from the lights?? Also the CCTV from the garage covers the junction where all this happened and it would clearly show what happened.
Needless to say me 1, them 0...
If you need any more advice, pepipoo is a good port of call 
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by Jamie H
Hi, I had a simular incedent but the police officer was in a vectra and I got away with it
thats just so helpful lol
Registered: 5th May 04
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I had details of my licence took 3 months ago when i got pulled doing almost twice the speed limit. Silly i know! I now try not to drive at silly speeds, infact try not to drive at all Do more than 30k a year for work now.
I get twats all the time on the motorway flashing there headlights because i'm doing a nice 70/75 in the right hand lane overtaking cars in the middle lane. I don't care anymore, they can wait! I'm not going to slow down and join the middle lane.
Not heard anything back from that, think the copper was sound about it and gave me a warning. Was dodgy he took me licence details though!
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Shit, I thought Thames Valley had finished using Omega's.
Make mental note to watch for Vectras AND Omegas.
As discussed Jambo - 90% sure your gunna be fine on this one - Diamond cut wheels? ummm... 03 plate as well? Sounds a bit old for me.
[Edited on 26-11-2007 by pow]
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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he was suited and booted as a copper, as was the chick, i dont think they were traffic more on the way to something else and stopped me.
I await my letter
Registered: 5th Nov 03
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i feel your pain matey honestly not good
but an omega that should signal alarm bells straight away before you gunned it
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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did the ticket u get have space for details on height appearance clothes etc which they didnt bother filling in?
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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filled in mate
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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thats just a legal thing they have to fill out to say u were stopped, i got one when i was questioned once while walking home from my mates house, something happened in the area and they said they were questioning everyone
Registered: 13th Dec 02
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Are they aloud to take your license?
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
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I got bored after page 3 of all the what-if's. This is what happened to me and a mate in an XE once.
We were on our way home one night messing about and booted it down a road near to home. A Ford KA came out from behind us and starting flashing frantically we slowed down to look at who it was, then saw it was no-one we know and hacked it off down a main road hitting a silly speed in the process.
We pulled in to a car park and waited to see because this KA was still flashing us, I wondered if it was my sister at first so we waited. Woman pulls in and springs out the car. She pulls out a badge and announced she has proof of us driving erratically and is going to report us for Dangerous Driving and Speeding. She read out the rights etc and wrote down the name, vehicle details, her details and what we were doing and told him to expect a NIP in the post. Nothing happened.
Now our case was a bit different, because the your person was in what's usually known as traffic/undercover cars. And claims to have a video evidence... It's strange - But i'd be getting it checked out to see if this is a legit copper or not. There is a bloke round here who actually bought an X-Police Skoda Octavia and he likes to drive round thinking he's a cop car
Did you happen to have a look round the Omega? Was it standard? MV6? What plate was it? I didn't think the plod had anything old enough to be an omega now seeing as they stopped making them a few years back now... Even the latest ones were on about an 03 plate. Do you know a lot about the undercover cars round your area, have you seen it before?
Finally, what stop sheet were you given? Did they take a copy as well as you? When I've been pulled over I usually get a Hampshire Police Stop Sheet, which I get a copy and the copper takes one, this is after i've signed it. Did you sign a sheet?
From what you've been saying it seems like quite a strange situation...
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Registered: 13th Dec 05
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quote: Originally posted by PaulW
I was driving in the GSi a few months ago and came to a set of lights where a vectra pulled up next to me
Ah, the good old Sandiway Garage tactic......tossers
Registered: 2nd Aug 05
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deffinatly use the old i was driving home next thing some idiot in a omega started to get up my arse tailing me at first i thought he was just being a jock strap but after a while of this i started to think he was after starting trouble road rage and thought it was best to try to get away from the car in question then all i seen was the car chase after me which caused me to continue to accellerate i was also at the time concidering calling the police when oh look blue lights behind me..
Registered: 26th Apr 02
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Jambo - can you confirm if they took your licence away with them or did they give it you back?
My thoughts are:
Incorrect details on ticket (car)
Didnt show you video evidence
Didnt read you your rights (they have to do this)
No offical ticket
I would say they were either off duty coppers looking to scare you or coppers that didnt have the power to formally prosicute you. Its all good and well they they are going to report you but without any evidence at all it would be difficult from them to prove in court.
IF they took your licence I would seriously take advice becasue they DONT ever do this (they take/check the details but dont take it).
Fingers crossed its just a scare tactic, as it sounds like you had one.
Registered: 21st Oct 06
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I still think it wasn't a real police officer.
I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could get hold of a uniform, and you can clearly get hold of strobe lights and what not. Plus an '03 Omega sounds strange. Considering they buy cars new, that's 4 years old, and will have silly miles on it.
Hope it doesn't turn out nasty Jambo.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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As I have said before and to Jambo himself, 99.999% sure that all Vaux Omegas are out of service now.
Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
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quote: Originally posted by pow
As I have said before and to Jambo himself, 99.999% sure that all Vaux Omegas are out of service now.

quote: Originally posted by deano87 - Page 1
Sounds a bit odd tbh, what age Omega was it? Thought they were all out of action now i.e. could have been a dodgey police officer.
If they got you on camera speeding, I'd have thought they have themselves on camera tailgating and what not?!
[Edited on 27-11-2007 by deano87]
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Morning chaps 
Right to clear a fgew things up:
They took my liscence to read my name address etc, they gave it back to me and it is in my possesion.
THe Car was a black Omega on an 03 plate, all the bells and whistles under grille blue lights etc i have no doubt they were real cops all suited and booted in what looked almost like special forces atire. A man and a woman i have his badge number and name on my sheet they gave me.
They also took a copy of this sheet which records:
His name badge #
My appearence
My name + address
My cars reg and description.
i get the feeling they werent traffic cops just on their way to do whatever it was they are doing. I happen to be in wrong place wrong time
Jamie H
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Ascot
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quote: Originally posted by pow
As I have said before and to Jambo himself, 99.999% sure that all Vaux Omegas are out of service now.
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
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I'd ring the station and ask to speak to a superior. Arrange to go in and explain why you weren't happy.
tbh, I doubt you'll get anywhere.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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quote: Originally posted by Jamie H
quote: Originally posted by pow
As I have said before and to Jambo himself, 99.999% sure that all Vaux Omegas are out of service now.
I mean traffic wise. Special unit still use them, fact. My IAM instructor's missus uses one, shes special unit.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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thats what they seemed like pow. special unit. Properly kitted up
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She cant dish out speeding tickets or court summen iirc... ill text my instructor.
Registered: 12th Oct 05
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quote: Originally posted by deano87
I still think it wasn't a real police officer.
I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could get hold of a uniform, and you can clearly get hold of strobe lights and what not. Plus an '03 Omega sounds strange. Considering they buy cars new, that's 4 years old, and will have silly miles on it.
Hope it doesn't turn out nasty Jambo.
There is an 03 plate omega in north east scotland. SV03 FRL
Saw it in Aberdeen, Buckie, Elgin. I saw it last week