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Says next one is on Friday. Or you talking bout interweb for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
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I'm watching the 2nd ep now interwebz tom
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i'll watch this wednesday or i'll just get annoyed having to wait a full week for the next one
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2nd one out on the net tom, iirc its already been played in usa, ep3 is this friday in the states?
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Ooh I can watch it in Miami next week then.
Hold on. No I wont. I'm not watching tv on a Friday night in Miami lol for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
Located in Chalfont st Peter
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does anyone else think this is quite predictable?
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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what site are you lot watching on
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did the second episode end with the bolt in the pull accross shutter? im dubious why the first was 1.03 long and the second only 45
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
did the second episode end with the bolt in the pull accross shutter? im dubious why the first was 1.03 long and the second only 45
did for me, dem bitches be fawked
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by Jake
does anyone else think this is quite predictable?
Yes- I don't want to slate the series.... But the reason it was made to start with is that the graphic novel it is based on is fucking brilliant. For some reason the tv series decided to re write the whole book and do away with all the good bits. They even cut out the really good characters and added there own ones who are by in large pretty one dimensional stereotypes. Half the cast are dead within a couple of episodes in the book. The tv series is really slow and drawn out compared to the books... As I said - I can't recommend them high enough, I'm not a comic fan, but watchmen, walking dead and preacher are all immense
I'm gonna watch it still- but if they had just suck to the book it would gave been epic.
I'm guessing it's because the graphic novel is so dark and nasty that they couldn't put it on tv
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lol ive been wondering what a graphc novel is.... a fucking comic book
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
lol ive been wondering what a graphc novel is.... a fucking comic book
There is a difference... Something like watchmen or walking dead are released in big compendiums which are bigger than most novels. They have much more writing than pictures and are generally aimed at adults. They are different from a weekly comic book which I havnt ever really had an interest in. The walking dead book is in black and White and its one of the most graphic books I have read. You wouldn't want a child any where near it lol- it's properly good
Dr Pepper
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[Edited on 25-10-2011 by Dr Pepper]
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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a couple of things i dont get about zombie films etc. how does the epidemic start off, and why are there dead people rotting away in cars? it seems to me like they have stole it from 'the stand'. there have been so many of these made in the past and they arent making it any different
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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just got to the bit of episode 1 where they cut openthe walker to see what it had eaten. vom
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what, he had eaten vom? for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
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nope its a log iir
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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he ate a woodchuck you dozy bastards
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same tbh
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a woodchuck is a beaver
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Its a shame each episode saves the last 5 minute for the action, but its the best zombie series I have ever seen.
Advert came on as I typed the above
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10pm peeps for all your automotive/bodyshop needs
Located in Chalfont st Peter
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Its my fave series. When is ep3 online?
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R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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Another slow episode.
Bring on the Zombie carnage!