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Author F**KING LOL

Registered: 25th Feb 06
Location: Fucking annoying, unfunny, twatbag cavmad *racist
User status: Offline
22nd Dec 11 at 20:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by cavmad
you're not allowed to mention it on here.
And I take great issue with this comment. Never have I ever suggested that you can't talk about the fact you like the guy. Facts are I don't agree. But you're welcome to support him, I won't stop you doing that. Just don't expect me to actually listen.

I didn't mean in that context, I meant it as in at one time if one mentioned his name then a few bandwagon jumpers got all shirty about it.

Some troll decided I was Wayne, a few of his (troll's) hangers on took it as read and their clique took it as read despite me offering to prove I'm not him. It was quite funny actually because none of them had the brains to realise it would be fairly eay for me to prove this so just carried on being all annoyed and what not.
There are some pretty funny and clever people on here who make brilliant comments and threads, and some weapons grade bellends-just like most other forums really.

I'll defend Wayne and Lostboy as you would probably defend your e-friends, but probably because I know them better than a lot of people on here and when it comes to banter I think you'd struggle to beat them. Sycophantic maybe but you have to speak as you find and, for the record, I've had a few internet arguments with them both. I wouldn't say I'd defend everything they post but I expect you wouldn't defend every post other people make on here.

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