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Poll: Who is the most anoying/dangerous drivers on the road ?
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Author Who is the most anoying/dangerous drivers on the road ?
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17th Sep 08 at 16:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How often is the 'first' lane empty on the motorway though?

Registered: 20th Jun 04
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17th Sep 08 at 16:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Pretty often if you watch Robin, I recently had a 2 hour journey down to your lovely end of the country and the amount of people that just sit in the middle lane when they are not gaining on the person on the inside is unreal.

Also, why the fuck do people hog the middle lane on the M6 Toll when its empty?! Its the quietest motorway and people just plod along in the middle.

Registered: 27th Feb 06
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17th Sep 08 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

plenty of the time at night

When I go to cardiff Im on the road comming home at about 11pm and you get randoms (ususally around Birmingham) doing 50 - 60 mph in the middle lane, It diesnt really annoy me cause its empty and I just go accross into the outside lane no problem and pass,

Just makes me wonder

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17th Sep 08 at 16:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jacko198
I had one guy overtake me on a level crossing :s that was extremely random

And whats wrong with driving in the middle lane????

nothing, but if you're gonna sit a 70 in the middle lane then move the fuck over

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17th Sep 08 at 16:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joe
Pretty often if you watch Robin, I recently had a 2 hour journey down to your lovely end of the country and the amount of people that just sit in the middle lane when they are not gaining on the person on the inside is unreal.

Also, why the fuck do people hog the middle lane on the M6 Toll when its empty?! Its the quietest motorway and people just plod along in the middle.

Yes quiet often robin - i noticed this on my 200 or so mile travels yesterday!

Yer there must have been 10 cars on the M6 toll yesterday and more than half of them sat in the middle me in the first to go across all 3 to come back - No need really!

But i wasnt that botherd as it didnt slow me down or anything just pissed me off

It was on the normal M6 and a38 that anoied me!

Registered: 16th Apr 07
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17th Sep 08 at 17:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by richc
Yer there must have been 10 cars on the M6 toll yesterday and more than half of them sat in the middle me in the first to go across all 3 to come back - No need really!

I love doing that, it usually makes them move over. Like fuck am I going to undertake if I don't have too, just because they don't move over.

It'd be interesting to let Police see my actions as it's a perfectly legal thing to do, see if they have anything to say!

[Edited on 17-09-2008 by Graham88]

Registered: 27th Feb 06
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17th Sep 08 at 17:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I went on the M6 toll and hogged the middle lane

No one overtook me though as I was well into 3 figures for most of it

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17th Sep 08 at 17:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I undertake shaking my head, no chance would I be moving across 3 lanes legal or not (unless the police happened to be in view)
Gareth F

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17th Sep 08 at 17:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The granny in her red 5dr corsa b that nearly rolled out of a junction into me about half an hour ago. And the snob that waved at me telling me to slow down when i was doing 25 in a 30 zone, when i stopped to ask what he was waving at me for he went very quite and he started walking alot quicker. Some people are just so up their own arse its untrue. Why does every one get tarred with the same , modded car = speeding ( rehitorical question there, no need to answer but feel free to correct the spelling )
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17th Sep 08 at 19:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
I undertake shaking my head, no chance would I be moving across 3 lanes legal or not (unless the police happened to be in view)

Spot on, why should we be put out by other people's incompetance?

Regarding hgvs overtaking too [puts on flamesuit] I can understand why they do it, I've been in a 7.5 tonner that was restricted to 56, but all trucks seem slightly different, some'll be a bit over that, some under. We got overtook by a hgv that seemed to be doing about 60ish, then it hit a hill and it dropped down to under 50, we stayed over 50 so overtook again. They're on the road however many hours a day, they're already limited to 56, they don't want slower moving vehicles making journeys even longer. [/puts on flamesuit] There are some that try and overtake when they're doing the same speed tho, usually sit in the middle lane for ages then pull back in behind the truck they'd first tried to overtake. That's annoying.
Ben G

