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Author dog food

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6th May 12 at 23:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They need walking daily, whatever reason you've come up with in your head to say otherwise.

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6th May 12 at 23:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When Im looking up this barf shit, the only people I can find who recommend it are users of forums etc. anyything from a vet or anything discourages it.
Ben G

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6th May 12 at 23:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chloe16v
Originally posted by baza31
Originally posted by Shell
Aye but John, thats not the point being made. People could say 9 dogs is too big for a two bed semi-detatched house. They choose to say it's too much for a council house. Lets not pretend it's because council houses are the smallest known to man.

Ain't the original idea of council houses meant for people with not much disposable income though and affordable housing? Surely 9 dogs is fairly costly. Farm lower down has a similar amount of hunting dogs and am almost positive they had to have a run above a certain size?

i can feed all my dogs on a barf diet for £20 a MONTH! so no it doesnt cost alot at all

from where? do you drive down the local mcdonalds and raid the bins?

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6th May 12 at 23:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

lol ive resisted posting in here all day

Point one: Huskies are not big dogs - infact - bitches are no bigger than border collies

Point two: Im sure chloe has posted pics of her garden (not her lady garden) and its was pretty big

Point three: I have never seen a nasty/dangerous husky yet and my parents are in the husky club and have been since I was a toddler.... If it bit it probably had reason to

Point four: Its been brought up many times (Im a main offender) but she doesnt claim benifits

Point five: If you bring nine huskies in the house I bet they do stink

Point six: I cant see how that barf would be bad for the dogs although it looks minging

Point seven: My parents huskies always kill birds etc having never been fed barf

Point eight: chloe, if your dogs have a litter maybe next year I may be interested in a pup

[Edited on 06-05-2012 by john-d]

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6th May 12 at 23:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You get dogs bigger than huskies but they are big dogs, definition on some site is irrelevant.
Ben G

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6th May 12 at 23:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by john-d
lol ive resisted posting in here all day
Point four: Its been brought up many times (Im a main offender) but she doesnt claim benifits

fuck sake, a council house is a benefit.

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6th May 12 at 23:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its not at all if she pays full rent..

they are not big dogs no matter how many times you say it
Ben G

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6th May 12 at 23:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it is as she was given the house in the first place.

what about other less fortunate people in the area on waiting lists? single mums and people who want to work but can't find a job.

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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6th May 12 at 23:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by john-d
lol ive resisted posting in here all day

Point one: Huskies are not big dogs - infact - bitches are no bigger than border collies

Point two: Im sure chloe has posted pics of her garden (not her lady garden) and its was pretty big

Point three: I have never seen a nasty/dangerous husky yet and my parents are in the husky club and have been since I was a toddler.... If it bit it probably had reason to

Point four: Its been brought up many times (Im a main offender) but she doesnt claim benifits

Point five: If you bring nine huskies in the house I bet they do stink

Point six: I cant see how that barf would be bad for the dogs although it looks minging

Point seven: My parents huskies always kill birds etc having never been fed barf

Point eight: chloe, if your dogs have a litter maybe next year I may be interested in a pup

[Edited on 06-05-2012 by john-d]

thanks john

we wont be having any more litter for afew years yet, we have got our name down on a litter that is planned in 2 years an we are concentrating on working the dogs an showing 1 or 2 of them, we are also in the breed club, we have to be to be able to work the dogs as we get our public liability insurance through them an have to have this to work the dogs an to get our permit to work the dogs, most people dont realise that you cant work your huskies anywhere, you have to have a permit an the land owners permission, we train at sherwood forest with is a 45 min drive away from us, but it is the closest training area to us, the dogs are only in the house at night an the area the dogs sleep are cleaned daily so we dont really have a problem with smell, our smallest adult sibe weighs in at 15kg an our largest which is over weight is 22kg so they arent big dogs at all

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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6th May 12 at 23:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah huskies are dead small. How do you not see how raw food full of bones would be bad? I'm betting that due to costing less than £20 a week it's not been prepared to be safe to eat raw, and then the bones will damage the digestive system.

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6th May 12 at 23:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
it is as she was given the house in the first place.

what about other less fortunate people in the area on waiting lists? single mums and people who want to work but can't find a job.

Mate I hate people on benifits but that is stupid.. ANYONE should be entitled to rent a council house regardless of whether they have kids etc

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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6th May 12 at 23:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM
Yeah huskies are dead small. How do you not see how raw food full of bones would be bad? I'm betting that due to costing less than £20 a week it's not been prepared to be safe to eat raw, and then the bones will damage the digestive system.

i get all my meat from a butcher, it is all the food that they cant sell to humans, chicken carcass, chicken backs, turkey necks, heads, lamb spines, ribs, necks, stomachs ect, butchers have to pay to have all this waste removed, it is top quality just not what humans can eat

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6th May 12 at 23:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
it is as she was given the house in the first place.

what about other less fortunate people in the area on waiting lists? single mums and people who want to work but can't find a job.

You don't know how she got the property in the first place, she could have been homeless for all you know.

My staffordshire bull terrier is just on 20kg for the bitch, possible american bull terrier cross, so just goes to show how light huskies are for their size, think a lot of people see all the fur and thing it's all pure muscle.

Registered: 12th Jan 10
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6th May 12 at 23:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They must be tiny if they only weigh that much. My german shepard weighs around 40KG.

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6th May 12 at 23:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Eddx14xe
They must be tiny if they only weigh that much. My german shepard weighs around 40KG.

huskies are alot smaller than gsd

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6th May 12 at 23:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Didn't realise they were so small, as said it must just be all the fur.

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6th May 12 at 23:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM
Yeah huskies are dead small. How do you not see how raw food full of bones would be bad? I'm betting that due to costing less than £20 a week it's not been prepared to be safe to eat raw, and then the bones will damage the digestive system.

they are fucking dogs mate.... they will be fine

heres a pic of one of my mams

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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6th May 12 at 23:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

breed standard for huskies

WEIGHT - Dogs 20-27 kgs. (45-60 lbs.)
- Bitches 16-23 kgs. (35-50 lbs.)

my smallest bitch is tiny because she had 4 ops on her knees at 6 months old which stunted her growth

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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6th May 12 at 23:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this is one of my males, just to give you an idea how big they are


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6th May 12 at 23:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

do any of them howl?

you have a mute too right? - those are big

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6th May 12 at 23:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

an meka my small bitch,


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6th May 12 at 23:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

why arent you breeding them?

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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6th May 12 at 23:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by john-d
do any of them howl?

you have a mute too right? - those are big

we never hear a thing from them, only time we might hear them is if the pups hear us getting their dinner ready apart from that never

but if we are at a rally then they are howlers but then again so are the 200 other huskies that are there

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7th May 12 at 00:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by john-d
why arent you breeding them?

we have only ever bred for our selves an we dont need any more now, we have our name down for 1 in 2 years (if all health test come back low, hip scores ect) an with the problems we had with the last litter, 2 of them coming back, we just dont want to breed again, if we did breed again in the future it would be for working/show homes

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7th May 12 at 00:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ahhh right, mine would just be a pet tbh... mam and dad have huskies so may get a collie becuase i have a soft spot for them too

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