Registered: 12th Jan 03
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as above i never knew u cud do this lad at a party i wa at last wkend put an aftershock over his eye and tited his head , it went in down his eye and not down his face he was extreamly pissed at time and it stung his eye after but it was 1 thing ive never dun or seen , any1 else done it
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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your eye's ( well tear ducts), nose, ear and throat are all connected
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
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I snorted Vodka, didn't do anything apart from make the left side of my face go numb. I'd tell you more about it, but I am afraid I was very, very drunk.
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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lol , it was funny watching him do it , he did wa ok when he did it then i think it hit him when he too a breather outside coz he come back in wasted lol
Registered: 7th Mar 03
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I have been told about this, yet to see it
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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<<<<See my name - even i would never do that!
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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I once did a drip, basically one of those things you get from the hospital (mate is a nurse) he nicked one with this pouch of something that supposed to hehydrate you, anyway he put mixed a little bit of vodka with it, not a lot bout a capfull. anyway, idea was to put the needle in one of your veins and let the solution trickle into ya bloodstream.........curiosity got the better of me, and fucknell i was pissed as a fart in a couple of minutes. was amazin.
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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fucking dangerous!
Registered: 26th May 02
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lol its called a stunt monkey where i live, only ever seen 1 person do it with a shot of vodka, fuck dat lol
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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Saw a guy do an 'eyeball paul' style shot of vodka through his eye.
Made me feel sick
Registered: 18th Sep 03
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lol eyeballs are quality, i have to do 1 at least when i go out
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
I once did a drip, basically one of those things you get from the hospital (mate is a nurse) he nicked one with this pouch of something that supposed to hehydrate you, anyway he put mixed a little bit of vodka with it, not a lot bout a capfull. anyway, idea was to put the needle in one of your veins and let the solution trickle into ya bloodstream.........curiosity got the better of me, and fucknell i was pissed as a fart in a couple of minutes. was amazin.
jesus christ, that was a dumb arse thing to do, Alcolhol directly into your blood stream can kill you, and it doesnt take a lot either.
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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My mate does this when we are out as his party trick (the eyeball thing)
However I just like to drink normally
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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Eye ball paul from Kevin and perry go large
Large rinsin! ohhh mrs paterson
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
I once did a drip, basically one of those things you get from the hospital (mate is a nurse) he nicked one with this pouch of something that supposed to hehydrate you, anyway he put mixed a little bit of vodka with it, not a lot bout a capfull. anyway, idea was to put the needle in one of your veins and let the solution trickle into ya bloodstream.........curiosity got the better of me, and fucknell i was pissed as a fart in a couple of minutes. was amazin.
jesus christ, that was a dumb arse thing to do, Alcolhol directly into your blood stream can kill you, and it doesnt take a lot either.
Yesh i agree, Was quite a few years back now, i was young and carefree, irresponsible, but a fuckin good laugh! Wont be trying it again though, did some research on it afterwards.
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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i always snort vodka up me nose. hurts a bit, but a good larf.
Registered: 8th Aug 02
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I did the eyeball thing a while ago, but discovered it by mistake. I put my eye over my bottle and tilted the drink back and vwallah
I was very drunk at the time, and i do it now and again when i get really drunk. I wouldnt do it with aftershock or a shot though, it bloody stings
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Manchester
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Yep, stinks like a bitch, but youve gotta do it lol, works well with vodka, dont do it will a sticky drink!
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Crazy fools
Registered: 15th Jul 02
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Mate of mine downs pints up his nose.... Tis funny as hell to watch.. Although it backfired on him once...
A girl who her REALLY liked was there and he didn't know.. She came over thinking he was drinking it normally, taped him on the back and he turned around... Beer was flowing from his nose at the time, looked a right mess.. she just walked away.. Then he sneezed    
i havent tryed anything like that..
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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hahahahaha classic kodak moment!
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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1st time lastnight at m8s party, my eye was blurry for about 10min too, thought i went blind, not something i wud make a habit of doin tho
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
1st time lastnight at m8s party, my eye was blurry for about 10min too, thought i went blind, not something i wud make a habit of doin tho
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by mistdotcom
I once did a drip, basically one of those things you get from the hospital (mate is a nurse) he nicked one with this pouch of something that supposed to hehydrate you, anyway he put mixed a little bit of vodka with it, not a lot bout a capfull. anyway, idea was to put the needle in one of your veins and let the solution trickle into ya bloodstream.........curiosity got the better of me, and fucknell i was pissed as a fart in a couple of minutes. was amazin.
Thats fucking stupid!!! I suggest NO-ONE trys this....could all go so very wrong so very easy!!! Canulation is not easy even when trained.....