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Author "Zippy's Big Red Tawnger" lol

Registered: 12th Oct 03
Location: Lincoln.
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   20th Nov 03 at 16:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Taken from actual Rainbow Scripts!!!! I can't believe they got away with this!!

Zippy is peeling a banana...
Zippy: One skin, two skin, three skin, four
George: Zippy, where is Bungle?
Zippy: I think Geoffrey is trying to get him up
We see a view of the door and hear Bungle moaning from behind it.
Bungle: Geoffrey, I can't get it in
Geoffrey: You managed it last night
Bungle: I know, lets try it round the Other way. Ooooooh, I've got it in
Bungle and Geoffrey enter the studio with Bungle carrying a hammer and peg kit
Bungle: Would you stick this on the shelf, George
George: I can't reach, you'll have to stick it up yourself, Bungle.
Geoffrey (to camera): Hello everyone, today we are talking about playing
Bungle: Playing with each other, Geoffrey?
Geoffrey: Yes Bungle, do you have a special friend that you like to play with?
George: Yesterday we played with each other's balls. Are we going to play with our friend's balls today?
Bungle: Yes, and we can play with our twangers as well.
Geoffrey (to camera): Have you seen Bungles twanger?
Zippy: Oh I have, I showed him how to pluck with it.
Bungle: It's my plucking instrument.
Geoffrey (to audience): Can you pluck like Bungle?
Zippy: I can, I'm the best plucker here.
George: And I'm good at banging. My peg's hard isn't it Zippy?
Zippy: Well of course it is, your peg wouldn't go in if it was soft.
Geoffrey: Let's get back to Bungle's twanger.
Bungle (excited): Oooooh Geoffrey, we could all play with our twangers couldn't we? Let's play the plucking song. Rod and Roger can get their instruments out and Jane has got two lovely Maracas.
Singers Rod, Freddy and Jane enter.
Freddy: We could hear you all banging away
Rod: Banging can be fun.
Jane: Ooooh yes, and I was banging away all last night with Rod and Freddy.
Freddy (looking sad): Yes, but it broke my plucking instrument.
Rod (to Jane): Do you want to blow on my pipe while I'm twanging away?
Jane: Oh no, I was banging away with Freddy last night. But would you Like to play with my maracas?
Zippy: No, let's just pluck away with our twangers.
George: Yes, it doesn't matter what size our twanger is.
Zippy: I've got a big red one.
George: I've only got a tiny twanger. But it works well and I like to play with it.
Geoffrey (to viewers): Well, have you got your twangers out? And remember, you can bang your balls at the same time. If you haven't got any, ask a friend if you can play with his. Now, let's all play the plucking song.
Everyone in studio: Pluck, pluck, pluck along, we're going to pluck all day.

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by incufan2k3]
Marc D

Registered: 29th Apr 03
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20th Nov 03 at 16:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fraser Young

Registered: 26th Dec 02
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20th Nov 03 at 17:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Been on here b4...
Funny tho

Registered: 2nd Feb 03
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20th Nov 03 at 19:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote



Registered: 23rd Jul 02
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20th Nov 03 at 20:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm sure I used to have the actual video/audio for that on my old PC

Registered: 3rd May 01
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21st Nov 03 at 12:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Still funny for a old one

Registered: 6th Jan 03
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21st Nov 03 at 12:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats fucking Ac

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