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Author Buyer DIES in 100MPH test drive of 106 Rallye.

Registered: 28th Jan 09
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26th Feb 10 at 13:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its his funeral as you all speak now, and a fair few of people that know him are on here as far as i know.

Registered: 15th Jul 01
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26th Feb 10 at 13:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Jesus H it must take a certain personality type to find it acceptable to joke about this and im glad I dont hold company or have friends like that in my life.

Maybe im a sensitive barstard but ive never joke about a death in my life, a normal member of the public or a celebrity. When the michael jackson and madeline text jokes come flooding into my phone I just deleted them each time and made this face >

Like posted above we are all different I guess but still leaves me struggling to understand why some personality types find joking about this acceptable
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dangermouse2503

it is sad that he died because of the driver, but you don't know if he was telling the driver to go faster or not.

So until anybody does know what was said before the impact, as aformentioned, exercise a little respect.

I can understand not knowing the person and exercising your freedom of speech but have a alittle compassion for the friends and family of this lad.

As others have mentioned, if shoe was on the other foot.......

If the shoe was on the other foot, none of my friends would be letting the internet know of my death, my family wouldn't post it on the internet, and the only people that would count would be those at my funeral.

And as for me? Well I wouldn't care, as i'd be dead....

Corsasport is not a place of respect, if you haven't worked that out yet, your on the wrong website. It only had respect in the first few years, now, its a free-for-all say what you want kinda place, with an on-sueing debate about who's right and who's wrong.

Someone has died, nothing to do with this website.

Should I now post a sympathy post about all the biking people who have died that none of you know on here? I knew them, so that counts just the same as this.

Get a grip, if you want to start pouting pity, and sympathy, then go to the website he was a member of and post it on there. On here, it doesn't matter, its just another box to go 6ft under

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by VXR]

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26th Feb 10 at 13:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Daimo you havent left me much choice, i think im going to have to pull your pants down and spank you.. although id worry you would find this activity enjoyable
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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26th Feb 10 at 13:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

From you, everything is enjoyable.

Just gets my goat. We have how many troops dying every single day, how many posts you see about that on here? You don't.

Yet some kid, who was in a car, doing 100mph, get a big song and dance.

tbh, i know where i'd put my sympathy, and it isn't for the boyracers.

As I say, contributions to life? I wouldn't expect a big song and dance for me.

yet when I defended Jacko's death (and others), everyone jumped on the bandwagon and had a go at me...

Go figure? can't beat them, join them. Join them, get flamed....

No-one ever wins on here, you just have to accept other people might not think the same/care about the same things, hence you have to accept people will write things you might not like.

Many things get posted on here, i usually don't reply. but today its friday, im at work, no boss, and this is my opinion. Save the sympathy for those that really deserve it.

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26th Feb 10 at 13:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

TBH you have presented a concise and very vaild arguement.

You made one joke in jest about french tin cans.

I cant see where you have made any derogatory comments about this lads death but there have been a few from others in this thread.

Registered: 11th Jun 03
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26th Feb 10 at 13:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Poor bastard.


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26th Feb 10 at 13:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by dangermouse2503

it is sad that he died because of the driver, but you don't know if he was telling the driver to go faster or not.

So until anybody does know what was said before the impact, as aformentioned, exercise a little respect.

I can understand not knowing the person and exercising your freedom of speech but have a alittle compassion for the friends and family of this lad.

As others have mentioned, if shoe was on the other foot.......

If the shoe was on the other foot, none of my friends would be letting the internet know of my death, my family wouldn't post it on the internet, and the only people that would count would be those at my funeral.

And as for me? Well I wouldn't care, as i'd be dead....

Corsasport is not a place of respect, if you haven't worked that out yet, your on the wrong website. It only had respect in the first few years, now, its a free-for-all say what you want kinda place, with an on-sueing debate about who's right and who's wrong.

Someone has died, nothing to do with this website.

Should I now post a sympathy post about all the biking people who have died that none of you know on here? I knew them, so that counts just the same as this.

