Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by jr
no because then she'll demand i buy an astra gsi to be cool
so id be cool, by the JR standard,
il get one tomorrow, im honered
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
to be honest though, i think id rather just go out and buy this, over a gsi
but il weight til the corsa is sold until i do that, as im sure Mr G wont like 3 cars and a bike
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
to be honest though, i think id rather just go out and buy this, over a gsi
but il weight til the corsa is sold until i do that, as im sure Mr G wont like 3 cars and a bike
seems a bit overpriced
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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for a run about?
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
for a run about?
i dont know. just seems the common answer when someone puts up the price of something.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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see if you had a van you coulod cruise round medway picking up women, more so than a hatchback
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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okay, so say i do listen to you lot
what should i buy?...
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by jr

see if you had a van you coulod cruise round medway picking up women, more so than a hatchback
i cant remember the last time i done that
but you always see the fit ones by the shiney cars (like a gsi) and all the dogs by the badly modifed cars (like a corsa)
but if you up for that soon? im game? i know all the local spots
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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astra coupe/convertable with a non zlet
look nice
people wont know it isnt a turbo and think less of you
cant mod it as much
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
i want turbo james!
i think nathans 1.8 turbo C is the whole reason
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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ffs you just dont get this do you 
you want turbo
your like it more
before you know it you have a 350bhp astra gsi as you like turbo to much
j10E W
Registered: 30th Sep 04
Location: maidstone
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the boy speaks sense about the women situation
Gez G
Registered: 12th May 04
Location: Glasgow
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Just buy a GSI. I loved mine and wish I had never got rid of it.
Registered: 19th Feb 06
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I own a completly standard mk4 astra gsi which is my daily driver. I also own a c20xe corsa with kent cams, dastek unichip, big valve head, decat exhaust etc makes roughly 160-170bhp, coilovers, 15 inch alloys, and Reyland 4pot brake set-up.
The astra is faster off the mark, faster top end, handles better in standard form. All this with still being super comfy and having a new car feel to it.
Even though the corsa isn't as fast or as nice to drive when I do go out in it I always have more of a smile on my face. This makes me not want to spend money on the astra performance wise as it would only end up in neglect to the corsa.
I know if I was to sell my corsa and throw the money at the astra then it would be a propper beast. and be 10x better than the corsa.
That said though, feeling the turbo power just makes me want to c20let my corsa which is my main reason for keeping the astra standard, its my run around.
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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quote: Originally posted by Warren G
quote: Originally posted by scottyp1989
im not missing the point at all mate just dont see the point in doing what you want to do, if you want a turbo then why not just turbo the corsa? there are plenty of cars that are comfy with cruse controll, aircon and everything you want for a lot less than 5k, and if your only planning on keeping for less than a year why bother modding it.
now, i have a very good point for that.
first, the corsa does have aircon/cruise control
and i WAS going to turbo it, now that would put me in the having two projects, as thats not a five minute job - like im talking about on the astra, mods im talking of will take what 3hours to do everything, and thats it done.
a turbo conversion would of cost me, say £1500, now thats £1500 i wouldnt of seen back, as it doesnt increase the value of the car. same with modding anything
and its a corsa, when you say to someone what car do you drive, and you say corsa....
its a step up in the market and will cost me roughly £1000, to go from a corsa c sri 1.8 to an astra gsi
so why not just wait a wile longer, sell the corsa and put the rest to a cdti instead of buyin a GSi then selling that then buying the CDti
Adam C
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Registered: 10th Jan 07
Location: Cornwall UK Drives:Arden Blue Gsi T
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Going from a Corsa B to a Astra G myself, I personally couldn't go back to a B as a full time car, I do miss the majority of parts being cheap and they are rather chuckable around the corners etc.
But the Turbo bug has bit me, wouldn't mind another Corsa as a project, but when I think about it now, I'd rather spend the money I would on buying another Corsa on the Gsi instead.
My Arden Blue Astra GSi MK4 on BBS LM's Project Thread
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by dale87
I own a completly standard mk4 astra gsi which is my daily driver. I also own a c20xe corsa with kent cams, dastek unichip, big valve head, decat exhaust etc makes roughly 160-170bhp, coilovers, 15 inch alloys, and Reyland 4pot brake set-up.
The astra is faster off the mark, faster top end, handles better in standard form. All this with still being super comfy and having a new car feel to it.
Even though the corsa isn't as fast or as nice to drive when I do go out in it I always have more of a smile on my face. This makes me not want to spend money on the astra performance wise as it would only end up in neglect to the corsa.
I know if I was to sell my corsa and throw the money at the astra then it would be a propper beast. and be 10x better than the corsa.
That said though, feeling the turbo power just makes me want to c20let my corsa which is my main reason for keeping the astra standard, its my run around.
somed it up very well for me
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by j10E W
the boy speaks sense about the women situation

so why not just wait a wile longer, sell the corsa and put the rest to a cdti instead of buyin a GSi then selling that then buying the CDti
because im not going to keep what ever car i get for more than 6month, as i will and go traveling.
id get an cdti when i would come back, and keep it......
it will be a short term car, a change, and something i prob wont be able to afford at a later date in life...
Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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What an entertaining thread
Premium Member
Registered: 22nd Feb 05
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And all he wanted was info on stickers and different coloured rings 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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Yeah he likes rings bless him
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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old man.
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
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Warren just buy a astra GSI. Leave it as is. But I can see what people are saying, turbo cars are addictive same as a tb'd car really. Ever wonder why a certain someone took there tb'd engine out and is now putting a turbo in his corsa? because its a addiction. and the turbo has won over the tb's for him.
I always love tb's and me and you know warren that a high revving small car is a better track car....and not all that good on the road as the power is all up the high end of the rev range. thats why iv bought and il admit it...a fairly slow bmw....but its a lovely car to drive so I don't care about the power. My next project will be tb'd....dont worry am not leaving you on your own
Registered: 9th Aug 05
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I went from a corsa b to an astra gsi and I love my astra
I use a corsa sport daily though as I've spent a bit of money on the astra now.
I can see you doing the same warren 
Selling corsa parts to buy astra parts, and kep the corsa standardish as a daily driver.
Anyway I'm sure warren is big enough to decide for himself what he wants, why is everyone else discussing it trying to decie for him? 
Astra's look 

Imo Anti-roll bars, lowered, decent tyres (they make a hell of a difference on these)
vxr turbo, 1.9 intake, map and intercooler
Thats a very capable astra