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Daimo is 'ard jake. Trust.
Chris Bingham
Registered: 30th Mar 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
One person has asked to have their account deleted because they knew the guy and read this thread. I would guess there are others reading and not replying.
[Edited on 27-02-2010 by Ian]
Thats a shame and imagine the image that this must give Corsasport. Shame that a few members choose to post an opinion when saying nothing would have been the sensitive option and they should perhaps think of others before themselves.
Been on Corsasport for a while, and this is a shameful display of disrespect for other enthusatists like ourselves.
There are other couple of accounts that need deleted IMO.....
Registered: 5th Mar 04
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no one should feel that they need to feel sorry for the guy that died..its a shame and a lose of life, but people are dying everyday and i dont see every1 R.I.P for them?!
no one, in my option, is disrespting the lad who died, or saying he deserved it, just saying that he doesn't affect them or they dont need to feel sad about it as they never knew him!
I love the people on their high horse, ones who openly joke about Maddy mccann, being dead, raped or whatever, everyone wants to put their f-ing smiley faces on then! I live in leicestershire where she was from and it dont bother me as i dont know her, but im not taking the piss out the poor little girl and saying shes now a postitute or she was raped and murdered!
He died, tomorrow it will be old news, and then you'll all be back to ur sick jady goody and paki jokes as usual..
Pratice what you preach and get off ur crusade
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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The people who don't understand the difference between the like of a death like this and the death of Micheal Jackson are clearly either trying to defend comments they've already made or are complete idiots.
To break it down. This guy was a member of a forum the same as this. It is a story of interest to people on here because people care (or not) and the fact that a lot of the people on here use 106/saxo sites. Fair enough making jokes isn't going to make him any more dead - but at the same time it isn't making anyone feel any better except from maybe warrant a small chuckle. And I don't think saying something so disrespectful about something like this is on.
It's like someone on page 5 or something said - if someone came on and said about their friend or family being in a massive crash there would be nothing but sympathy. Take the post about the guy whose girlfriends was in a coma for X amount of months after she crashed - if anyone had said anything like what's being said in here they would have been shot down in flames, with good reason.
I will openly admit to making jokes about maddie mccann, MJ and the like. But at no point is anything I'm saying about them going to get back to any of their friends or families. As said by Ian, someone's already been offended enough by the comments to delete their account.
So it's nothing to do with people being on their high horses - it's just about having respect and showing it at the right time.
Registered: 5th Mar 04
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I will openly admit to making jokes about maddie mccann, MJ and the like. But at no point is anything I'm saying about them going to get back to any of their friends or families. As said by Ian, someone's already been offended enough by the comments to delete their account.
How stupid?!
So its morally ok for you to joke about regarding MJ, Maddy, etc etc etc BECAUSE no one connected to her will read it?!? you sound like a complete tool.
Weather its MJ or this lad who died, it doesnt matter..a human being is a human being
So it's nothing to do with people being on their high horses - it's just about having respect and showing it at the right time.
having respect? lol..did you not read what i said..So the people joking about Jade Goody BEFORE she even got buried was having respect and showing it at the right time?? hmmm i beg to differ.
There is way too many double standards on here and way too many sheep
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
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What a waste 
And what an attitude some people have 
End of the day no-one knows what happened in that car, whether the driver was trying to 'show off' the cars abilities, whether the passenger was egging him on or whether the passenger asked to slow down.
End of the day, a crash happened and two lads lost their lives. Not really a joking matter when families have lost a loved one.
People have mentioned how people die all the time. Yes that's a fact and no we don't mourn them all because there's only relatively few that we actually hear about but when you do hear about it, why go out of your way to make a stupid comment or joke? It's not funny.
As an example, Jade Goody.
I had known of her for sometime, in that time she came across as a general waste of oxygen so when she died, I didn't see the point in becoming two faced like so many people did and pretend to be sorry for her, her family, yes they've lost a loved one but she didn't deserve my sympathy imo. I still never felt the need to make jokes about it because there was still a family missing a loved one.
These two lads, I've never met, I've never heard of before this thread appeared, therefore I've not been able to form an opinion of them and because of that I don't make jokes or stupid comments.
A little respect costs nothing. Using the death of two young men, that you know nothing about, to try and gain e-points by making jokes is a disgrace tbf.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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corsa_spaz - Ironic you call me a complete tool when you can't even quote a bit of text. And quoting and replying to one small section of what I've said kind of tells you something.
I'm saying it as it is, cards on the table sort of thing. Where did I say about it being morally OK to be making fun of the well known ones that it's happened to? I know for a fact it's not, but the whole point I was making that you seem to have catastophically missed is that the people who would be upset by those kind of comments aren't going to hear them. And I wouldn't class fanatical fans getting upset as those kind of people before you say that.
The fact is, if you make a joke about a celebrity it's more socially acceptable, while still being wrong. When it's a you boy the same age as me that's gone to do the trivial type of thing that I and many others on here would do, plus the fact that people who know him have viewed such comments, it's enough to make you think twice about spouting shite on this one. Not that I'd want to in the first place though.
And I assure you I'm not a sheep. Just ask anyone that was invovled in the quad biking thread.
[Edited on 27-02-2010 by alan-g-w]
Registered: 5th Mar 04
Location: Midlands
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alan - my hitting my head against a very hard brick wall with you. i will leave it as you are not understanding. goodnite.