Get a grip, if you want to start pouting pity, and sympathy, then go to the website he was a member of and post it on there. On here, it doesn't matter, its just another box to go 6ft under

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by VXR]

So if you snuffed it in a car accident that you had no control over and your mates off here wanted to make people aware of what had happened, then some pratt on here posted something unjust about your death, I'm sure your mates would have quite a lot to say about it

Okay, fair do's you wouldnt care as you where dead

Corsa Sport is a place for people to air there opinions but we are not talking respect here, were talking common bloody sense

And yeah someone has died, nothing to do with the website BUT they are part of the modified car community and this incident has served to stick another nail in the coffin on the reputation of us 'boy racers' as we are known.

It shouldnt take someone's life ending abruptly to remind us of what can happen when it goes wrong and thats why I feel sorry for whats happened.
Its hard enough trying to uphold a decent reputation owning a modified car without hassle from the plod and people thinking were all bad drivers.

Regards bikers have there own circle of enthusiasts so leave them to pay respects to each other when they die in unfortunate circumstance's.

And I aint pounting pity and sympathy. Just highlighting that a engaging your brain before voicing your opinions isnt that hard to do. So what if the majority of people on here dont show respect, does that mean you have to be one of the lost sheep that have to follow them??

Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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26th Feb 10 at 13:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

VXR- Your argument is weird.

People critisized Jacko when he didnt like that...and so now you can say what ever you want about any dead person even if it is upsetting other people that use the forum .

Yes the internet is a nasty place... that doesnt mean we all have to add to it just becuase we can type stuff without putting our face to it in person.

Soldiers in Iraq are paid and trained to be sent to a place where they might die...of course we dont talk about every death...but we dont make fun of every death either.

All this kid did was to get into someone elses car ... now he is being buried- people on here know him.... it doesnt take a genuis to work out that it might be a good idea not to joke about it.

Obviously we cant make you do anything.....this is the net .... but have some common decency for fuks seem to be trying to suggest that you have been hard done by here - thats because by any standards your behaving like a spoilt child.

CANT BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM...... That is a shit and very wrong attitude to take through life with you

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by Dr Pepper]
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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26th Feb 10 at 14:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You say its weird, and sethy says its a very valied argument.

What was I saying about opinions being different

Why not, if its ok for any other f**ker to do it, why can't I?

Yes, I am a spoilt 28 year old child, and your opinion on my values in life will most certainly make me change

As I said, get a grip.

So Mr Pepper, did you know this chap, or are you just on an internet save the world case?

Ohhh so now my views on life are in-correct becuase some web person tells me. Boo hoo hoo.

*Cartman* I'll do what-ti-want.

Get a grip you lamo's I put a simple jesty comment, and all the doo gooders go on a cry.

Registered: 9th Oct 06
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26th Feb 10 at 14:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by Dan295
i will be sure to pass on this message to a few of his mates who went to the funeral today, have some compassion

Go for it, let them know it was written on here first. Then they can all come and take out their frustration on my batty hole.

Compassion for a dead guy that I have no knowledge or care about?

Jog on. Welcome to the internet.

Becuase im really sure they care about some random person on the internets opinion whilst they are buring their mate

Get a grip people.

to be fair im not here to defend his case and whether he was telling the bloke to push it or not. All i know is that theres a few people i know who are at his funeral today, its pretty sad hes leaving behind his father and that potentially it wasnt his fault. Im merely asking for a little bit of respect for the chap whos died

Registered: 23rd Feb 09
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26th Feb 10 at 14:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When I go out for a test drive I never trust the drive next to me so I always insist I drive if not I walk away best way to be I think. Poor lad tho I feel sorry for his mate waiting for him not knowing why they are taking so long

Registered: 15th Jul 01
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26th Feb 10 at 14:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Daimo son what have you done

Lets have us a good ole fashion hanging!

Like I said Ive seen one joke in jest and not any nasty/derogatory comments pertaining to this poor lad, unless ive missed something.

Its the fucks on page 1 that are out of order IMO.

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by SetH]
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 14:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So stop quoting me then and giving me room to defend my words?

Not really rocket science

Theres a few people at his funeral. How many of those people are from Corsasport???

Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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26th Feb 10 at 14:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
Daimo son what have you done

Lets have us a good ole fashion hanging!

Like I said Ive seen one joke in jest and not any nasty/derogatory comments pertaining to this poor lad, unless ive missed something.

