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quote: Originally posted by john-d
im not even sure if your being sarcastic
No im 100% serious 
Are you? 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 21st Jun 08
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Nic were kicking off about it for ages!
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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yes its true, like since august
Dione J
Registered: 22nd Sep 04
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Tis' true
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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quote: Originally posted by _Allan_
quote: Originally posted by SVM 286
Oh my good God!
Likewise please.
No I think it was trashed. One of my all time favourite threads on any forum.
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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Can anyone remember why it got trashed?
Registered: 22nd May 09
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quote: Originally posted by 5dr corsa-3dr_polo
As for this jay dude, I'll give you credit for not taking the bait and both of you just laughing it off, it's great how its backfired on half of the members on here (probably including myself.) But it'll never 'blow over' as you say. Few years back I got pwnd by a memebr off here and still to this day I get digged about from members off here. I just laugh it off now, the cnut did set me up good and proper, but he did start it. As for yor bird, I'd say she is fit, she is a perfect size how all girls should be (imo). I'm just asking one (well two) thing(s) from you........stop text talking and pay people back(!)
Not bad advice that
Registered: 24th Nov 08
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Chap at work was in a car crash. Just by chance it was outside a womans house that works with us aswel. She was telling me about it today, said she came running out in her housecoat!!
laughed in her face because of this thread
Registered: 19th May 09
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by chloe16v
little duke made a thread saying he had his eyes swapped over as a child epic epic thread
link please....sounds too good to miss
Registered: 4th Nov 09
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Registered: 22nd May 09
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quote: Originally posted by chloe16v
little duke made a thread saying he had his eyes swapped over as a child epic epic thread
To set a thing straight.I had an operation on 10th april 1990 at burton eye hospital.I suffered from esotropia (a condition which makes one eye turn in) they tried to correct it by taking some skin off my eye muscle and transfering it to my other eye meaning i had to have both my eyes taken out of their sockets and resting on my cheek during the operation.being 5 years old i was abit oblivious to what had actually happened but knowing i had an operation on my eye made me think it was different than it actually was.I have wore glasses since the age of 6 months so its now 23+ years.... There you go 
[Edited on 06-03-2010 by MarkSport]
Registered: 30th Dec 07
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Almost 200,000 views!
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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Mark, I've actually watched one of these ops now you've explained it, what was your treatment before your muscle eye surgery?
Registered: 22nd May 09
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Cheers J, Not too sure mate,it was caused through me having broncitus when i was very young.Doctors ignored it and it made my eye turn in.It still turns in now But i am saving for lazer surgery to correct the problem
I could upload a pic of me with glasses and without to show how it is and how it has been for the last 20 years 
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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Usually an Optometrist will try eye exercise first, as surgeons being surgeons want to operate immediately, it's not a complicated op tbh.
Registered: 22nd May 09
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Not too sure what i had.I know i had the condition from the age of two and was in hospital alot before the actual op (3 years in total) I know i had to do exercises etc to see if i could do the same with my bad eye as my good eye.It was like a lazy eye at first which meant my pupil was not visable as it had turned to much to be seen meaning i had just a white pupil visable if that makes sense?
Heres a quick pic from when i was 3

and obviously after the op I was left with glasses

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J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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Well there is quite a lot of conditions related with this, or that trigger it off...
Lazy Eye as you mentioned
Double vision
Browns syndrome
Retinal damage or detatchment
Face or head fractures ie. anatomy movement
Grave's disease
Convergence Insufficency
Eye tracking defects (obviously) 
Myasthenia Gravis
Hope that helps.
Registered: 22nd May 09
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Damn, Didn't know there was that many. By looking at that list i can only think that it would have been esophoria...I know i was in hospital from 2 years to 4 years old and never moved.Was horrid as i had to stay there without going home.
Registered: 22nd May 09
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Esophoria is characterised by inward deviation of the eye usually due to extra-ocular muscle imbalance.
Causes include:
refractive errors
divergence insufficiency
convergence excess, these can be due to nerve, muscle, congenital or mechanical anomalies.[1]
Unlike esotropia, fusion is possible and therefore diplopia is uncommon.
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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TBH I don't trust anything online unless it's it been wrote by my Mother. 
Registered: 5th May 03
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quote: Originally posted by J da Silva
TBH I don't trust anything online unless it's it been wrote by my Mother. 
Yet you don't trust her with your Tamarins and Marmoset monkeys and the rabbits, and make me and Dan look after them?
Registered: 22nd May 09
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J has monkey?
Registered: 5th May 03
Location: the gutter :(
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yep! 6 of them
Registered: 22nd May 09
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I want one