Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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Well....i got kidnapped and was nearly tortured to death 
no joke people by the way.
i dont want to go into any real detail sorry people cos tbh its a bit too personal, but basically i was taken away by some 'so called' mates and they took me in their car to a different town and said these asians wanted to meet me and that i would be left there and they would sort me out. i was told that i was to be tied up and tortured badly, even to death 
it was all to do with a courtcase by the way were i was meant to be a witness giving evidence against these ex mates of mine
i was given 3 options on what to do.....
option1 : go to this asians house and be left with them and probably never see daylight again.
option2 : be taken away for 3 days until the end of this courtcase
option3 : agree to go home and never turn up in court again and act like mates to these people
of course i had to take the 3rd option, but now i face even more problems

has anyone else been in a situation like this and thought to themselves that you may be dead within the hour 
thought i'd share what happened with you lot
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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i know of people who have had worse choices than that - they didnt have a nice number 3
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
User status: Offline
well i was lucky this time drew, but believe u me, it was a bad experience and if it wernt for one of the people in the car the driver was going to take me there for sure and i doubt id be infront of this PC tonite
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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not gunna go into much detail but im involved in a circle of people who you'd class as ruthless and very evil. but these people have treat me like family and i feel i owe them for the favours they have done for me in the past
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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im glad ure here
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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thanx shel.
hope things go okay for u venom
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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J, i hope your being bloody careful, there are some fooked up people out there
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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things r sound for me mate, they do people over for a living, they all come to visit me when i was in hospital having my jaw operation and there was 12 blokes stood round my bed with suits on, i was gettin sum right stares after hehe
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Shelly
J, i hope your being bloody careful, there are some fooked up people out there
yes i know, and im the one who are in the same college class as these
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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quote: Originally posted by Shelly
J, i hope your being bloody careful, there are some fooked up people out there
u mean me? thank u luv, but they look after me so im alright
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by VenomTurbo
things r sound for me mate, they do people over for a living, they all come to visit me when i was in hospital having my jaw operation and there was 12 blokes stood round my bed with suits on, i was gettin sum right stares after hehe
sounds interesting mate
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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yes but you never know do you
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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suppose not chuck
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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I do worry about you lads.
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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quote: Originally posted by VenomTurbo
not gunna go into much detail but im involved in a circle of people who you'd class as ruthless and very evil. but these people have treat me like family and i feel i owe them for the favours they have done for me in the past
I guess you need to be carefull not to upset these guys, friends can quickly become enimies!!!
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
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Premium Member
Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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yeah thats what I was thinking