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quote: Originally posted by SetH
Just found this review and without doubt it is the most honest and spot on review on the whole interwebz IMHO
Prometheus Review
A lot of truth there.
Remember when we started hearing mixed messages from Ridley and the actors? Ridley saying it was definitely not a prequel but a few actors stating it was? I don't think they fucking knew.
It's actually hard to tell from the film, whether it's suppose to a prequel or a stand alone story.
!!! SPOILERS !!!
Black liquid = biological weapon, that mutates what it comes in to contact with into a, for a lack of better word, evil monster.
We see earthworms turn in to facehugger-ish creatures and we se Charlie start to slowly transform after a small exposure.
Charlie's seed turns in to a four legged octopus inside shaw (doesn't adapt to either hosts genetics, like the Xenomorphs) that grows up to be a giant facehugger with a teethed vagina (operation scene was pretty intense by the way).
Fifield is face down in the black liquid for the entire night and goes through a seemingly less radical transformation than Charlie and then goes on a rampage.
Millburn is chocked to death by the earthworm facehugger thing, but we don't actually see if something is planted in him. The facehuggers deliberately keeps their victims alive for the Xenomorphs to grow. The worm thing choked Millburn to death. Maybe a design flaw? Earthworms are too low a species to be mutated in to a proper weapon?
The "vases" contain glass viles of black liquid, but start overflowing the moment the crew enters the room with the giant head, the Xenomorph mural and the green crystal. Defense mechanism?
As for the Engineers trying to transport these weapons to earth 2000 years ago, David explains this part by saying "sometimes, to create you must first destroy". We know for a fact that planets with an atmosphere like ours is extremely rare. The Engineers are trying to create something, but the humans are not it, so they decide to start over. OR they see how quickly humanity evolves and decide we might turn out to be a threat? There is a link between the Engineers making humans and the humans making David (robots). Were we created to be slaves for the Engineers?
The cave paintings show the Engineers being worshipped. Did they occasionally drop by to pick up a fresh bash of slaves until they were wiped out by their own bio weapons?
The film is pretty inconclusive in almost every part. It looks fantastic and I was very entertained. In the end, I just wasn't satisfied by what I got. I seemed to tease more than it delivered.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Same here, pretty much spot on.
You are up early btw, have you just had an anuuuuse session?
Also did my answers appease you and did you get stevens text?
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Agree with Balling
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5 snake vaginas out of 10!!

I think ill wait for the directors cut on BRDVD
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I'd say the xeno at the end is definetely a queen!
It has the double jaw and what looks like the start of the embryonic sack.
[Edited on 03-06-2012 by Sean-B]
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
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quote: Originally posted by Sean-B
I'd say the xeno at the end is definetely a queen!
It has the double jaw and what looks like the start of the embryonic sack.
[Edited on 03-06-2012 by Sean-B]
But theres f all on that planet to use as hosts.....
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Until the USCM arrive on a rescue mission
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Unless every SJ ship has a pilot in?
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Did anyone else cream over seeing the Colonial Marines trailer on teh big screen?
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Not out until 2013 now though Ffs
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Did anyone else notice David's fingerprint in the close up of the black drop on his fingertip?
He had a discreet Weyland logo as part of his fingerprint. Very cool attention to detail.
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Was part of the viral campaign.
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Did you know Shaw works for Yutani as well?
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No, explain...
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Have a look at her viral video.
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I was just reading some public reviews on Empire forums and the points below caught my attention :
Either a lot has been cut out or the screenplay really was this muddled and poorly structured. I cannot believe that someone of Scott's clout (and it being a product of his own production company) would allow such cutting or for there to be any need for a Director's Cut sat on the shelf.
Throughout the mid-section, dramatic scenes (Holloway's infection, Shaw's pregnancy, the AWOL biologists) are inter-cut with pointless ones, killing any tension... Scott deleted the infamous 'cocooned Dallas' scene from the end of Alien as it stalled the momentum, similar awareness was desperately missing here...
Exhibit A: the 'wanna get laid?' scene between Vickers and the captain = pointless. Why waste time and slow things down with piffling character beats? And did they get laid? Who cares...
Vickers being Weyland's daughter has no emotional impact on either character, or the overall story whatsoever - a too-late, lazy attempt to create some inter-character depth.
The captain and his two co-pilots didn't take much persuading to kill themselves and destroy Prometheus when taking out the ship - yes, mankind's future depended on it but just one manic distress call from Shaw was enough?
And what exactly was the purpose of those two co-pilots? They never became alien-fodder and had a handful of unfunny 'banter' scenes... that was it. And the female Scottish doctor - there you go; three needless cast members.
Would you sign up for a two year space mission without being briefed until you arrived?
Weyland travels halfway across the galaxy to 'meet his maker' and discover immortality (a fascinating concept) only to just get a wallop around the chops when the woken Jockey goes on the rampage - what a thoroughly underwhelming end for him and for us.
The score was obtrusive and added nothing to the atmosphere or tone.
Unless Weyland was to ultimately discover immortality and potentially 'de-age', casting a made-up Guy Pearce is pointlessly distracting unless he is going to appear as a young man at any point (Viral marketing campaigns do not count).
The 'cesarean' scene was phenomenal... as was the epic 'ships colliding and plummeting to the ground' sequence.
The trailer (much like the one for 'Drive') plays out almost every major plot point in sequence... disappointing for a film initially so guarded in secrecy and concerned with spoilers.
If legends such as Ridley Scott are bowing to studio pressure to cut films like this and/or add in pointless scenes then we really are in a dark age for films.
Still the public wont care as they get about 10 super hero films a year to keep them happy
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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you fucking idiots, the director of lost had input into this movie, what do you expect?
with him script writing its only ever going to be a load of shit with no answers to anything, there wont be answers intended either.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
you fucking idiots, the director of lost had input into this movie, what do you expect?
with him script writing its only ever going to be a load of shit with no answers to anything, there wont be answers intended either.
Yes we have already covered this off earlier in the thread.
Get back to spraying you imbecile.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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Might aswell quit tying to find.answers though there won't be any
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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You are not wrong.
After the last episode of lost aired everyone stopped looking for answers after a few weeks.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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I must admit I had concerns when those producers came aboard, it was set to be a full Alien Prequel until the 11th hour and those two Jews got on board and saw $$$ signs
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Unfortunately so, yes.
We need to make a damon lindelof is a cunt web site.
Registered: 29th Mar 00
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Saw it last night, and have much the same feelings as most other people, very disjointed and left me more questions than answers (propbably hoping more people will go to the sequels for $$$) Two bits that really annoyed me, one where the sj ship was crashing and rolling towards Shaw and Vickers, why did they not just run sideways! and two the ending where they just went to the other ship got in a took off, no big deal.
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I want to know why in alien 3 did the alien take days to bust out of her chest when the others only took a matter if hours?
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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My mate told me that they were thinking of making more LOST shit 
Wasted my whole 20s watching that fucking joke of a TV show with no real ending or story.
Fucking bastards