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Author Problem with my components.

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 16:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have just bought some JBL GTO505ce components.

I have fitted the woofer and tweeter and then wired them up correctly into the crossover. Then the cable that comes out of the crossover and goes to signal source (either head unit or amplifier) has been connected up correctly.

I am wanting to run these components off my head unit for the time being unit I go and get another amp wiring kit for my other amp. The problem being that for some reason the speakers wont work.

I have took the ISO connector out the back of the head unit and cut the GREY (+) and GREY/BLACK (-) connectors back a bit so that I can patch the crossover cables into them. But after connecting that up properly I am still getting no sound what so ever coming from the speakers. I just cant seem to find the problem, I have checked and double checked all my wiring but as far as I can tell it right which leaves me lost as to whats up.

My head unit is an Alpine 7893R if thats of any use.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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24th Nov 03 at 16:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

..try connecting up your old original speakers and see if they work? Also, if your wiring them straight to the loom (ie: not using the original speaker cable in the doors), then miss out the vauxhall radio loom and go for the wiring from the Headunits own iso block.
If you can, try a different source for the speakers, just to make sure they arnt dead

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 17:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have tried my pioneers that I had in there before and they are fine. Starting to worry me now. they were bought from a reputable dealer though so I cant see them being dead, but you never know.

I would have thought that it doesn't matter where the speakers are connected into the loom as long as they are connected somewhere. I will try and get to the head units ISO block but its a bit of a ball ache as its all fitted it snuggly.

I cant think of another signal source other than my subs amp, yet thats running off the sub preout so dont know if it would give the right signal to test the speakers.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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24th Nov 03 at 17:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well if you pioneers a working fine, take it you tested them from the speaker cable in the doors? (try buzzing out the cable, there may be a break sumwhere? you never know), then its something to do with comps, i would have though.

Yea, i have a problem with the HU's loom being a git to get to, but its always best to connect it as close to the source as you can

You could try wacking a multimeter (set to AC, not DC) on the speaker cable going into the crossover (ie: on the terminals) and seeing if there is a signal going to the crossover - you should get sumthing on the readout. The try it on the outputs of the crossover. You may find that your crossover has gone up the wall

Also, try a set in another car (if you can) and double check it isnt the speakers, but persoanlly mate, it sounds like there duff. I would take em back and get em changed

Im just hoping that i dont have any problems when i finally wire up my comps

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 17:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I will go and whack the multi meter out then and see if a signal is actually being sent, if it is then and I still get no worky I will swap the crossover and see if that makes a difference, if not then they must be busted.

Cheers for the help mate,
Will more than likely be needed more in a bit.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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24th Nov 03 at 17:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not a problem mate
u2u me if you need any quick responses

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 19:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers for the help mate.

Right then, I dunno how I did it but I managed to get the tweeters and woofers working properly. So we have found out that the speakers aint dead, which is good news.

The problem now is:
How difficult is it to run a speaker cable from the door through to the head unit, I can see the little rubber piping that carries the cables but because of the positioning its seems a bit of an arse to sort.

Help anyone??

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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24th Nov 03 at 20:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

glad you got them going
running fresh cable is a propper bastard and it isnt easy Basically, you have the multi plug on the the door and the rubber piping secures all of this. Now the only way to get access to the rubber pipe is by drilling through the multiplug (to one side, where no connections are made) and feeding new cables through. Thats what ive heard since i havnt done this But once you have got them through to the rubber piping, it should be a case of running it through your dash etc. Also, ive heard that its easier to do when you take the door of its mounts, so you have better access to the multiplug.

Best bet would be to get a haynes manual and have a look or wait until someone else posts.

just thinking about it, you could just replace the existing cable to the multiplug then from the multiplug...but it would probably be even harder

sorry i cant really help here mate
Hope it all goes well though

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 20:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers for your help so far mate, much appreciated.

I cant get my door card off so cant actually get to anything behind the door. I have had to leave it with the cables running free which is really really annoying.

I dunno what to do about that then, gotta have a proper look at it all but I dont think I am actually gonna be able to run the cable from the door so i dont know what to do now.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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24th Nov 03 at 21:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

why cant you take your door card off?
Corsa B -> It should be as simple as taking out all of the screwes (for the door card and bottom plastic holder with speaker grill) then wack a screwdriver under the window seal and lifting it off. Then the door car comes off

Although i have a feeling your talking about a corsa C, in which case again i havnt got a clue, sorry

Although if you cant work out the multiplug thing, then use the standard cables that are there (this is what i have done with my comps - chopped the plug going to the original vaux speakers, wacked on a multi block and wired it from there to the crossovers). Then you will use the exisiting wiring for time being. However, when it comes to would be better to have decent wire going from the crossovers to the amp, unless you want to cut the original speaker cable near the HU and multi block it there with new speaker cable to your amp.

Best bet, is to leave it all for a weekend, when you dont have to use the car and do one door at a time.
However mate, if you havnt got a haynes manual i would really recommend getting one, it saves loads of problems...but obviously they dont go into detail about ICE But they help you taking door cards off etc and knowing what wires do what (most of the time).

Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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24th Nov 03 at 21:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah, generally I know what I am doing with the car, its just this has stumped me.

When i amp the comps up I will be running an entirely new cable from the crossover to the source on the amp.

I am talking about a Corsa B, reason I cant get the door car off is because I cant get the winder off, but I have been told how to do it now so I should be OK.

I have still got to find a way to make do with the speakers fitted but the wires showing, i need to find a way to fix that problem.

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