Its the fucks on page 1 that are out of order IMO.

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by SetH]

See Sethy baby, you don't agree with me.

Wheres our arguing? You see my point, you don't agree, end of story.

People who quote me, are mad if they expect to reply to me, and then think I won't reply back. Then someone elso doesn't like that reply, so carry it on, and on and on...... if you reply to me, i'll reply back

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26th Feb 10 at 14:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

(seeing as im not allowed to quote the holy daimo)

i dont know how many people are there from cs, i didnt think to ask , wheres my argument? there is no argument as im in no position to judge as i dont know the story and therefore am not expressing an opinion, i think if you were standing infront of the family you wouldnt say it tbh, keyboard warrior springs to mind?
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 14:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Indeed, I am a keyboard warrior.

Difference is, i've been quite often known to say what i think in real life as I do behined a keyboard.

10 years practice, you got to be able to back it up in real life

You have a basis to judge on the information you have been given. Whether that opinion is right or not is not the issue. You have an opinion, it differs from mine.

Thats fine, no biggy.

I wouldn't say it to the family, its dis-respectful.

But none of those family are on here? So whats your problem?

Doo gooding over nothing that concerns you.

End of the day, I see

Young lads in small hot hatch, crash whilst doing 100mph.

Kids on here get flamed more when they post about doing 60mph in a 50mph zone and have been caught by the old bill.......

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26th Feb 10 at 14:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR

Difference is, i've been quite often known to say what i think in real life as I do behind a keyboard.

ok so you would say it to the family then...

Originally posted by VXR

I wouldn't say it to the family, its dis-respectful.

oh ok.... ermmm

youve said it yourself its fairly disrespectful as i know a few people that were pretty upset by the loss of a friend im asking for you to be a bit more respectful which by the looks of it youve realised
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 14:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If I didn't know who they were, sure i'd say it. just another joe bloggs.

Knowing the family was right in front of me, I wouldn't take the piss as its dis-respectfull.

But this is the internet, the rules are different. If you don't like it, get out the game.

Your saying friends, but still not answered if there is anyone from corsasport at the funeral, and if not, they arn't really a close friend, and not really in a position to go on one big doo gooder rant......

Becuase then i'd ask why if there were such a good mate, why where they not at the funeral or wake?

People die.

Who should I give my sympathy more to?

Boyracers speeding in a car at 100mph?


Mentally disabled bloke, who is tortured for 23 year and finally killed, and chopped up into small bits.

One deserves to have the piss taken. The other does not.

This is my opinion, and thus yet you've not added anything to even remotly change my mind.
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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26th Feb 10 at 14:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Indeed, I am a keyboard warrior.

Difference is, i've been quite often known to say what i think in real life as I do behined a keyboard.

10 years practice, you got to be able to back it up in real life

You have a basis to judge on the information you have been given. Whether that opinion is right or not is not the issue. You have an opinion, it differs from mine.

Thats fine, no biggy.

I wouldn't say it to the family, its dis-respectful.

But none of those family are on here? So whats your problem?

Doo gooding over nothing that concerns you.

End of the day, I see

Young lads in small hot hatch, crash whilst doing 100mph.

Kids on here get flamed more when they post about doing 60mph in a 50mph zone and have been caught by the old bill.......

Wow attention seaking now as well ...... you can say what you want because you can back it up in real life? Your so hard you can say anything to anyone. One day you might find someone who does actaully shut you up.

You could have just said nothing on here, and you could of just deleted you comment when people took offence...the same as the other idiots could of done.

But you actually want this thread to be all about you and your right to laugh at this kids death, and do what ever you want to do because its the internet and people have done it to you.

Sad...very sad

Registered: 15th Jul 01
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26th Feb 10 at 14:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mentally disabled bloke, who is tortured for 23 year and finally killed, and chopped up into small bits

Sorry but i just LOL'd and nearly choked on my apple, i hope thats not a true story

Registered: 12th Mar 09
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26th Feb 10 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Indeed, I am a keyboard warrior.

Difference is, i've been quite often known to say what i think in real life as I do behined a keyboard.

