Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Tamworth,staffordshire Drives: rover coupe
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quote: Originally posted by corsa_tomtom
You'll be at fault i think due to you having to go onto the other side of the road? I don't reeally know 
id say the same tbh,the cars were parked on your side.gutted for you mate.that was a lovely example of a gsi
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
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She said Cat D was total loss. I don't know how it can be repaired tbh.
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Category A Insurance Write Off - the vehicle must scrapped and no parts or components can be sold other than for scrap. Amounts vary but the scrap value rarely covers the cost of recovery and delivery to a scrap yard.
Category B Insurance Write Off - the vehicle must not be used again but non- structural and roadworthy parts and components may be recovered for use in other vehicles. Care must be taken to ensure that they are not critical components with important safety functions.
Category C Insurance Write Off - the vehicle is repairable but the parts and labour would exceed the value of the car. This is a tricky situation as there are plenty of amateur and professional mechanics who could use second hand parts to repair these vehicles at much lower prices than the list costs for parts and labour.
Category D Insurance Write Off - the vehicle is economically repairable but other factors are involved that cause the insurer to declare the vehicle a write off. Perhaps the replacement car hire is too costly or it will take too long for a specialist part to be delivered
Mine was worth £800 and would of cost £1800+ to repair using proper GM parts
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
Insurance have told me to go 50/50 as neither of us had no where to go and the fact it was a blind corner.
Right the valuation company has just phoned, they offered me £900 in total with the price of the wheels included in that price.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Never accept 1st offer!!
Did you ask about having the car back? Strippage = a few hundred more!!
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
No Colin sorry i go away on wednesday so wouldn't be able to do anything with it and to be honest i have no room on my front for the car to be sat also mum and dad would go mental with it just sat on the front.
TBH £900 in my pocket is better than a kick in the stones and i can't be arsed with the hassle of it all. The stuff i already have in the garage i can sell and make more money that way. Its sad to see it gone but hey its time to grow up and move on.
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Registered: 4th Jun 07
Location: Sandbach
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Didnt think you'd get much more than that tbh.
They just look at it and see a 13year old corsa.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Id still not accept the 1st offer....they dont expect you to accept the 1st offer. Tell them your looking for 1200 as thats what there going for on AT for the same condition!!
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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what colin said. I got £3500 for my old XE about 18 months ago, first offer they gave was about £1k.
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
They said they took into account the fact that it was a 14 year old car had 145000 + miles on it. i don't know AAARRRGGGHHH
Registered: 29th Dec 00
Location: Huddersfield
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Don't be soft man. Haggle
Madonna has that sorta mileage and she's worth millions 
[Edited on 28-08-2008 by DaveB]
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Yes they want you to believe its not worth anything. Theres always room to move on a 1st offer!!!
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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People always say don't accept the first offer, it totally depends on the situation.
I've been invloved with dealing with 3 write offs.
2 of them were brilliant offers and it would have been a waste of time not accepting, 3rd wasn't a good offer and was worth arguing.
So unless you don't mind wasting time refusing isn't always the best option.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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Dont accept first offer
They'll take another 2-3 days but they will up it
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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You've got to ask yourself really, is the amount on offer what id want if I sold it? If no ask for more!!
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
What so ring them back and say what?? I am not happy with the offer you made, i feel its worth more.
Also he said the fact that it basically has no MOT affects the price.
Registered: 29th Dec 00
Location: Huddersfield
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Exactly. I'd like another offer as after checking the market value of the car for cars of a similiar condition they are at £xxxx etc
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Just say you've been looking at similar vehicles on AT to replace it with & in similar condition there selling for (£insert amount) & your after the amount its going to cost to replace your written off one.
Just blag it!!
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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MOT is irrelevant, they will say anything to make you at the crap offer.
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Colin
You've got to ask yourself really, is the amount on offer what id want if I sold it? If no ask for more!!
TBH Colin i only paid £800 for the bloody car. Pictures can do wonders to make a car look good, if anybody had seen the car in person you would know that it wasn't as good in the flesh as the picys show. So £900 is probs more than i hoped for really as i was expecting bout £500.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
User status: Offline
Up to you, all im saying is theres usually scope for a bit of movement!! If your happy with the offer take it, I just think you 'could' get more without muh effort!!
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
Right i have just phoned them back now and said that i have been looking on AT and found cars the same as mine going for £1000 + her response was "the car doesn't have a 100% full service history which is stamped and it was bought privatley and the fact it had 9 owners  which i was shocked about. The engineer gave the price on the vehickle in front of him and has not compared it to others for sale at the present time.
Registered: 29th Dec 00
Location: Huddersfield
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quote: Originally posted by Iain M
The engineer gave the price on the vehickle in front of him and has not compared it to others for sale at the present time.
.. and you say well he should do because that's how much I'll need to purchase a replacement vehicle.. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIATCH
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
thankyou you have cheered me up a little. I'll be glad when all this is over and done with.
Anyway will have to draw up a list of all the corsa related shit i have to sell.
Registered: 29th Dec 00
Location: Huddersfield
User status: Offline
Been there myself mate so I know your pain. I fought for 4 weeks to get a price increase on my gsi but didn't get anywhere. Managed to haggle buying it back to strip/repair though for just £60 so it turned out I got £2,700 and the car so I did alright out of my incident, LOL.
Don't give up though - at least go for an even grand. (Say it had brand new tyres, or find any recent receipts for work done to it?)