Registered: 12th Sep 02
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just wait and see that is all you can do mate.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Hmmm toughy. Read this entire post..
I'd say expect a letter. A member of the public can report Dangerous driving and it'll be investigatged.
If its a copper that has taken the details, its a high chance that you will get a letter.
But before hand, IF they have recorded it on video, you will be invited down to view the recording. If this happens, accept it and go and view. I went to see my video by myself.
Like you, when i was pulled, I was treated as scum. Dragged into the back of the car, read my rights etc...
It does concern me about the details of the car being wrong though, this swings in your favour
I would wait, don't worry just yet, go and view the video. Work out what you can see, and go from there.
In my case, I said i was being chased by yobs with bottles and I thought it was them so tried to get away. It worked, i kept my license from 114mph average so you can beat the system.
I've also been to court before, where 1 letter on my name was in-correctly spealt, so it was automatically thrown out of court.
When asked about the car, you can deny all knowledge of it IF they've got the car down wrong, well you never know, someone could have stolen your reg plates and been pulled over..... 
I got in a right panic, but don't worry just yet. Carry on as normal, wait to see if you get a letter/invite to view video, and go from there.
And yes, they still use Omegas.. See them regulary in London, in fact, LOADS of the buggers, both stickered and undercover....
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Like other people have said, tell them you were scared for your safety hence the speed you drove away from them at. Thats the only line of defence I can think of
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Oh, also, I THINK the video is on record all the time. And they are high zoom cameras. I was a good 1/4 mile in front, and you could clearly read my plate. When the car pulled in behined mine, you could mostly only see the reg plate and a bit of boot. When it stopped, the camera line was really close.
IF they have a video, this will show them sitting right up your jackside.
Bad news is though that they are UC cops, so can argue about advanced training. And also, if your gonna use the "trying to get away" tactic, you've got to be sure that its viable and that no lines like "why did you not just pull over or out the way" can be used against you (fear for life is a good one ).
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Theres a hell of alot in your favour James.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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i can only hope 
Thanks for all the advice guys
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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read the all the post and tbh im not gonna sound like i know anything seen as i dont. personally id go to the station and ask them whats going to happen/explain what went on as they will know more about it.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Matt L
read the all the post and tbh im not gonna sound like i know anything seen as i dont. personally id go to the station and ask them whats going to happen/explain what went on as they will know more about it.
Admitting to to offence.
DON'T go to the police station as your basically admitting and it can be used against you.
Go independant. Don't call the citizens advice, they are no brainers...
At the moment though, hold fire, don't worry about it till it happens.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by Jambo
Morning chaps 
Right to clear a fgew things up:
They took my liscence to read my name address etc, they gave it back to me and it is in my possesion.
THe Car was a black Omega on an 03 plate, all the bells and whistles under grille blue lights etc i have no doubt they were real cops all suited and booted in what looked almost like special forces atire. A man and a woman i have his badge number and name on my sheet they gave me.
They also took a copy of this sheet which records:
His name badge #
My appearence
My name + address
My cars reg and description.
i get the feeling they werent traffic cops just on their way to do whatever it was they are doing. I happen to be in wrong place wrong time
Oh I didn't realise that. I thought you meant, they took your license off you and have kept it!
In that case, from what I read sounds like you'll be let off / nothing will ever come of it.
As said, probably Off duty police in another division and thus they stopped you to have a word, but in their juristiction they couldn't issue you with anything speeding related.
That form you filled in is different to mine ... It sounds more like as someone said just a record you've been spoken to... I got one of these when drunk running across uni campus once 
To be honest, reading it all (i.e. no Verbal N.I.P / Caution given) I think your lucky. If nothing comes through the post within the month you can sigh a breath of relief.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
i bloody well hope so. Its all i can think about which is a tad annoying.
Oh well well wait and see i guess
Thanks for all advice and replies
Registered: 8th Nov 04
Location: Glasgow
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i can 100% guarantee you will hear nothing back about this
well thats what you want to hear
nah seriously i have a good feeling about this
Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
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I got a record of being stopped before. Was thefts from motor vehicles in th area of a young lad on a silver BMX. I was riding back from my girlfriends, lights on, all above board. They stopped & searched me, gave me a record.
Also had the police officers name/number on if I wanted to make a complaint or something.
Sounds like you got the same type of thing. Think they have to provide one, to cover themselves against harrassment and what not.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
i know im going to get something in the post i just know it.
I just think he wasnt a traffic cop thats why its all a bit muddled aybe not his area,
Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Jambo
i know im going to get something in the post i just know it.
I just think he wasnt a traffic cop thats why its all a bit muddled aybe not his area,
If they thought you were that much of a risk, they'd have probably got a traffic unit to come out, check the video and so on. But they didn't.
Good luck all the same
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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they give that form out so if they want to take further action they can, if u just got pulled and got a telling off they wouldnt be able to send out an nip
Half Pint
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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just assult the postman and put him in hospital fo 6 months... you'll get no post hopefully
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Registered: 22nd Feb 05
Location: Basildon, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Half Pint
just assult the postman and put him in hospital fo 6 months... you'll get no post hopefully

Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 5th Feb 05
Location: Sittingbourne, Kent
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surely thats entrapment?
Registered: 18th Oct 07
Location: Anglesey, North Wales
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a similar thing happened 2 me the other day, a t5 came booting it up my arse tailgating, so i paniked and put my foot down. we reached a speed of 98mph then the blue lights came on. i got 3 points and a 60 quid fine!! morel of the story..dont try and out run a t5 in a audi 90
Registered: 26th Jan 03
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jambo...its just a caution dude...when i got stopped they gave me a proper speeding ticket...with details on what to do next etc etc...
seems like he has given you a caution..and by reporting it he means he is gonna do the correct procedures surrounding the caution. so next time u arent so lucky!
Registered: 3rd Apr 05
User status: Offline
If he's in an unmarked Omega he's more than likely traffic or another specialist unit. If he's reported you for the offence and given you the verbal NIP then unfortunately you just have to sit tight and hope you don't get the letter. This letter can be sent anytime within the next 6 months.
The first question I would ask if the "I was being chased/i was in fear for my life" defence was raised would be why did you stop at all, Why not keep going and contact the Police surely that would be what you would do in this situation.
Registered: 30th Jun 07
Location: Tamworth Drives: Focus st
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just spoke to my neighbour who was an ex sargent and traffic officer and you say they have put down a ford escort and youre car is an astra means that what they have given you is invaild as it has youre wrong details down, he said he knows people getting off with it when people have put down no date or the wrong date
[Edited on 27-11-2007 by ali_corsa]
Registered: 1st Feb 07
Location: Bedford/
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Are you sure they were a policeman, because i've seen someone pull that trick before.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by drax
surely thats entrapment?
no such thing as an entrapment law in the uk
Jules S
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Registered: 24th Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by ChazSXi
jambo...its just a caution dude...when i got stopped they gave me a proper speeding ticket...with details on what to do next etc etc...
seems like he has given you a caution..and by reporting it he means he is gonna do the correct procedures surrounding the caution. so next time u arent so lucky!
I think that is the case when the 'offence' can be dealt with at the roadside...with a fixed penalty/points.
Any 'silly' speed (thats subjective) may need a court hearing...and to me thats where this is going.
As Robin says, visit Pepipoo and post for advice.
Did they inform you of the alledged speed Jambo?