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17th Sep 08 at 20:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by munk3yrac3r
The granny in her red 5dr corsa b that nearly rolled out of a junction into me about half an hour ago. And the snob that waved at me telling me to slow down when i was doing 25 in a 30 zone, when i stopped to ask what he was waving at me for he went very quite and he started walking alot quicker. Some people are just so up their own arse its untrue. Why does every one get tarred with the same , modded car = speeding ( rehitorical question there, no need to answer but feel free to correct the spelling )

hppened to me when i was doing 20 in a 30. plodding along and some woman runs out into the road with her 5 year old son who was on a bicycle. her fault for running into the road and not looking. i called her a fat slut and continued on my way.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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17th Sep 08 at 20:10   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

"i called her a fat slut and continued on my way"

New sig!
Ben G

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17th Sep 08 at 20:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well she was from essex and i made an asumption that was 99.9% correct
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17th Sep 08 at 20:12   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Love it

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17th Sep 08 at 23:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why is driving 70 in the middle lane slowing people down can i ask? You wanna go faster, over fooking take in the fast lane

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17th Sep 08 at 23:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

spotted a trucker eating a pot noodle m1 northbound the other day

Registered: 16th Apr 07
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18th Sep 08 at 01:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jacko198
Why is driving 70 in the middle lane slowing people down can i ask? You wanna go faster, over fooking take in the fast lane

Because you are forcing people who are cruising correctly as they should in the slow lane, be forced across 3 lanes (if they want to do the legal thing and not undertake) and back again. When somebody who wants to go faster could be coming down the fast lane and be forced to slow down because of this car who's had to take action against you.

All because you want to sit in the middle lane.

Just an example, there are more reasons, but just don't sit in the middle lane and then nobody will have anything to moan about.

Although, I shall admit when the road is empty, I sit in the middle lane on certain stretches of the A2, because the trucks have caused big indentations in the road, meaning my car goes all over the place. But if there's traffic about I just put up with it.

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18th Sep 08 at 11:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fair enough, i shall use the slow lane!
Never got told this in pass plus :s ha

At night i use the middle lane, especially when it is not lit, as im wary of pot holes or puddles etc.

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18th Sep 08 at 16:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jacko198
Fair enough, i shall use the slow lane!
Never got told this in pass plus :s ha

At night i use the middle lane, especially when it is not lit, as im wary of pot holes or puddles etc.

TBF is obvious - you always drive on the left down a normal road and go onto the right if you want to overtake!

So how come when on the motorway you want to drive in the middle and not the left?

Pass plus dint tell ya!
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18th Sep 08 at 16:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

most annoying are those who dont thank you for giving them way! especially when cars are parked on both sides and they could have given way too.. but didnt..

Registered: 12th Aug 07
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18th Sep 08 at 17:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It fuks me off when a lorry is trying to overtake another lorry in the middle lane when they have about the same speed
Gareth F

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18th Sep 08 at 17:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
"i called her a fat slut and continued on my way"

lmao im loving the simplicity of that, i just put on a snoby accent and continued to abuse him for my own amusement.
All Torque

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18th Sep 08 at 18:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by daymoon
most annoying are those who dont thank you for giving them way! especially when cars are parked on both sides and they could have given way too.. but didnt..

hah! I saw a van driver like that the other day, he had to let a group of cars (including me) onto his side of the road and he had to wait. He stuck his finger up at everyone who didnt wave He waved at me when I stuck a thumb up. It was rightious
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18th Sep 08 at 18:30   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by All Torque
Originally posted by daymoon
most annoying are those who dont thank you for giving them way! especially when cars are parked on both sides and they could have given way too.. but didnt..

hah! I saw a van driver like that the other day, he had to let a group of cars (including me) onto his side of the road and he had to wait. He stuck his finger up at everyone who didnt wave He waved at me when I stuck a thumb up. It was rightious

Might have to try that one
Gareth F

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18th Sep 08 at 18:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i do that one already. Just gotta watch out for the big blokes as they do tend to get angry. Got a bit of road round the corner that causes that situation every day

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