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Author WTF

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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10th Feb 04 at 22:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Marty says:
and you are?

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
the person that adds your ass to their msn and does not chat

Marty says:
shit hot

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
no my ass is not hot. I have not had a curry for a while and the kebab I had last night was mild

Marty says:
fare enuff

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
yes. it is a shame you do not know who I am

Marty says:
i do know who you are

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
then it is not a shame

Marty says:

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
I congratulate you

Marty says:
and well you should

Marty says:
proves i can read

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
however do not expect me to suck your balls

Marty says:
i dont expect that

Marty says:
or anything of the sort

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
this is good. you know your limitations and do not dream about the things you cannot get

Marty says:
i know my limitations yes but that does not stop me dreaming although at this present time i am not dreaming of having my balls sucked but if the dream should occur then so be it

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
you can dream about having your balls sucked just not by me, nor dream about sucking my balls. maybe you could dream about gingerness

Marty says:
being a male i would not be dreaming that you or any other male would be sucking my balls (if i did then i should start to worry) not would i wish to suck your balls or anyone elses.

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
do you dream about gingerness

Marty says:

Marty says:
do you

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
then you missing somthing in your life

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
this is a shame

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
you will resent your mother for this when you are 32

Marty says:
im sure i shall survive without it

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
you say this now

Marty says:
i say it now and shall forever

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
no you are young. you do not understand. it will come to you later on and you shall see the error of your ways

Marty says:
i was told at 13 i would grow to love vegetable and salads its 9 years later and i still dont, some things dont change and i dont see this being one of them

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
no you are confusing dreaming with love. plus I suspect your parents did not know you. I would have said you would not have liked greens but prefer meat

Marty says:
no confusion with love over parents do know me only too well.carrots taste of carrots but meat tastes of death and that tastes pretty dam good

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
I suggest you cook the carrots. this kills them. alo I prefer live carrots a lot crunchier and better for you. meat I love as well. medium cooked with no sauce.

Marty says:
carrots no matter what are done to them taste rubbish hence the reason i dont eat them.Meat cant be beat if its got sauce then that just adds to it

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
no you are of CHUMP. meat is only good on it;s own. sauces take the taste of partially cook meat away. this is a sad day. one I will never forget. I need to go chew a carrot

Marty says:
stating a preference doesnt make me a chump, you like that you like and so do one hell of a boring place if everyone liked the same stuff

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
unfortunatly preference does make you CHUMP. your preference is your choice. only those of CHUMP woudl get this confused. as for boring. the world is boring your too young to understand. like I said wait till 32

Marty says:
but you called me a chump for stating i like sauce on my meat which is my preference

Meeting OJC tomorrow says:
yes it;s your choice and its a choice of CHUMP. if you were not CHUMP you'd see this. still you have your sauce

Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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10th Feb 04 at 22:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was about to post the exact same thing as the whole convo confused the hell outta me

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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10th Feb 04 at 22:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I knew you were confused

Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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10th Feb 04 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

is it any wonder?

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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10th Feb 04 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well to be honest I was suprised

Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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10th Feb 04 at 22:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

suprised??? why???

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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11th Feb 04 at 09:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I felt you were more

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