Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
User status: Offline
Pretty crap, some good points tho.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
User status: Offline
im glad to get shot of it... to many evil things happened... was, killings, dave finding a flag and a rake in his garden, the lack of snow
roll on 2004.
let mayhem cometh!
Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
User status: Offline
The beginning of 2003 has been the worst year yet. But from August on it's been one of the best. Bring on 2004.
Registered: 26th Sep 03
User status: Offline
Total bag of shite this year has been, went from bad to worse!!
Split up with the g/f, had to sell our flat and move back home, she then went off with my mate 2 weeks after splitting with me, and it looks very likely they were going behind my back!!!!  They are now apparently living together, after only 5 months of "official" relationship. 
Did crap in my degree because of all the shite with her, somehow managed to graduate anyway, then spent 3 months on the dole, while having car trouble with the old sierra i had back then, a £600 bill for brakes, discs and pads all round and a new caliper and wheel bearing, plus the exhaust centre section, not easy to afford when you're on £40 a week!
Then, just as things seemed to get better, i got the money from flat sale, bought my corsa and got a xmas job, i come round a corner at 70mph into a crash at 11pm at night, manange to write my car off, and someone else's, and get in severe bother with the police, and am now waiting to find out if i get charged with careless or dangerous driving.....  Long story, no point going over it...
Good points:
No expensive present to buy for the g/f for xmas 
My insurance, initially after being funny seem to be honouring my claim (thank fook!)
I have mananged to get myself an Engineering job at last, starting in January     
Managed to pre-register for the Great North Run 2004
And love is on the horizon.... 
So my only good points of this year have been the last week and a half!