Nic Barnes
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quote: Originally posted by AK
Its a discussion.... a debate...
If I was aware that I could get 3pts and a fine for having a wee nibble at the wheel is would not do it.
I do THINK smoking is not a great idea whilst driving, but that is just me. I dot smoke, and I do detest people that do. (not them, just them smoking around me)
explains it tbh with you being a non smoker. i dont drink. people that drink and drive make me sick.
Registered: 11th Sep 07
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Used to smoke in the car, stopped it though cause it wrecks the car. I just get out and have one now...
Registered: 30th Aug 08
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quote: Originally posted by AK
Its a discussion.... a debate...
If I was aware that I could get 3pts and a fine for having a wee nibble at the wheel is would not do it.
I do THINK smoking is not a great idea whilst driving, but that is just me. I dot smoke, and I do detest people that do. (not them, just them smoking around me)
I understand that so IF i was to get in your car i wouldnt smoke but if i want to smoke in MY own car i bloody well will regardless of who wants to come in my car or regardless of what Mr Plod says
besides have you ever seen someone driving when they are gagging for a ciggy now thats dangerous so i think its better to smoke while driving as majority of us who are addicted to cigs are more mellow drivers when having a cig than most non smokers i see on the road either that or all the mardy ignorant twats i see just need a ciggy lol
Registered: 27th Oct 07
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quote: Originally posted by Jonny P
in my opinion worse.
Drop your phone "shit dropped my phone, call ended"
Drop your ciggie "SHIT BURNING MYSELF/SEATS!! *Jump around swerving over the road*"

[Edited on 13-12-2009 by barter]
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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smoking should just be banned.... easy
Registered: 29th Jan 09
Location: Durham
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quote: Originally posted by AK
smoking should just be banned.... easy
Some people like to smoke though so should be free to choose, I have recently quit and do admit starting smoking was the worst thing I ever did. But I did enjoy a tab and a pint. Also I have a question for you if I may U2U you.
Registered: 30th Aug 08
Location: cleethorpes dn35
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quote: Originally posted by AK
smoking should just be banned.... easy
thing is they go on about it being so bad for you and banned smoking in all public places and vehicles used for work but they will NEVER ban smoking as it would loose them billions every year in taxes that they need to pay thier expenses
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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exactly.... If somking nicotinne is legal, and taxed.... Other drugs should be legal.... and taxed.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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I might make a thread 'Changing yoiiur radio station while driving, should it be banned'.
Give it a rest anyone who is unable to smoke whilst driving without dropping it ( ) is probably a bigger risk to society in many (more worrying) other ways.
[Edited on 14-12-2009 by Tom]
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Smoking, eating/drinking, messing about with your stereo/satnav and texting/talking on your mobile whilst you are not stationary should ALL be banned IMO.
You are driving - you should be concentrating on the road and not trying to multi-task.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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thats my point ...
If your mobile is 100% illegal, and eating has been used as an offence before then smoking should be too.
The only eating i can see worse than smoking is sitting down to a curry whilst doing 80 down the M25 or something
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I saw a truck driver reading a book while doing 50 down the M6.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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And another one eating a yoghurt using both hands.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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quote: Originally posted by ed
I saw a truck driver reading a book while doing 50 down the M6.
that really annoys me, and its disturbing how often you pass an idiot you think is sleeping or drunk... but infact they are reading and looking at their steering wheel!!!
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I'm never high enough up to notice it, was in a coach at the time. I was shocked
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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I remember when I was learning to drive the first driving school I used, the instructor was driving the car at the time and reading something on an A4 piece of paper he was holding to the steering wheel.
I promptly changed driving school after that.
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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quote: Originally posted by M2RTY
as bad as texting/phoning?
Sort of worse really.
Registered: 25th Oct 03
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as has been already said, smoking and talking or texting require a different amount of concentration. no way is it as bad
corsa x18xe
Registered: 29th Nov 09
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i smoke roll ups i roll while im driving and smoke them been doing this for about 6 years and ive never crashed or even nealy crashed through it
Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: Weymouh, Dorset
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quote: Originally posted by Jonny P
in my opinion worse.
Drop your phone "shit dropped my phone, call ended"
Drop your ciggie "SHIT BURNING MYSELF/SEATS!! *Jump around swerving over the road*"
SPOT ON! Thread ended
Registered: 21st Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by M2RTY
as bad as texting/phoning?
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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I once had to take evasive action due to checking my hair in the mirror. This should be banned, discuss?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I think everything you shouldn't do should be banned because I'm too stupid to be able to figure out if I should be trimming my toenails while my car is on cruise control.
Registered: 25th Oct 07
Location: Basingstoke Drives: Audi A4 Avant, Mk1 Caddy
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i saw a woman doing her make up in the mirror the otherday, i was so shocked i dropped my fag in my coffee which spilt in my lap, splashing onto the road map i was reading and i hit a curb.
funking women eh?!?!!
Registered: 25th May 01
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