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It may well be the law Will, but if you abuse Stephen Fry on twitter, or Alan 3 doors down from you the same way, only one will get you arrested.
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Of course, and other than the fact the first chap is famous and alan isnt, there is also a very very public record which can be mirrored showing the offence.
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and everyone on the daily mail comments page will be fuming too i imagine
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Just need continuity with the law. Either they enforce it on every website for everyone or no one at all. They can't just pick and choose who to prosecute, depending on who has been offended and what website it has been on.
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
And maybe because it wasn't there in black and white
It was though - I spoke to the Police, told them I had everything, told then I had notification in my DP policy to allow them legally to have access to it all very easily and properly, it was all done right and how many scammers got arrested?
Kyle T
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I'd expect the police to prioritise their resources to assist the internet scam victims or MOT scam victims that have lost money or property due to a crime, over that of a celebrity that has been offended on twitter.
I'd also however fully expect police resources to be prioritised in such a way that high profile and visible instances of verbal/internet abuse are dealt with over somebody being abused in the pub or on a relatively private domain such as corsasport.
The police have got to act on this Tom Daley incident due to how visible it is to the world, the visibility of it makes it a worse crime than if the same words were said privately.
The law is to prevent/restrict incorrect use of the communication domain, it's not to prevent somebody from being offensive... if that makes sense.
Lotus Elise 111R
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But there is offensive and just plain disgusting.
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It's wrong that a crime is considered worse just because more people are aware of it. The crime is the same
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
It does humour me that they are arresting people for saying things on twitter these days.
If the kid in question had seen Daley in the street and hurled the abuse to his face, nothing would have come of it.
However, he sent a tweet (not a nice one granted) and got arrested.
- The thing is, it's not the act of sending the tweet that got him arrested, it was the viral element of the media surrounding the tweet (due to Tom's fame) which caused the police to get involved.
If this was an average person having abuse thrown at him, it's unlikely the police would have done anything.
So are the police now just enforcers for the large corporations, famous and rich? Or public servants for everyone?
As proven by Ian, if the case involved 'average joes' as the victims - it's ultimately going to be ignored.
We come from a time where the internet was a place of free speech, it was 'only the internet' and banter. It was always the way that if you didn't like something, simply don't read it / rise to it. However, we're now heading towards a sea of censorship and enforcement which could make the internet just as pedantic as the real world these days.
You talk more shite than 10 arseholes.
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
It's wrong that a crime is considered worse just because more people are aware of it. The crime is the same
Quite right but the majority vote always wins
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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paul_j actually speaking sense imo
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Fuck off, the internet should be tret the same as the real world. Because at the each end of the computers that's exactly what is there.
neil h
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quote: Originally posted by Eddx14xe
Just need continuity with the law. Either they enforce it on every website for everyone or no one at all. They can't just pick and choose who to prosecute, depending on who has been offended and what website it has been on.
So your wanting an entire police unit dedicated to trawling the net searching for people being abusive? Come on, seriously?
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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Ok, so how come the law is only enforced on one website to certain people? As I said you can't pick and choose who the law protects and what websites its enforced on.
If it's a law it needs to be enforced everywhere to everyone. Not just for a couple of famous people because they don't like being offended infront of everyone.
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You'd all soon start whinging if you were done for speeding but famous people were let off.
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There's a difference between speeding and making remarks about someone's dead father tbh
Kyle T
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quote: Originally posted by Eddx14xe
Ok, so how come the law is only enforced on one website to certain people? As I said you can't pick and choose who the law protects and what websites its enforced on.
Like I said, I believe this particular law is in place to stop people abusing the public domain of the internet rather than the actual insult itself.
That makes a face to face insult or abuse in the pub or on the street different to the insult or abuse on the internet. This is then amplified when it's a "more public" part of the internet such as the twitter feed of a celebrity.
Remember the moshgirl photoshops for example? The Legal system got involved with that because it went completely viral and the lass couldn't go anywhere without being mocked and bullied.
When it was out of the spotlight and just on a few select forums, nobody cared.
I'm not saying that I particularly agree with that in principal, but that's the way it looks to me.
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Kyle T
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Forget about the fact he's a Celebrity.
Police got involved because it's highly visible to the public, fair enough that's because it happens to involve a celebrity in this instance - but I've used another example of internet abuse going "legal" with a nobody, which went viral for different reasons.
I'm rubbish at wording this how I want to, but I know what I'm getting at 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Kyle T
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Ok Edd is deleting his posts now which makes it look like i'm talking to myself 
Lotus Elise 111R
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triple post
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quote: Originally posted by Kyle T
Remember the moshgirl photoshops for example? The Legal system got involved with that because it went completely viral and the lass couldn't go anywhere without being mocked and bullied.
When it was out of the spotlight and just on a few select forums, nobody cared.
Exactly, except in my example the bit no one cares about is actual fraud in which people have lost actual money.
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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I think you're all completely missing the point. Me, Ian and Steve seem to be the only ones with any sense.
The rest of you all think because someone is famous they deserve extra laws to protect them on the internet. Don't see how it's any different to doing it any where else.
I deleted my post because it all messed up.
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Not at all, but you can't honestly compare speeding to being purposefully insulting to somebody, it's not even a fair comparison. Also I don't really understand why you're defending him, surely it's a good thing he was arrested, it'll teach him a lesson at least.
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Defending the offensive guy? Quote me.
I'm just saying I'd prefer it to come below crimes with actual losses.
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Similar levels of intelligence being displayed as those saying we were saying Luke Leary deserved to die