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Author The way to deal with neds/chavs

Registered: 28th Sep 01
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14th Dec 11 at 12:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JaffaTB
idiots in this thread saying they hope he gets a payout are exactly whats wrong with this country, he was in the wrong in the first place and if he had a ticket like everyone else he wouldnt have got thrown off, if that was my son and he came home and told me what had happened i'd have said serves you right for not having a ticket!

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14th Dec 11 at 12:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Excellent work
Ben G

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14th Dec 11 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how do people know that cut was just from being thrown to the ground?

it doesn't look like he's at a train station in the photo, could have gone up and punched himself a few times to claim more money.

sunz, you are the lowest of the low imo, supporting people who do wrong.

i bet you were part of the riots and protestors who smashed windows, then cried to their mummys and daddys when they were arrested.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G

sunz, you are the lowest of the low imo, supporting people who do wrong.

This. PGTFO you tool.

Registered: 20th Jun 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AlunJ
Originally posted by Graham88
We have British Transport Police down this way so they would have attended.

Would they fuck!

They do, see them regularly fining people for not buying a ticket.
neil h

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14th Dec 11 at 12:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JaffaTB
idiots in this thread saying they hope he gets a payout are exactly whats wrong with this country,

While this is true, people calling the big bloke a hero are also whats wrong with this country. What the bloke did amounted to assault plain and simple, he's not employed to remove people from trains. A call through to the Scottish equivalent to the BTP would have had officers at the next station to remove the lad. He didn't assault the conductor or anything, so there was no need for the big bloke to step in.

Registered: 25th Oct 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

maybe it is exactly what it needs mroe of? yes it was assault, moral of the story, if you dont want o be thrown about or treated like a piece of shit THEN BUY A TICKET LIKE EVERYONE ELSE???

what a bunch of hippys about today
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14th Dec 11 at 12:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by neil h
What the bloke did amounted to assault plain and simple

Thats whats wrong with the country.

If your a cunt you deserve a kicking. End of.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by Gary]
Ben G

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14th Dec 11 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'd like to see other peoples take on this if they were sat on a train with their kids or on their way home from a long day at work and the train is stopped due to some low life cretin refusing to leave the train as he hasn't paid for a ticket, which everyone else had to do.

i'm sure you'd all sit there and say he's fine, just leave him.

oh wait, you'd be the ones who'll wait until someone does it, then pipe up after it's over.
neil h

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14th Dec 11 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by neil h
What the bloke did amounted to assault plain and simple

Thats whats wrong with the country.

If your a cunt you deserve a kicking. End off.

Please for the safety of the rest of humanity don't ever go into politics.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by neil h]

Registered: 20th Jun 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cant stand far dodgers, I have to pay over £2k a year for the trains buses just so I can get to work.

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14th Dec 11 at 12:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by neil h
What the bloke did amounted to assault plain and simple

Thats whats wrong with the country.

If your a cunt you deserve a kicking. End of.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by Gary]

Registered: 15th Oct 04
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14th Dec 11 at 12:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by BarnshaW
if you dont want o be thrown about or treated like a piece of shit THEN BUY A TICKET LIKE EVERYONE ELSE???

Ben G

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14th Dec 11 at 12:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by neil h
Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by neil h
What the bloke did amounted to assault plain and simple

Thats whats wrong with the country.

If your a cunt you deserve a kicking. End off.

Please for the safety of the rest of humanity don't ever go into politics.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by neil h]

you = nick clegg

gary - winston churchill

winston is a legend, nick clegg is a cock sucking cunt.

Registered: 25th Oct 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

and also agree completely with what Ben said, if it was you on the train - trying to get to a job interview, trying to get to somewhere on time etc and this little shit was sat there refusing to pay or get off you would just accept it?

just why the slack uneducated teenagers of today think they know the law and what they can and cant get away with makes me laugh, in the 50's and 60's you would probably been thrown of with a smack round the head, no respect for any authority nowadays. wankers

Registered: 28th Sep 01
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14th Dec 11 at 12:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

"Don't hurt the criminals" has ruined life as we know it.

