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quote: Originally posted by Nath
quote: Originally posted by SetH
I spit your curveball out and feed it to your ass you little anal slut.

Seriously though, Begins was too strange for me. Maybe I need to watch it again.
The bit with the monastery..... really shit, imo.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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There have been a few negative reviews of the film and rotton tomatoes has had to close comments due to people who have NOT seen the film going ape shit at the negative reviews 
I for one cannot wait to see it however Empire 5 stars 'conspiracy' shocker before someone gets it in
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Batman Forever is misunderstood.
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Batman Forever is misunderstood.
It's an attempt to make a dark and violent character in to a family friendly and colorful individual who has zero backbone and no balls.
It's Hollywood showing its worst possible side by taking a succesful franchise and cutting the creative costs and upping the actor salary by betting on familiar faces opposed to good story telling.
It's a disgrace to film making and the absolutely best that can be said about it is that it's better than Batman & Robin.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Films dont HAVE to be dark though. It is a COMIC BOOK film, filmed in a comic book style. So its Zap/Pow ridiculous.
The Ridler is fantastic, the sets are great and its a neat little movie. It wont win an oscar but it doesnt need to be dark and complex to be a good movie.
Popcorn movies.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
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For once I agree with Balling. Michael Keaton turned down the role in this film due to the poor script. Val Kilmer is also a poor actor! Its probably best that the two post 'Burton' films should be forgotten about. Nolan brought the franchise back from the grave.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Jambo does have a 'special' taste when it comes to films to be honest. He has posters of Ben 'faggot' affleck on his wall FFS.
we are all different I guess.
love you Jambo x
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
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Also.....................Jambo I mean you no harm, you are a Radiohead fan!
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
It's Hollywood showing its worst possible side by taking a succesful franchise and cutting the creative costs and upping the actor salary by betting on familiar faces opposed to good story telling.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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I suspect Balling doesn't like the original Batman TV series either 
quote: Originally posted by Theham85
For once I agree with Balling. Michael Keaton turned down the role in this film due to the poor script. Val Kilmer is also a poor actor! Its probably best that the two post 'Burton' films should be forgotten about. Nolan brought the franchise back from the grave.
The Saint was a good film
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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But the above are all good accomplished actors that you would generally see in award winning films................Not Val Kilmer, Arnie, Jim Carrey etc etc.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Too many elitests here.
I know someone who is a supposed film fan and loves cinema and does nothing but fucking moan about everything she sees. In total it would not suprise me if she liked 10films tops.
Every film had to have 15 twists, dark sentiments and be deadly serious.
Sucks to be them tbh.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
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quote: Originally posted by Dom
I suspect Balling doesn't like the original Batman TV series either 
quote: Originally posted by Theham85
For once I agree with Balling. Michael Keaton turned down the role in this film due to the poor script. Val Kilmer is also a poor actor! Its probably best that the two post 'Burton' films should be forgotten about. Nolan brought the franchise back from the grave.
The Saint was a good film
Forgot all about it! He had a Volvo C70 in it? Must be a good age that film now?
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Looking at the pic posted by adio puts it into perspective how epic the cast is in all fairness.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Theham85
But the above are all good accomplished actors that you would generally see in award winning films................Not Val Kilmer, Arnie, Jim Carrey etc etc.

Val Kilmer is a great actor, not the best but hes fantastic. Also you seriously need to rewatch Batman Forever, Carrey is GENIUS in it. If you still doubt his acting ability, watch Truman show and Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. Better than C. "Holywood" Bale tbh
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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I couldn't honestly remember what the story is in Begins, it was that bad.
I just remember some guy with a sack on his head and Batman "training" and developing his weapons with some monks or some shit. Awful, awful film.
I don't believe there has been a definitive Batman film made yet.
Give it a few years and it'll get a reboot and be called "The Spectacular Batman" or some shit.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Too many elitests here.
I know someone who is a supposed film fan and loves cinema and does nothing but fucking moan about everything she sees. In total it would not suprise me if she liked 10films tops.
Every film had to have 15 twists, dark sentiments and be deadly serious.
Sucks to be them tbh.
I like Ghost Busters
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
quote: Originally posted by Theham85
But the above are all good accomplished actors that you would generally see in award winning films................Not Val Kilmer, Arnie, Jim Carrey etc etc.

Val Kilmer is a great actor, not the best but hes fantastic. Also you seriously need to rewatch Batman Forever, Carrey is GENIUS in it. If you still doubt his acting ability, watch Truman show and Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. Better than C. "Holywood" Bale tbh
Yep, and Arnold was amazing in Total Recall. Another film that shouldn't be remade
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
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I'll give you that! Truman Show was an EXCELLENT piece of film!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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I love Batman Begins Didnt know you werent a fan Ade!
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Films dont HAVE to be dark though. It is a COMIC BOOK film, filmed in a comic book style. So its Zap/Pow ridiculous.
Popcorn movies.
Absolutely agree, I love a colorful cast. Avengers is a perfect example, nothing gritty about that.
I will also gladly watch any of Michael Bays films as it fantastic and fast paced entertainment that helps you keep your mind shut for a few hours.
There still has to be SOME degree of storytelling to it though, or you just get lost.
Transformers 2 is a fine example of Bay loosing sight of his goals and just pouring all his money in SFX. Transformers and Dark of the Moon actually has some (be it very little) degree of story, hence it works.
Warner Bros went Transformers 2 on Forever and didn't focus on the story at all, hence it ended up a mess.
Btw, I would never imply that Val Kilmer is not a great actor. Any one in doubt should go watch Heat or Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. He has proven his worth.
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
I love Batman Begins Didnt know you werent a fan Ade!
I just don't get the hype over the new franchise. They're ok.. but not perfect like some people are making out. Certainly not 10/10 or 5/5 films.
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quote: Originally posted by adiohead
As ever I'm uncertain if you have a point!?
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
quote: Originally posted by adiohead
As ever I'm uncertain if you have a point!?
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Registered: 7th Apr 04
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Ade, I'm curious, what are some action films that you WOULD rate 10/10?