Paul H
Registered: 11th Aug 03
Location: Lincoln.
User status: Offline
hate the dentist i would sooner cut my finger off
Registered: 25th Sep 02
Location: Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
me too 
need to go soon though... keep putting it off
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
I had to go on Tuesday - evil b*stards
Paul H
Registered: 11th Aug 03
Location: Lincoln.
User status: Offline
last time i went i had 7 fillings that will teach me to abuse the wizz
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
User status: Offline
don't see the fuss about it,
had 4 wisdom took out in one go,
had 2 other teeths taken out at another go.
never heart abit.
i still got all my teethh somewhere, i kept them somewhere cos i'm wierd.
Paul H
Registered: 11th Aug 03
Location: Lincoln.
User status: Offline
it's out now thought i was gonna pass out
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
I had 9 out in one go when I was much younger......that kinda hurt, especially when he started pulling on one tooth and the anaestetic hadn't quite spread to it...
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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Last time i went to the dentist i had to have a nerve removed out of a tooth, another tooth chipped away at and a pin put through it, and another tooth repaired. All cos of some twat who hit me
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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I've had 5 teeth out in total. Mostly due to when i had braces. Its the disgusting cracking and snapping noises that make me feel rough 
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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had a tooth out , i like the sound when all the nerves are comin apart, cracking
tryin havin a metal plate screwed to ya jaw, you'll soon realise having a tooth out is nothing
Registered: 26th Jan 03
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by chewbaccaman
last time i went i had 7 fillings that will teach me to abuse the jizz

Paul H
Registered: 11th Aug 03
Location: Lincoln.
User status: Offline