Now we have N-Dubz because of shit like that!
neil h

Registered: 28th Sep 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You've all got the wrong end of my argument by the looks of it Its all well and good prattling on about no respect for authority and all that crap but in this case the bloke who threw the kid off the train was not an authority figure in this situation. He was a random bloke who decided to play the big man.

Its not the position of some random twat to go throwing people around 'cus they wanna be the hard man. The train conductor is the man in charge and he should if required be allowed to use force to remove someone from the train if necessary. By giving authority figures the ability to use force were needed they can begin to claw back some respect from the lil scrotes. Random mr big bollocks throwing some kid of a train just leaves us were we are now.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by neil h]

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14th Dec 11 at 12:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

he was not playing the big man, he was removing an annoying little scrote who was being a nuisance, if he wasnt being a nuisance and paid the ticket then the "big man" would not have to have taken his own action.

the bloke was clearly not trying to be a "hard man" he was probably annoyed with this little spotty faced teenager causing EVERYONE on the train problems, would have congratulated that man if it was me on the train.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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14th Dec 11 at 12:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Decided to play the big man?

No, he was doing what everyone else was too scared to do!

Thats the problem with English people, we do nothing about a situation that makes us unhappy and then whinge about it later.

Registered: 7th Oct 09
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14th Dec 11 at 12:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its not like he stood up straight away, he sat and waited while the conductor tried to get a fare off the lad or get him to leave the train neither of which he did, that lad had enough time to resolve the situation in a normal way like anyone else would have

Registered: 12th Jan 10
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14th Dec 11 at 12:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

at these people defending the teenager.

There was no way that conductor would be capable of kicking the teenager off. The guy done what needed to be done, the teenager wasnt held to the ground while someone kicked him in the head. He was thrown off a train because he had no right to be on it.

Its because of people like sunz and judges like the one who let those muslim girls off with assualt because they have never drunk before, that we have people like this in the country.

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14th Dec 11 at 12:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by neil h
You've all got the wrong end of my argument by the looks of it Its all well and good prattling on about no respect for authority and all that crap but in this case the bloke who threw the kid off the train was not an authority figure in this situation. He was a random bloke who decided to play the big man.

Its not the position of some random twat to go throwing people around 'cus they wanna be the hard man. The train conductor is the man in charge and he should if required be allowed to use force to remove someone from the train if necessary. By giving authority figures the ability to use force were needed they can begin to claw back some respect from the lil scrotes. Random mr big bollocks throwing some kid of a train just leaves us were we are now.

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by neil h]

If someone knifed your girlfriend, would you protect her or wait for someone in authority to do it?

If a big man came along and helped you and your girlfriend, would you regard him as a random twat too?

[Edited on 14-12-2011 by adiohead]

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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14th Dec 11 at 13:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Lack of brains cells in this topic, no one is defending the guy without a ticket, just saying the way it was dealt with wasn't correct in their view, is a big difference.

Would be nice if people could read and stop making things personal, it's all based on opinions.

Pack of drunk girls beating another.
Someones girlfriend getting "knifed"
Guy who didn't pay his ticket, not really seeing the connection there but thanks anyway.

Registered: 14th Mar 04
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14th Dec 11 at 13:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What if he had bene mugged and couldnt afford a ticket home?

What if it was a young girl in that instance who had no money for the ticket, it is right to throw her off a train miles from home?
neil h

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14th Dec 11 at 13:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Eddx14xe
at these people defending the teenager.

There was no way that conductor would be capable of kicking the teenager off. The guy done what needed to be done, the teenager wasnt held to the ground while someone kicked him in the head. He was thrown off a train because he had no right to be on it.

Part of the remit of the British Transport Police is to remove people like the one in the article from trains. Its what there trained for and its what there paid for. As a bloke said on the radio yesterday, the correct way to have dealt with this would have been a call to BTP and to have them waiting at the next station. Train carries on its way, kid is removed at next station. Problem solved.

And Adiohead, i'm sorry but a stabbing is a completely different scenario on more levels than I feel the need to explain.

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