Registered: 12th Jan 10
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quote: Originally posted by Hammer
The lolice
Wondered wtf you were going on about until i read my post
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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name and shame!!!
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Compensation, I think not. Pressing charges against her I would do for the time wasting bollocks she put me through.
You just want the money from the compensation, get her sorted and then move on. The police were doing their job.
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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You might be able to claim for money you lost due to not going to work.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Did you actually loose money from not working? I wouldn't have in that situation
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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you can sue someone for anything really cant you? present your case, they defend and the judge deems if what your seeeking is a reasonable amount?
Registered: 25th Feb 06
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See a brief and find out if you can press charges somehow.
Did she have nice tits though?
Registered: 12th Apr 07
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Fuck the suing, too much hassle, just make a police complaint against her and hopefully she may get charged or at least think twice in the future
Registered: 30th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by richc
I would of raped her for making it up.
Double Jeapordy 
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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I'd sue. I love suing
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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Its the problem with the police force in this country: You are guilty until presumed innocent.
The scores the same with any Sexual or Fire-arms accusations they come in boots on and whisk you away in a storm of chaos, it happens to loads of people and when you are innocent they dont give you a mug of coco and send you to Disney Land.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Wow that's a nightmare scenario that
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
Its the problem with the police force in this country: You are guilty until presumed innocent.
The scores the same with any Sexual or Fire-arms accusations they come in boots on and whisk you away in a storm of chaos, it happens to loads of people and when you are innocent they dont give you a mug of coco and send you to Disney Land.
Yeah, it's high time the police stopped taking rape so seriously. What they should've done was wait until the lads had chance to clean the scene, get their stories straight and scarper.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
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Well that is just a rather stupid response..
The issue isnt with them taking Rape seriously the issue is the heavy handed response to an accusation with very little grounds.
For example I could phone the police and accuse you of pointing a gun at me at your front door, I'd give it 10 minutes until the ARU is outside your house kicking your front door in.
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what do you sugegs tthe alternative is then davey
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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There is no need to be so heavy handed, yeah arrest the boys but get the story first before stripping them naked and swobing them!
Why emotionally damage a group of lads for the sake of a story that could be (and was) 100% bull?
Welsh Dan
Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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Because vital evidence can be lost in the first few hours, meaning it could well be gone by time the Police get the lads accounts of what had happened. It is easier to get the evidence first, then send them off for interview.
We don't know what the girl told the Police, so you can't say that their actions were unjustified or that they had no grounds.
Registered: 14th Jun 06
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Because DNA evidence is needed as soon as practicable. If evidence is lost and an offender gets away with rape, the police would be lynched!
Please see gtitim's response re number of officers involved.
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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The police have no idea whether or not the claim is true but their default response has to be that it is.
Time is a massive factor in gathering physical evidence and they had to take the three away separately. I also suspect the lads being at a hotel was a factor in the haste of the arrests, they had to pick them up before the left or tracing them after could be very difficult.
In this case the system worked. Yes the lads were put through an ordeal but the girl is to blame for that, not the police.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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id sue her, fuck yea, get every penny you can from the lying skank
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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I can see the whole heavy handed thing from both sides. Yes, it's a serious accusation and needs to be treated as such. But in an instance such as this where it turned out all parties were innocent there needs to be something done to put people off from doing it.
I would say you shouldn't be looking to get the police (not saying you are) but should be squarely targeting this absolute cretin of a girl. All these types of lassies need to see that there will be massive repercussions if they are found to be totally lying, such as in this case.
I would say do everything you can, put in a complaint against her, sue her, do everything you can to make it as public as it can be - surely local papers, possibly nationals, would run the story. The more publicity, the more daft girls get put off even thinking about doing it. The worst thing that could happen is the police get 'lighter' and you end up having rapists getting an easy ride.
Edit, that last bit wasn't even meant as a pun lol
[Edited on 03-10-2011 by alan-g-w]
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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quote: Originally posted by alan-g-w
I can see the whole heavy handed thing from both sides. Yes, it's a serious accusation and needs to be treated as such. But in an instance such as this where it turned out all parties were innocent there needs to be something done to put people off from doing it.
I would say you shouldn't be looking to get the police (not saying you are) but should be squarely targeting this absolute cretin of a girl. All these types of lassies need to see that there will be massive repercussions if they are found to be totally lying, such as in this case.
I would say do everything you can, put in a complaint against her, sue her, do everything you can to make it as public as it can be - surely local papers, possibly nationals, would run the story. The more publicity, the more daft girls get put off even thinking about doing it. The worst thing that could happen is the police get 'lighter' and you end up having rapists getting an easy ride.
Edit, that last bit wasn't even meant as a pun lol
[Edited on 03-10-2011 by alan-g-w]
Biggest problem in doing all that - would it put off genuine rape victims from coming forward if they thought they would not be believed? The answer to that - yes. Therefore Police policy will be to take every allegation as true unless discovered otherwise.
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
id sue her, fuck yea, get every penny you can from the lying skank
at £5 a week for the next 7 years. Not worth the hassle.
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Principle for me is more that she lied rather that you deserve some money out of it.
Sure money is nice but a prosecution for deformation would be more appropriate.
I'm frankly surprised there's not more going on from the Police perspective, they really shouldn't sit on their hands when they've a blatant lie given to them, spent lots of time and resources on (correctly) going about the job of arrest, and some people in the criminal system who clearly shouldn't be there.
Poppycock that it would put people off reporting rape, this for me doesn't at all justify letting her get away with it.
Fiver a week is better than nothing as well, put it in a trust fund and give it to your kids. And make sure that lying slag goes through something bad.
[Edited on 03-10-2011 by Ian]
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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My advice would be speak to the officer in the case - explain you are not happy, not with what happened, but with the fact it was all unnecessary because she fabricated it. See what they are proposing to do with her. It might be they are planning a charge for wasting police time. If you arent happy with them, you can always request to speak to their boss, or put your complaint in writing to the chief constable or professional standards dept (they investigate complaints against Police from public). They will then have to investigate and respond to you.