10 years practice, you got to be able to back it up in real life

You have a basis to judge on the information you have been given. Whether that opinion is right or not is not the issue. You have an opinion, it differs from mine.

10 years eh? So that gives you the right to disrespect someone?

Dosent matter if you know them or not but hey, as you quoted 'if you cant beat them join them.....'

Your the type of people that Stav raged on about in Redline November 2009 about 'The Internet: the last bastion of free speech.

About users on forums that talk with big words and has a username like 'The Prof' or 'King tuning expert' or in your case 'VXR and that they just like to think they know more than others due to there user name but know nothing.

Particular bit that makes me laugh is the last word on it were Stav quotes '....Geeks dishing out insults safe in the knowledge that they can't get punched on the nose like they would if they said that stuff to a stranger in person.

I believe you fall well into this category VXR as, becuase your boss is out and you have time on your hands, you've got on here and decided to upset a few people safe in the knowledge that nothing will happen to you aside from a few harsh words against you.

Like I said, others don't show respect so your just a sheep following the rest baa baa baa
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 14:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper

Wow attention seaking now as well ...... you can say what you want because you can back it up in real life? Your so hard you can say anything to anyone. One day you might find someone who does actaully shut you up.

You could have just said nothing on here, and you could of just deleted you comment when people took offence...the same as the other idiots could of done.

But you actually want this thread to be all about you and your right to laugh at this kids death, and do what ever you want to do because its the internet and people have done it to you.

Sad...very sad

Attention seeking?? Where?

Yes, I want it to be about me.

I am the hardest man alive.

Who's the one who keeps quoting and replying to me?

I do find the fact you've not pointed out anything relevent to the actual situation though, and have concentrated on picking out my own opinion rather than replying to valied debated points.

Still, anything for a whinge eh

if your that intent on doing something about it, come see me


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26th Feb 10 at 15:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Knowing the family was right in front of me, I wouldn't take the piss as its dis-respectfull.

But this is the internet, the rules are different. If you don't like it, get out the game.

Your saying friends, but still not answered if there is anyone from corsasport at the funeral, and if not, they arn't really a close friend, and not really in a position to go on one big doo gooder rant......

Becuase then i'd ask why if there were such a good mate, why where they not at the funeral or wake?

so you take the piss when your hiding behind your keyboard. pretty low

the rules are no different as when i last checked you are still accountable for things you say/do

yes the chap i know who i am friends with is at todays funeral (as i said before) uses corsasport and i imagine he will be fairly annoyed at the complete lack of respect when he does look upon this thread,

im not here to change your opinion like ive said before and you have also said to not be disrespectful
Daimo B

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26th Feb 10 at 15:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dangermouse2503
10 years eh? So that gives you the right to disrespect someone?

Dosent matter if you know them or not but hey, as you quoted 'if you cant beat them join them.....'

Your the type of people that Stav raged on about in Redline November 2009 about 'The Internet: the last bastion of free speech.

About users on forums that talk with big words and has a username like 'The Prof' or 'King tuning expert' or in your case 'VXR and that they just like to think they know more than others due to there user name but know nothing.

Particular bit that makes me laugh is the last word on it were Stav quotes '....Geeks dishing out insults safe in the knowledge that they can't get punched on the nose like they would if they said that stuff to a stranger in person.

I believe you fall well into this category VXR as, becuase your boss is out and you have time on your hands, you've got on here and decided to upset a few people safe in the knowledge that nothing will happen to you aside from a few harsh words against you.

Like I said, others don't show respect so your just a sheep following the rest baa baa baa

If you knew the story, you would know my previous username was Daimo B.
I left for a while, I came back, my account had been corrupted. As we'd just got an Astra VXR, it made sense....

Do I know anythign about Vauxhalls? Doesn't even merit a response. No, I don't know ANYTHING at all about them. Try my site <--

Boss is out = Play day

Internet hardness - Jesh hello 2002......

pot kettle and black springs to mind. Like stating I wouldn't understand the tech spec of a particular cars engine in the other post

whats to disrespect about someone I don't know anything about Get a grip.

Sethy, indeed it is, the family has just been found guilty of it, its quite a big trial going on at the moment.

[Edited on 26-02-2010 by VXR]

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