Registered: 7th Mar 03
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Is it possible to be friends with a girl, that u once was seeing or in a relationship with?!
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Yeh definately. I am now but we did go out about 7 years ago.
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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oh right. but does the past ever get brought *sp up?
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Never. Dunno why but we just get on really well now. No hard feelings or anything.
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quote: Originally posted by MikeE
Is it possible to be friends with a girl, that u once was seeing or in a relationship with?!
dunno, but would definitely say not for a year or two. i fucking hate my ex. lol. but my last g/f was pretty cool, but then we were only together for about 5 weeks. and she loved the coc
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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im good mates with one of my ex's, we still flirt sometimes but nothing would come of it. It depends on the break up too tho, and never do mushrooms together or you will end up back together!
Registered: 3rd May 01
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I went to my X 21st last night got on fine
Registered: 26th Jan 03
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Yes my Ex is now my best m8!
Registered: 7th Mar 03
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Im just bit confused cos i still kinda have feelings for her but im trying to forget them
Registered: 9th Feb 03
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went out with my ex for 2 1/2 yrs and it really messes my head up to see her. i dont let nothin come of it tho coz i kno if we got back together it wouldn't last and we would both get hurt. we are friends but it really is hard m8.
[Edited on 16-11-2003 by VoYtO LeViCh]
Registered: 30th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by MikeE
Im just bit confused cos i still kinda have feelings for her but im trying to forget them
aye of course it is, im friends with my ex of 3 n half years, we still have feelings for each other but its nothin major and to forget
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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depends on the circumstancs
Registered: 7th Mar 03
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I think i'm gonna try block her out my life, cos i'm only gonna get a messed up head
Scott M
Registered: 15th Feb 01
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Course it is. I split up with a girl a few years back and startde seeing her mate.
A couple of days later the ex started seeing my birds brother.
Have recently split with girlie and still see her fairly regularly.
Its only as easy as the pair of you make it.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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One of my ex's still hangs round with us well a couple do actually I aint got no feelings for them anymore dunno if they have but we seem to get on ok
Registered: 27th Aug 03
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well ive just split up with my BF and we have agreed to still be friends
Registered: 18th Dec 00
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im not friends with any of my x-boyfs coz they all fooked me over.
im sure it is possible, it just hasnt happened to me yet.